Construction of temporary roadways (e.g., for utility construction,
timber harvesting, etc.) shall comply with all applicable standards
for erosion and sedimentation control and stream crossing regulations
under 25 Pa. Code, Chapters 102 and 105. The erosion and sedimentation
control plan shall be submitted to the LCCD for approval and shall
address the following, as applicable:
(1) Design of the roadway system, including haul roads, skid roads, landing
areas, trails, and storage and staging areas.
(2) Runoff control structures (e.g., diversions, culverts, detention
ponds, etc.).
(3) Stream crossings for both perennial and intermittent streams.
(4) Access to public roadways, including design of rock construction
entrance for mud and debris control.
(5) A remediation plan for restoring the disturbed area through regrading,
topsoil placement, reseeding, and other stabilization techniques,
as required.