This article applies to accessory, principal and transitional vehicular parking facilities in all districts, except as otherwise expressly provided for in this chapter.
Each land use activity shall provide off-street parking spaces in accordance with the off-street parking charts attached to this chapter.
The number of off-street parking spaces for residential uses shall be equal to the number of vehicles regularly used by or registered to the occupants thereof, but in no case less than the following:
Minimum Required Off-Street Parking Spaces
Residential uses
Single-family dwellings
1.0 space for each dwelling unit
Two-family dwellings
1.0 space for each dwelling unit
Multiple-family dwellings
1.5 spaces for each dwelling unit
Group residences
1.0 space per 2 staff people at maximum shift, plus 1.0 space per 3 occupants, except as modified by § 110-12
Group residences
1.0 space per 2 staff people at maximum shift, plus 1.0 space per 3 occupants, except as modified by § 110-12
Townhouse dwellings
[Added 7-3-1990 by L.L. No. 2-1990]
1.0 space for each dwelling unit
Commercial residential uses
Rooming houses, boardinghouses, tourist homes or guesthouses
1.2 spaces for each roomer or boarder
Chapter residences or dormitories
1.0 space for each 3 occupants
Hotels and motels
1.25 spaces for each room or suite of rooms designed for separate occupancy
The provisions of this article shall not apply to existing uses, subject to the following exceptions:
No existing uses shall be allowed to reduce existing parking spaces below the minimums required by § 110-43 of this chapter or the off-street parking charts attached to this chapter.
Where an existing use is changed to another use, the provisions of § 110-43 of this chapter or the off-street parking charts attached to this chapter shall apply.
Where an existing use is modified in such a way that the factors used in determining applicable minimum spaces indicate an increase numerically over existing spaces, such increased spaces shall be provided in accordance with the provisions of § 110-43 of this chapter or the off-street parking charts attached to this chapter.
Existing uses which do not provide the minimum spaces required by § 110-43 of this chapter or the off-street parking charts attached to this chapter shall be subject to this section, except that such uses shall not be considered nonconforming elements or subject to the restrictions applicable thereto as set forth in Article VIII of this chapter with reference to any modification in such uses not otherwise resulting in modification described in Subsections B and C herein.
Location designated.
District. Vehicular parking facilities accessory to a principal use may not be located in a district within which such use is prohibited, except where situated within a transitional vehicular parking facility.
Lot. Vehicular parking facilities accessory to a principal use permitted as a matter of right or by administrative or special permit in all R Districts shall be located on the same lot as the principal use, except where situated within a transitional vehicular parking facility.
Off-premises lot. Vehicular parking facilities accessory to a principal use in a C District shall be located on the same lot as the principal use or within 500 feet therefrom, except where situated within a transitional vehicular parking facility.
Parking covenant required. Any vehicular parking facility referred to in Subsection A(3) and not situated on the same lot as the principal use or within a transitional vehicular parking facility shall require the issuance of a parking covenant.
[Amended 11-21-2016 by L.L. No. 5-2016; 10-2-2023 by L.L. No. 6-2023]
Front yards. No motor vehicle as defined in this chapter or boat or recreational vehicle shall be parked within a front yard in any district except that portion improved with a driveway.
Corner lot side yards. No motor vehicle as defined in this chapter or boat or recreational vehicle shall be parked contiguous to a right-of-way, except in driveways that are perpendicular to the right-of-way.
Side and rear yards. No motor vehicle as defined in this chapter or boat or recreational vehicle shall be parked within five feet of any rear lot line or within two feet of any side lot line, except in driveways that do not extend beyond the rear of the principal structure on the lot.
Notwithstanding anything contained herein to the contrary, in a C District, the area between adjoining facilities contiguous to that portion of the yard area having a lot line common to both adjoin lots may be occupied by stalls.
Parking facilities, including the common use of driveways, for any land use activity may be used jointly with parking facilities for any other land use activity, provided that the following conditions are met and that an administrative permit is granted by the Board of Appeals in each case:
Absence of conflict. Sufficient evidence shall be presented demonstrating that there will exist no substantial conflict in the principal hours or periods of peak demand of the structures or uses for which the joint use is proposed.
Amount of credit. The number of parking stalls which may be credited against the requirements for the structures or uses involved shall not exceed the number of stalls reasonably anticipated to be available during differing hours of operation.
Distance. Parking facilities designated for joint use shall not be located farther than 500 feet from any structure or use served.
Recorded agreements. A parking covenant is executed.
Numerical requirements. On-premises loading spaces shall be provided in accordance with the provisions set forth in the Off-Street Loading Chart attached to this chapter.
Stall dimension. Each loading berth shall be at least 10 feet by 50 feet in size.
Clearance. The minimum clear height of each loading berth, including access to it from the street, shall be 14 feet.
General regulations. Except as otherwise provided in this section, off-street loading facilities shall be subject to the provisions of this article applicable to parking.