[R.O. 2004 § 215.010]
No person shall permit, cause, keep, maintain or do any nuisance or contribute to any nuisance as defined by the laws of this State, the provisions of this Code or the ordinances of the City or cause or permit to be committed, caused, kept, maintained or done or contribute to the committing, causing, keeping or maintaining of any such nuisance within the corporate limits of the City or within one-half (1/2) mile of the corporate limits of the City.
[R.O. 2004 § 215.020]
In all cases where no provisions are made in this Article defining what are nuisances and how the nuisances may be removed, abated or prevented, in addition to what may be declared such in this Article, those offenses which are known to the common law of the land and the Statutes of the State as nuisances may, in case such offenses exist within the City limits, be treated as such, and proceeded against as provided in this Code, or in accordance with any other provisions of law.
[R.O. 2004 § 215.030]
For the purposes of this Article, the word "nuisance" is defined as any person doing an unlawful act, or omitting to perform a duty, or suffering or permitting any condition or thing to be or exist, which act, omission, condition or thing either:
Injures or endangers the comfort, repose, health or safety of others;
Unlawfully interferes with, obstructs or tends to obstruct or renders dangerous for passage any public or private street, highway, sidewalk, stream, ditch or drainage;
Is an offensive annoyance which is discomforting or detrimental to the health or public welfare of individuals or the public;
Essentially interferes with the comfortable enjoyment of life and property, or tends to depreciate the value of the property of others.
[R.O. 2004 § 215.040]
The maintaining, using, placing, depositing, leaving or permitting to be or remain on, or discharged from, any public or private property of any of the following items, conditions or actions is hereby declared to be and constitute a nuisance; provided, however, this enumeration shall not be deemed or construed to be exclusive, limiting or restrictive:
Substances Emitting Foul Odors. All substances which emit or cause any foul, noxious, unhealthful or disagreeable odor or effluvia.
Foul Liquids Generally. All slop, foul or dirty water, and all filth, refuse or offal discharged through drains or spouts or otherwise thrown, swept or deposited in or upon any street, avenue, sidewalk, alley, lot, park, or public or private enclosure.
Refuse, Garbage And Ashes Generally. All ashes, cinders, slops, filth, excrement, sawdust, stones, rocks, dirt, straw, soot, sticks, shavings, cans, dust, paper, trash, rubbish, manure, refuse and offal, wastewater, fish, putrid meat, entrails, decayed fruit and vegetables, broken ware, rags, old iron or other metal, or old wearing apparel, all animal or vegetable matter, or any other offensive or disagreeable substance or thing thrown, left or deposited or caused to be thrown, left or deposited by anyone in or upon any street, avenue, alley, sidewalk, park, public or private enclosure, or lot, vacant or occupied, or pond or pool of water.
Burning materials creating noxious odor. The burning within the City limits of any animal, vegetable or other substance, the burning of which creates or generates any disagreeable, noxious or unwholesome smell or odor.
Unwholesome Or Offensive Standing Water. Any lot or piece of ground within the limits of the City on which there is a pond or pool of unwholesome, stagnant, impure or offensive water.
Airborne Matter. Sieving, agitating, handling or exposing lime, ashes, coal, dry sand, hair, feathers, dust or other substances liable to be blown by the wind to the injury, annoyance or inconvenience of the public or of any neighborhood.
Dumping Of Rubbish, Garbage Or Trash. Placing, leaving, dumping or permitting to accumulate any rubbish, garbage or trash in any building or on any premises, improved or vacant, or on any open lot, alley or public right-of-way in the City.
Unwholesome Food. All decayed or unwholesome food offered for sale to the public, or offered to the public at no charge.
Carcasses Of Dead Animals. Carcasses of dead animals not buried or destroyed within twenty-four (24) hours after death.
Accumulations Of Trash. Accumulations, wheresoever they may occur, of manure, rubbish, trash and human and industrial, noxious or offensive waste, except the normal storage on a farm of manure for agricultural purposes.
Pollution Of Water. The pollution of any well, cistern, spring, underground water, stream, lake, canal or body of water by sewage or industrial wastes, or other substances harmful to human beings.
Leaking Garbage Trucks. Any vehicle used for garbage or rubbish disposal which is not equipped with a watertight metal body and provided with a tight metal cover or covers and so constructed as to prevent any of the contents from leaking, spilling, falling or blowing out of such vehicle at any time, except while being loaded or not completely secured and covered so as to prevent offensive odors from escaping therefrom or exposing any part of the contents at any time.
Infestations. Any and all infestations of flies, fleas, roaches, lice, ticks, rats, mice, fly maggots, mosquito larvae and hookworm larvae.
