Commencing with the effective date of this article and thereafter,
annually, no retail food establishment licenses shall be issued unless
the following provisions of this article are complied with: The owner
and/or manager of a retail food establishment and/or his designated
representative applying for retail food establishment license must
first register for and successfully complete a general course of instruction
in sanitation, personal hygiene, food poisoning, dish-washing procedures,
microorganisms, insects and rodents and other related health subjects,
which course of instruction shall be established by the Middletown
Township Department of Health and Social Services. This course, known
as the "Middletown Township Food Handler's Seminar," shall consist
of a minimum of two two-hour sessions under the direction of the Middletown
Township Department of Health and Social Services.
A reasonable period of time for compliance may be allowed by
the Middletown Township Department of Health and Social Services for
newly established owners who apply for a retail food license after
January 1 of each year.