[Amended 11-11-1980 by Ord. No. 1406; 6-27-1983 by Ord. No. 1594]
The Township has heretofore acquired by deed the following beach along the shore front at Leonardo in the Township, particularly described as follows:
All that tract of land bounded on the north by Raritan Bay, also known as Sandy Hook Bay; on the east by Benton Avenue; on the west by the street leading to the beach; and on the south by the northerly side of Burlington Avenue, being the same premises described on the deed from Mardean Realty Company to the Township, dated April 16, 1938, and recorded in the Monmouth County Clerk's office in Book 1766, page 85, etc., as well as all riparian rights found in Book 1766, page 95, etc.
[Amended 8-4-1997 by Ord. No. 97-2479]
Also all that beach known as the Dempsey Beach located on the easterly side of Leonardo Harbor as described and contained in the deed from Michael J. Dempsey and Mary Dempsey, his wife, dated April 25, 1939, and recorded in the Monmouth County Clerk's office in Book 1792, page 216, as shown on the Official Tax Map of the Township of Middletown as Block 2003, Lot 1.
Also all that beach located on the Raritan Bay as shown on a subdivision map of Mardean, north of Florence Avenue, made by Frank Osborn, Surveyor, Middletown, New Jersey, February 20, 1912, and more specifically described in the deed recorded in Book 1766, on page 89, etc., as shown on the Official Tax Map of the Township of Middletown as Block 2002, Lot 1.
The Township has expended large sums of money in maintaining and protecting said beach.
The Township has acquired by deed the following beach along the shore of the Township, particularly described as follows: all that tract of land bounded on the north by Raritan Bay, also known as Lower New York Bay; on the east by property now or formerly the Vail property; on the west by the Borough of Keansburg line; and on the south by Bayside Parkway, all as shown on a map entitled "Map of Property of Ideal Beach Company, Keansburg, N.J." made by H.S. Sproul, C.E., dated May 1907, a copy of which is on file in the Monmouth County Clerk's office, and being all the land between Bayside Parkway and the bay.
The Township has expended large sums of money toward the filling of said beaches, erecting devices for keeping the sand from erosion of the beach by action of wind and waves.[1]
Editor's Note: Original §§ 5-9 through 5-14 from the 1975 Revised General Ordinances, which immediately followed this section, were repealed 5-12-1986 by Ord. No. 1875.