Improper Discharge Into Stormwater Systems. Discharging or causing to be discharged into a stormwater system any waste materials, liquids, vapor, fat, gasoline, benzene, naptha, oil or petroleum product, mud, straw, lawn clippings, tree limbs or branches, metal or plastic objects, rags, garbage or any other substance which is capable of causing an obstruction to the flow of the storm system or interfere with the property operation of the system or which will pollute the natural creeks or waterways.
Signs Or Other Devices Hanging Over Street Or Sidewalk. All hanging signs, ropes, networks or other devices stretched over or across any street, avenue, alley, or sidewalk, or other public right-of-way unless such devices are permitted by ordinance.
[Ord. No. 495, 11-14-2022]
Obstructing Watercourse. The placing or maintaining of any obstruction of any kind in any natural or living watercourse of the City so as to impede the natural flow of water therein.
Open Storage Of Furniture Or Appliances. All furniture, bedding, refrigerators, freezers, heating stoves, kitchen ranges, laundry and dish-washing equipment, air-conditioning units, plumbing fixtures such as sinks, tubs or toilets, or any other such appliances, articles or equipment designed for use inside a dwelling unit if stored, placed or set upon the ground, on any open porch, in any attached carport, in any freestanding carport, or in any garage or shed that is without doors to conceal such articles.
Unsanitary Buildings. Any building or part thereof which, by reason of its unsanitary condition or of its being infected with disease, is unfit for human habitation, or which from any other cause is a source of sickness among the inhabitants of the City, or which otherwise endangers the public health.
Buildings With Harmful Activities. The erection, continuance or use of any building, room or other place in the City for the exercise of any trade, employment or manufacture, which by occasioning noxious exhalations, offensive odors, discomforting, offensive or detrimental to the health of individuals or of the public.
Abandoned Shafts Or Excavations. Any open abandoned shaft or excavation.
Noxious Weeds. Any growth or accumulation of poisonous or harmful vegetation, including, but not limited to, poison ivy, ragweed or other poisonous or harmful weeds that extends upon, overhangs or borders any public place or adjoining property, or any growth of such vegetation that allows seed, pollen or other poisonous particles or emanations therefrom to be carried through the air into any public place or adjoining property.
Trees, Vines And Bushes Extending Into Public Right-Of-Way. All trees, vines and bushes hanging over or extending into or over any street, alley, avenue, sidewalk or other public right-of-way.
[Ord. No. 495, 11-14-2022]
[R.O. 2004 § 215.060; Ord. No. 180 § 1, 9-26-2011]
It shall be the duty of the owner or occupant of the premises or his/her agent, or the person causing or maintaining any nuisance thereon, to abate the same after a written order of the Chief of Police in accordance with the terms prescribed in such order.
[R.O. 2004 § 215.070; Ord. No. 180 § 1, 9-26-2011]
Any person who shall be notified to abate a nuisance as provided in Section 215.050, and who shall fail, neglect or refuse to obey and comply with the provisions of such notice within the time therein specified, shall be deemed guilty of an ordinance violation.
[Ord. No. 180 § 1, 9-26-2011]
If the Mayor or his/her designee shall first find and declare that the abatement of any nuisance which exists in or upon any house, building, lot or premises within the City, or within one half (1/2) mile of the corporate limits of the City, is required for the immediate protection and preservation of the public health, safety and welfare, and that an emergency exists for the abatement of such nuisance, the City may abate such nuisance without notice, and may use any suitable means or assistance for that purpose, whether employees of the City or day laborers especially employed for that purpose, or any other help or assistance necessary therefor. The City Clerk shall certify the cost of abating such nuisance to the Board, and the Board may, by ordinance, levy the cost thereto as a special tax bill against the property on which such nuisance was located, if within the City limits, which tax shall be collected like other special tax bills and shall be a first lien on the property until paid.
[R.O. 2004 § 215.090; Ord. No. 180 § 1, 9-26-2011]
In addition to prosecution of violations of Section 215.060 for failure to comply with a notice to abate a nuisance, and in addition to the abatement procedures provided for the specific nuisances identified in Articles II and III of this Chapter, the City may initiate abatement proceedings when the abatement of a nuisance is not immediately necessary for the protection of the health of the inhabitants of the City, by holding a public hearing to determine the same to be a nuisance and ordering its abatement. Not less than seven (7) days' notice of such hearing shall be given to the owner or occupant of the premises upon which such alleged nuisance exists, or to his/her agent, or to the person causing or maintaining such alleged nuisance, which notice shall state the time and place of such hearing.
In the event that the owner or occupant of the premises where such alleged nuisance exists cannot be located, notice of the nuisance violation may be effectuated by publication in the local newspaper giving not less than seven (7) days' notice of the public hearing on the nuisance violation, and notice shall also be affixed to the property where such alleged nuisance exists not less than seven (7) days before such hearing. All interested parties may appear at such hearing either in person or by attorney and present evidence concerning the matters at issue.
