[Ord. No. 08-31, 10-7-2009]
For the purpose of this appendix, the Town of Cumberland is divided into zoning districts designated and described as follows:
Open space.
OS: Open Space. This zoning district is intended for land left in its natural state, maintained for non-intensive and recreational uses, or active public or institutional uses as permitted in the use table.
A-1: Agricultural Low Density and One-Household District. This zoning district is intended for agricultural use and rural density single dwelling unit detached structures, located on lots with a minimum land area of five acres, which may be reduced in cluster subdivisions if agricultural uses are included in the resulting open space.
A-2: Agricultural Medium Density and One-Household District. This zoning district is intended for agricultural use and rural density single dwelling unit detached structures, located on lots with a minimum land area of 80,000 square feet.
R-1: One-Household Low Density District. This zoning district is intended for low density residential areas comprised of single dwelling unit structures located on lots with a minimum land area of 25,000 square feet for areas served by sewer and water; 40,000 square feet for areas, served by either sewer or water but not both; and 80,000 square feet for areas not served by neither both sewer and nor water.
R-2: Two-Household Medium Density District. This zoning district is intended for medium density residential areas comprised of structures containing single dwelling unit and two dwelling unit structures located on lots with a minimum land area of 10,000 square feet per unit plus 5,000 square feet for a second unit for areas served by sewer and water; and 30,000 square feet per unit plus 10,000 square feet for a second unit for areas served by either sewer or water but not both.
R-3: Multi-Household Dwelling District. This zoning district is intended for high density residential areas comprised of structures containing single dwelling unit, two dwelling unit and multiple dwelling unit structures located on lots with a minimum land area of 10,000 square feet minimum lot size for the first unit plus 5,000 square feet for each additional unit for areas served by sewer and water; and 30,000 square feet per unit plus 10,000 square feet for each additional unit for areas served by either sewer or water but not both.
C-1: Limited Commercial District. This zoning district is intended for neighborhood commercial areas that primarily serve local neighborhood needs for convenience retail, services and professional office establishments.
C-2: General Commercial District. This zoning district is intended for commercial areas that serve Town-wide needs for retail, services and professional office establishments.
I-1: Light Industrial District. This zoning district is intended for light industrial uses that accommodate a variety of manufacturing, assembly, storage of durable goods and related activities, provided that they do not pose toxic, explosive or environmental hazard in the Town, and office uses.
I-2: General Industrial District. This zoning district is intended to provide for areas for general industrial uses, including extractive industries.
Overlay Zoning Districts. These are districts that are superimposed on existing zoning district(s) or part of a district and which impose specified requirements in addition to those otherwise applicable and/or allow alternate uses.
Historic districts. These overlay zoning districts are designated in accordance with Title 45, Chapter 24.1, of the General Laws of Rhode Island, as amended, which declares the preservation of structures of historic or architectural value to be a public purpose and authorizes the creation of the Historic District Commission (HDC) for that purpose in the Town of Cumberland. The regulations set forth in § 601 Article 8 are intended to safeguard the heritage of the Town of Cumberland by establishing the following overlay districts:
Ashton Historic Overlay District.
Tower Hill Road Historic Overlay District.
Old West Wrentham Road Historic Overlay District.
Lonsdale Historic Overlay District.
Upper Scott Road Historic Overlay District.
Diamond Hill Road Historic Overlay District.
Town Hall Historic Overlay District.
Special districts. These are districts that are established by amendment to the official zoning map in order to allow specific developments on a given parcel of land that would otherwise not be permitted in the district(s) in which the subject parcel is located. Special districts must meet the criteria and standards as required in this appendix.
Mixed-use special district. This special district is designed to allow a mixture of residential, commercial, recreational and/or other uses as deemed appropriate by the Town Council, and developed according to a coordinated and cohesive plan. (See Article 9.)
[Ord. No. 08-31, 10-7-2009]
Whenever the terms O zone, R zone, C zone, or I zone are used, they shall be deemed to refer to all zones containing the same letters in their names; e.g., R zones shall include R-1, R-2 and R-3 zones.
[Ord. No. 08-31, 10-7-2009]
Where uncertainty exists as to the boundaries of the zoning districts as shown on the official zoning map, the following rules shall apply:
Zone boundaries are generally intended to follow lot lines.
Zone boundaries, where indicated, are the centerlines of streets, parkways, waterways, or railroad rights-of-way.
Where the street layout on the ground varies from the layout as shown on the zoning map, the zoning enforcement officer shall interpret said map according to the reasonable intent of this appendix.
Where the zone boundary divides a lot so that more than 50% of the lot area is in a more restrictive zone, the provisions of this appendix relating to the more restrictive zone shall be extended to the entire lot.
Where the zone boundary divides a lot so that 50% or more of the lot area is in a less restrictive zone, the provisions of this appendix relating to the less restrictive zone shall be extended to the entire lot.
[Ord. No. 08-31, 10-7-2009]
The "Cumberland Zoning Plats" shall constitute the official zoning map of the Town and is hereby adopted and made part of this appendix. The official zoning map shall consist of 68 plat maps in the office of the building inspection department dated June 29, 1994, and as amended, and shall depict all zoning districts, special districts and overlay zoning districts. The boundaries of the zoning districts described above are hereby established on a map entitled the "Town of Cumberland Zoning Map" filed at the office of the Town Clerk, with a true and accurate copy to be shown on the "Cumberland Zoning Plats" consisting of 68 plat maps maintained in the office of the Building Official, dated June 29, 1994, and as amended.