The Traffic Commission is hereby authorized and directed to
install parking meters within the areas described in this article
or to cause parking meters to be so installed. The meters shall be
placed at intervals of not less than 20 feet apart, except that beginning
and ending spaces may be 18 feet except in off-street parking areas,
and not less than 12 inches from or more than 24 inches from the face
of the curb adjacent to individual meter spaces.
Parking meters shall be so constructed as to display a signal
showing legal parking upon the deposit therein of the proper payment
as indicated on such meters and for such period of time as is or shall
be indicated by meter instructions. Such signal shall remain in evidence
until expiration of the parking period designated, at which time a
dropping of a signal automatically or some other mechanical operation
shall indicate expiration of the parking period.
The Traffic Commission is hereby authorized and directed to
establish parking meter spaces in such parking meter zones as are
specified in this chapter or as may be fixed by ordinance, and to
indicate the spaces by white markings upon the surface of the highway.
[Amended 12-15-1992 by Ord. No. 1992-39]
A. Whenever any vehicle shall be parked adjacent to a parking meter,
the owner or operator of such vehicle shall park within the space
designated by street marking lines, and upon entering such space shall
immediately deposit in the meter the proper payment for the maximum
legal parking period or proportionate period thereof, both as indicated
or shown on the meter, and, if so required, set the mechanism in motion.
B. It shall be unlawful for any person to deposit or cause to be deposited
in a parking meter any payment for the purpose of permitting the vehicle
of which he is in charge to remain in a parking space beyond the maximum
period of time allowed in a particular zone.
C. It shall be unlawful for any person to park a vehicle within a parking
meter zone unless such vehicle is wholly within the painted lines
adjacent to such meter.
The fee for the maximum parking time or proportion thereof shall be as provided in Chapter
A110, Fee Schedule, of the City Code, up to the maximum allowable limit as set by ordinance and as shown on the meter.
It shall be unlawful for any unauthorized person to tamper with,
open, break, injure or destroy any parking meter or to deposit or
cause to be deposited in such meter any slugs, device or metallic
substance or any other substitute for the payment required.