If, upon such hearing, the City finds that a nuisance exists, the City shall order the owner, occupant or agent of such property, or the person causing or maintaining such nuisance to abate the same within a specific time which shall not be less than seven (7) days of receiving notice that the nuisance has been ordered removed or abated. Any person aggrieved by the decision of the City must file a notice of appeal with the City within seven (7) days of the order to abate.
If the owner, occupant or agent of such property, or the person causing or maintaining such nuisance, fails to pursue the removal or abatement of the nuisance without unnecessary delay in the time specified in the order, the Mayor or his/her designee shall cause the condition which constitutes the nuisance to be removed or abated. In such event, the cost of such removal or abatement shall be certified to the City Clerk who shall cause the certified cost to be included in a special tax bill. The costs and expenses incurred by the City for abating a nuisance shall be a personal debt of the property owner and a first lien on the real estate until paid. A tax bill shall be assessed against the real estate.
[R.O. 2004 § 215.080; Ord. No. 180 § 1, 9-26-2011]
Members of the police force and such other officers of the City designated by the Mayor are hereby authorized and required to go, in the daytime, in and upon any house, building, lot or premises, public or private, for the purpose of inspecting and examining the sanitary condition thereof and for the discovery and abatement of nuisances therein, subject to applicable constitutional limitations. Any person or contractor employed or contracted with for the abatement of a nuisance and any agent or employee of such contractor shall have such right of entry for that purpose into and upon any premises, and it shall be unlawful to interfere with any Police Officer or any officer, agent or employee of the City, or with any representative of the Chief of Police, for the purpose of sanitary inspection or the discovery or abatement of any nuisance.
[R.O. 2004 § 215.100]
If any nuisance abated by the Chief of Police as provided in this Article extended, before the abatement, over the property of more than one (1) owner, the cost of abating same shall be assessed in proportion to the amount of work and expense for each proportionate part of the entire work, and the area and the special tax bills provided for in this Article shall be levied and collected accordingly.
[R.O. 2004 § 215.110]
The owner of any premises, or his/her agent in charge thereof, as well as the tenant or occupants of such premises, are hereby charged with the duty of observing all the requirements and provisions of this Article with reference to nuisances, and any or all of such persons, together with the person causing or contributing to cause or bring about any nuisance, may be charged with the violation thereof and shall be equally liable.
[R.O. 2004 § 215.120]
Nothing in this Chapter shall be construed as abandoning or limiting the City's right to bring suit for all expenses pending the abatement of a nuisance when performed by the City, in any court of competent jurisdiction in the name of the City against the person maintaining, keeping, creating or refusing to abate the nuisance or abatement.
[Ord. No. 174 § 1, 6-23-2011]
Emergency Abatement. Pursuant to the authority of Sections 79.370 and 67.398, RSMo., and in light of the declared emergency in the City of Duquesne as a result of the May 22, 2011, tornado, the City hereby enacts an administrative abatement process due to the amount of debris and waste throughout the City of Duquesne that constitutes a danger to the public health, safety and welfare of the citizens of Duquesne. The notice and hearing procedures in this Section shall supersede the notice and hearing procedures as outlined elsewhere in this Code until the Mayor of the City of Duquesne declares the nuisances resulting from the May 22, 2011, tornado removed or abated. All other ordinances relating to nuisance abatement shall apply, to the extent they are not in conflict with the procedures outlined below.
Notice Procedure. Notice of the nuisance violation shall be effectuated by publication in the local newspaper giving not less than seven (7) days' notice of a public hearing on the nuisance violation. Said notice will identify the physical address of the property on which the nuisance violation exists.
Hearing. A hearing shall be held on the nuisance violation by the Board of Aldermen of the City of Duquesne, Missouri. If, after a hearing, the Board of Aldermen determines that a nuisance exists, the Board of Aldermen shall order the nuisance removed or abated within seven (7) days of receiving notice that the nuisance has been ordered removed or abated. Any person aggrieved by the decision of the Board of Aldermen must file a notice of appeal with the City within seven (7) days of the Board's order.
Abatement By The City. If the owner fails to pursue the removal or abatement of the nuisance without unnecessary delay in the time specified in the order, the Mayor or his/her designee shall cause the condition which constitutes the nuisance to be removed or abated. Notice by publication as described in Subsection (B) of this Section 215.125 shall be deemed sufficient notice of the order of removal or abatement due to the impracticality of providing actual service due to the tornado disaster.
Costs. The costs and expenses incurred by the City for abating a nuisance shall be a personal debt of the property owner and a first lien on the real estate until paid. A tax bill shall be assessed against the real estate.