Every person, partnership or corporation holding any plenary retail consumption license or any retail distribution license issued or to be issued in the Township shall furnish to the Police Department of the Township the name and address of each employee of said licensee who sells, solicits the sale of, mixes, processes or prepares any alcoholic beverage at or from any bar or establishment selling alcoholic beverages in an original package or container. The name and address of employees shall be furnished to the Police Department within 24 hours after the commencement of such employment.
[Amended 6-21-2004 by Ord. No. 04-2768]
All persons who shall sell, solicit the sale of, mix, process or prepare any alcoholic beverage at or from any bar or establishment selling alcoholic beverage from original package or container under a plenary retail consumption license or a plenary retail distribution license shall register with and obtain an identification card from the Police Department.
Said registration and issuance of an identification card by the Police Department shall be accomplished by completing or furnishing the following at the initial issuance and at each renewal.
An application for identification card, which application shall contain such information as the usual specifics of personal identification, date, and place of birth, address, other employment and such other information as deemed necessary and proper by the Chief of Police to aid and assist in proper enforcement of the law.
A set of fingerprints and a photograph to be taken by or under supervision of the Police Department.
[Amended 3-24-1981 by Ord. No. 1419; 7-9-1985 by Ord. No. 1799; 6-21-2004 by Ord. No. 04-2768]
Possession of identification card. All persons required to register under § 130-21A of this chapter shall be required to have in their possession, at all times when in or about the licensed premises, a current identification card issued by the Police Department, which shall contain such information as name, address, specifics or personal identification and such other information as deemed necessary and proper by the Chief of Police to aid and assist in proper enforcement of the law. An owner or licensee shall be required to register and obtain an identification card, although such person may not be personally engaged in the sale, mixing, processing or preparation of alcoholic beverages.
Term of identification card and fees.
Identification cards shall be valid for two years from the date of issue thereof.
A fee as set forth in Chapter 240, Fees, shall be imposed for the issuance of each identification card.[1]
Editor's Note: Original Ch. 65, Art. VII, Violations and Penalties, which consisted of § 65-25 of the 1996 Township Code, amended 8-22-1988 by Ord. No. 2063, and immediately followed this section, was repealed 5-1-2006 by Ord. No. 2006-2876. See now Art. VIII of this chapter, Violations.