Every applicant, before the receipt of a permit under this article, shall be licensed by the City as a drainlayer, and shall provide the City with an acceptable corporate surety bond conditioned for compliance with the street opening specifications, and shall comply with all provisions of Chapter 74, Utilities, § 74-113, of the City Code. Such surety bonds shall be placed on file in the office of the City Auditor.
[Amended 6-18-1996 by Ord. No. 1996-19]
Whenever the City Engineer shall find that a default has occurred in the performance of any term or condition of the permit issued under this article, written notice thereof shall be given to the principal and to the surety on the bond required by § 66-351. Such notice shall state the work to be done, the estimated cost thereof, and the period of time deemed by the City Engineer to be reasonably necessary for the completion of such work.
After receipt of such notice, the surety must, within the time therein specified, either cause the required work to be performed or, failing therein, indemnify the City for the cost of doing the work as set forth in the notice.