[Code 1975, § 39-65; Code 1992, § 32-276; 10-22-2007 by Ord. No. 1280]
The B Neighborhood Business District is intended to permit retail business and service uses which are needed to serve the nearby residential areas. In order to promote such business developments so far as is possible and appropriate in each area, uses are prohibited which would create hazards, offensive and loud noises, vibration, smoke, glare, or heavy truck traffic. The intent of this district is also to encourage the concentration of local business areas to the mutual advantage of both the consumers and merchants and thereby to promote the best use of land at certain strategic locations. Any business allowed shall not create a negative impact to the adjacent residential area or create a large traffic volume. Said business shall compliment the residential area in which it is abutting. In order not to overwhelm the residential atmosphere of the surrounding neighborhood, a proposed business in the B District shall have a site that does not exceed one acre in size.
[Code 1975, § 39-66; Code 1992, § 32-277; 10-10-2005 by Ord. No. 1253; 10-22-2007 by Ord. No. 1280; 10-24-2016 by Ord. No. 16-005]
In the B District, no uses shall be permitted, unless otherwise provided in this chapter, except the following:
Grocery store, including beer, wine and liquor, fruit, vegetable, meat, dairy products and baked goods.
Confectioneries, delicatessens and restaurants. Establishments with a character of a drive-in or open-front store are prohibited. An outdoor seating area may be allowed upon site plan review and approval by the Planning Department.
Dress, tailor, or seamstress shop.
Hand laundry or laundromat.
Wearing apparel shop.
Hardware, paint and wallpaper.
Variety and dry goods stores.
Flower shop.
Gift shop.
Shoe repair shop.
Watch, television and radio repair shops. Small engine repair is not allowed.
Barbershops and salon of a licensed cosmetologist. Massage, tattoo, or piercing establishments are not allowed.
Business and professional offices. Offices of a veterinarian, massage, or physical therapist is not allowed.
Accessory buildings and uses customarily incidental to the permitted principal uses in Subsections (1) through (15) of this section. All accessory buildings are subject to the regulations as indicated in § 52-676.
Off-street parking in accordance with the requirements of Article VI of this chapter.
State licensed child day-care centers subject to the following conditions:
For each child cared for, there shall be provided and maintained a minimum of 100 square feet of outdoor play area. Such play area shall have a total minimum area of at least 1,200 square feet and shall be in the rear yard. Such play area shall be enclosed with a minimum of a six-foot-high solid screen-type fence.
Parking shall be provided in accordance with the requirements of Article VI of this chapter.
A site plan shall be submitted.
The minimum site size shall be 20,000 square feet.
Signage for all businesses shall be in accordance with § 52-831. Hours of operation shall be limited to between 8:00 a.m. and 8:00 p.m.
[Code 1975, § 39-67; Code 1992, § 32-278; 6-25-2012 by Ord. No. 1337]
The following uses may be permitted in the B District subject to the conditions imposed and subject further to the approval of the Planning Commission: public utility buildings and uses, but not including storage yards, when operating requirements necessitate locating within the district to serve the immediate vicinity.
[Code 1975, § 39-68; Code 1992, § 32-279]
The following conditions are required for all uses in the B District:
All business, service or processing shall be conducted wholly within a completely enclosed building, provided further that all lighting in connection with permitted business uses shall be so arranged as to reflect the light away from all adjoining residential buildings or residentially zoned property.
All business or service establishments shall be for the purpose of dealing directly with consumers. All goods produced or processed on the premises shall be sold at retail on the premises where produced and/or processed.
[Code 1975, § 39-69; Code 1992, § 32-280]
For all uses permitted in the B District, having a site size of one or more acres, a site plan shall be submitted, and no building permit shall be issued until the site plan shall be submitted, and no building permit shall be issued until the site plan has been approved by the Planning Commission in accordance with § 52-697.
[Code 1975, § 39-70; Code 1992, § 32-281]
Area, height, bulk and placement requirements in the B District, unless otherwise specified, are as provided in § 52-621 pertaining to the Schedule of Regulations.[1]
Editor's Note: The Schedule of Regulations is included as an attachment to this chapter.