[3-23-1987 by Res. No. 6]
The following words, terms and phrases, when used in this division, shall have the meanings ascribed to them in this section, except where the context clearly indicates a different meaning:
The base year assessment roll prepared by the City Assessor in accordance with § 16-174 of this division.
The amount in any one year by which the current assessed value as finally equalized of all taxable property in the Downtown Development Area No. 3 exceeds the initial assessed value.
The area described on the map in the development plan marked "Map 2 — Boundaries and Ownership Map for the Port Huron Downtown Development Area No. 3."
The Tax Increment and Development Plan, Port Huron Downtown Development Area No. 3, dated March 1987, as transmitted to the City Council by the Downtown Development Authority for public hearing, as approved by action of the City Council and confirmed by this division, copies of which are on file in the office of the City Clerk.
The City Downtown Development Authority.
The most recently assessed value as finally equalized of all taxable property within the boundaries of the development area at the time of adoption of the resolution from which this division is derived.
The Downtown Development Authority Downtown Development Area No. 3 Project Fund established pursuant to § 16-176 of this division.
[3-23-1987 by Res. No. 6]
The development plan submitted to the City Council pursuant to this division is hereby approved and adopted. The duration of the plan shall be 30 years from the date of issuance of the last series of bonds issued pursuant to the development plan, except as it may be extended by subsequent amendment of the plan and this division. A copy of the plan and all amendments thereto shall be maintained on file in the City Clerk's office and cross indexed to this division.
[3-23-1987 by Res. No. 6]
The boundaries of the Downtown Development Area No. 3 as set forth in the development plan are hereby adopted and confirmed.
[3-23-1987 by Res. No. 6]
Within 60 days of the effective date of the resolution from which this division is derived, the City Assessor shall prepare the initial base year assessment roll. The initial base year assessment roll shall list each taxing jurisdiction in which the Downtown Development Area No. 3 is located, the initial assessed value of the Downtown Development Area No. 3 on the effective date of the resolution from which this division is derived and the amount of tax revenue derived by each taxing jurisdiction from ad valorem taxes on the property in the development area.
The Assessor shall transmit copies of the initial base year assessment roll to the City Treasurer, County Treasurer, Downtown Development Authority and each taxing jurisdiction, together with a notice that the assessment roll has been prepared in accordance with this division and the tax increment financing plan in the development plan approved by this division.
[3-23-1987 by Res. No. 6]
Each year, within 15 days following the final equalization of property in the Downtown Development Area No. 3, the Assessor shall prepare an updated base year assessment roll. The updated base year assessment roll shall show the information required in the initial base year assessment roll, together with a notice that it has been prepared in accordance with this division and the development plan.
[3-23-1987 by Res. No. 6]
The treasurer of the Downtown Development Authority shall establish a separate fund which shall be kept in a depository bank account in a bank approved by the Director of Finance, to be designated "Downtown Development Authority Downtown Development Area No. 3 Site Development Project." All moneys received by the Downtown Development Authority pursuant to the development plan shall be deposited in the project fund. All moneys in that fund and earnings thereon shall be used in accordance with the development plan and this division.
[3-23-1987 by Res. No. 6]
The City and County Treasurers shall, as ad valorem taxes are collected on the property in the Downtown Development Area No. 3, pay that proportion of the taxes, except for penalties and collection fees, that the captured assessed value bears to the initial assessed value to the treasurer of the Downtown Development Authority for deposit in the project fund. The payments shall be made on the date on which the City and County Treasurers are required to remit taxes to each of the taxing jurisdiction.
[3-23-1987 by Res. No. 6]
The money credited to the project fund pursuant to this division and on hand therein from time to time shall annually be used in the following manner and following order of priority:
To pay into the debt retirement fund for all outstanding series of bonds issued pursuant to this plan an amount equal to the interest and principal coming due (for principal whether by maturity or mandatory redemption) prior to the next collection of taxes, less any credit for sums on hand in the debt retirement fund.
To establish a reserve account for payment of principal and interest on bonds issued pursuant to this plan an amount equal to one-fifth of the largest combined annual principal and interest payments on bonds issued pursuant to this plan until the amount to the credit of the reserve account is equal to the largest combined annual principal and interest requirements on bonds issued pursuant to this plan. Any amounts to the credit of the reserve account at the beginning of a fiscal year in excess of the requirement of the preceding sentence shall be considered tax increment revenue for that year.
To pay the administrative and operating costs of the Downtown Development Authority and City for the development area, including planning and promotion, to the extent provided in the annual budget of the Downtown Development Authority.
To pay, to the extent determined desirable by the Downtown Development Authority and approved by the City, the cost of improvements as set forth in the development plan to the extent those costs are not financed from the proceeds of bonds.
To pay the cost of any additional improvements to the development that are determined necessary by the Downtown Development Authority and approved by the City Council.
To pay the cost of acquiring property, clearing land, making preliminary plans and improvements necessary for the development of the development area in accordance with this plan.
Any tax increment receipts in excess of those needed under Subsection (a) of this section would revert to the taxing jurisdictions or would be used for future development activities within the development area, as defined in the development plan or as expanded to include all or parts of the Downtown Development Area No. 3 pursuant to amendment or modification of the development plan and this tax increment financing plan pursuant to applicable provisions of Public Act No. 57 of 2018 (MCL 125.4201 et seq.) and other laws.
[5-9-2022 by Ord. No. 22-001]
[3-23-1987 by Res. No. 6]
Pursuant to this division, within 90 days after the end of each fiscal year, the Downtown Development Authority shall submit to the City Council, with copies to each taxing jurisdiction, a report on the status of the project fund. The report shall include the amount and source of revenue in the account, the amount and purpose of expenditures from the account, the initial assessed value of Downtown Development Area No. 3, the captured assessed value of Downtown Development Area No. 3, the tax increments received and the amount of any surplus from the prior year, and any additional information requested by the City Council or deemed appropriate by the Downtown Development Authority. The secretary of the Downtown Development Authority shall cause a copy of the report to be published once in full in a newspaper of general circulation in the City.
[3-23-1987 by Res. No. 6]
Any surplus money in the project fund at the end of a year, as shown by the annual report of the Downtown Development Authority, shall be paid by the Authority to the City or County Treasurer, as the case may be, and rebated by him or her to the appropriate taxing jurisdiction.