[Adopted 9-1-1965 by Ord. No. 171; amended in its entirety 12-7-1999 by Ord. No. 423]
The existing waterworks and the existing sewerage system in their entirety, including all improvements and extensions thereto that may hereafter be made, in and for the Village of Granville, are hereby declared to be a combined system and the waterworks and sewerage system shall be maintained and operated as a combined waterworks and sewerage system, and charges or rates shall be established for the use of the combined system, which shall be reasonable for the use and service of the waterworks and sewerage system and sufficient to maintain, operate and provide for an adequate depreciation fund and pay the principal and interest on any revenue bonds which may be issued, which by their terms are to be payable solely from the revenues of the combined system. This is done pursuant to the provisions of Division 139 of the Illinois Municipal Code (65 ILCS 5/11-139-1 et seq.) and all laws amendatory thereof and supplemental thereto.
There shall be established a rate or charge for the use of and for the service supplied by the combined waterworks and sewerage system of the Village to the following described property:
Lots 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 13, 15, 16, and 2, in Block 7 in C.H. Smith's Addition to the Village of Granville, except coal and the right to mine and remove the same through underground passages, and excepting therefrom any portion conveyed and dedicated for highway purposes.
In addition to all other charges otherwise imposed by §§ 265-79 through 265-84, an additional charge shall be as follows: upon execution of this section, and upon the completion of all work necessary to extend sanitary sewer service to the premises above described, the sum of $89 for the next 36 months and $77 in the 37th month, for a total of $6,781. The additional charges provided by this section shall be billed on the water bill furnished to the owners of property above described together with all other charges and rates otherwise due at the time payments provided in this article are due.
Any user desiring for his convenience a shutting off of the water supply shall make application therefor to the Village Treasurer, and a charge of $20 shall be made for each act of shutting off or turning on of the water at the request of any such user. The shutting off of the water will not avoid the imposition of and the liability for the payment of the minimum charges elsewhere provided for in this article.
Editor's Note: Amended at time of adoption of Code (see Ch. 1, General Provisions, Art. I).
No free service of any of the services supplied by the combined waterworks and sewerage system shall be supplied by the Village to the Village or to any other person, firm, organization or corporation, public or private.
No water shall be resold or distributed by the recipient thereof from the Village supply to any premises other than that for which application has been made and the meter installed, except in a case of emergency.
It shall be unlawful for any person not authorized by the Village to tamper with, alter or injure any part of the Village waterworks or water supply system or any meter.
All premises using the Village water supply must be equipped with an adequate water meter furnished by the Village but paid for by the consumer; provided that the water service shall be supplied by the Village at a flat rate charge until the meter may be installed. Before any premises are occupied, a water meter shall be installed therein as herein required or application made for water service at the flat rate of charge until the meter can be installed or no water shall be furnished to the premises.
Meters shall be installed at a location that will have easy access.
Service connections made to existing water mains in public rights-of-way in the water distribution system of the Village shall be done under the supervision of the Village and its Water Department. All connections shall be done by a plumber licensed by the State of Illinois.
There shall be paid prior to the opening of the street or alley and connection to the water system a fee of $400, which shall be considered revenue of the Water Department of the Village.
The Village shall furnish the corporation valve for the water main, pip necessary to bring water service to the user's property, the curb stop valve, and the curb box and stem. All water lines installed to convey water from the municipal water main to the property of the user shall be constructed with number K copper pipe according to the size required by State of Illinois specifications. A water shut-off box shall be installed at the edge of the public right-of-way.
The extension of water lines beyond the shut-off box at the edge of the public right-of-way shall be at the sole expense of the water user and shall be the sole property of the water user.
Service connections made to existing sanitary sewers in public rights-of-way to the sanitary sewer system of the Village shall be done under the supervision of the Village and its Water Department. All connections shall be done by a plumber licensed by the State of Illinois.
There shall be paid prior to connection to the sanitary sewer system a fee of $400, which shall be considered revenue of the Water Department of the Village.
All excavations, work connected with installation of pipes and equipment to extend water service and sanitary sewer service, together with closing of excavations, shall be done according to specifications and under the supervision of the Water Department of the Village.
Any person, firm or corporation violating any provisions of this article shall be subject to penalties as set forth in Chapter 1, Article III, of the Village Code.
Editor's Note: Amended at time of adoption of Code (see Ch. 1, General Provisions, Art. I).