[Code 1975, § 2-6; Code 1992, § 2-6]
Any liability for negligence of the City shall be as prescribed by Public Act No. 170 of 1964 (MCL 691.1401 et seq.), and the conditions of such act, both substantive and procedural, shall be complied with in all respects by those making any claims against the City.
[Code 1975, § 2-7; Code 1992, § 2-7]
All moneys belonging to the City shall be paid out upon presentation of a valid warrant issued in accordance with the Charter by warrant checks signed by the City Manager and the Director of Finance.
[Code 1975, § 2-9; Code 1992, § 2-9]
Notice regarding sidewalk repairs, sewer or water connections, dangerous structures, abating nuisances or any other act, the expense of which, if performed by the City, may be assessed against the premises under this Code shall be served by:
Delivering the notice to the owner personally or leaving the notice at his or her residence, office or place of business with some person of suitable age and discretion;
Mailing the notice, by certified or registered mail, to such owner at his or her last known address; or
If the owner is unknown, posting the notice in some conspicuous place on the premises for five days.
[Code 1975, § 2-10; Code 1992, § 2-10]
When any expense shall have been incurred by the City upon or in respect to any single premises, which expense is chargeable against such premises and the owner thereof under the sections of the Charter or any City ordinance or law of the state and is not of that class required to be prorated among several lots and parcels of land in a special assessment district, an account of the labor, material or service for which such expense was incurred, with a description of the premises upon or in respect to which the expense was incurred, and the name of the owner, if known, shall be reported to the Director of Finance, who shall immediately charge and bill the owner, if known. The City Manager shall, at such times as he or she may deem advisable, direct the preparation of a special assessment roll covering all such charges which shall not have been paid. Such roll shall be filed with the City Clerk and shall be presented to the City Council for confirmation as a single lot assessment.
[Code 1975, § 2-11; Code 1992, § 2-11]
The City Manager is authorized to settle minor claims against the City without the approval of the City Council in the amount of $5,000 or less, if such claims are justified after review of each claim by the legal department.