This Part 2 shall be known as and may be referred to and cited as "The Village of Granville, Illinois, Subdivision and Official Map Article." It embraces all the lands and properties lying within the Village, and within the areas set forth and described as being contiguous or adjacent to the Village within 1 1/2 miles from the Village limits, but outside the Village. The map herein referred to and identified by the title thereon as "Official Map, Village of Granville" is adopted herein as a part hereof, together with all explanatory matters thereon.
The subdivision regulations and Official Map as herein set forth and made a part hereof have been made for these purposes and objectives:
To provide for the harmonious development of the Village and its environs as outlined, and for the coordination of streets and subdivisions with other existing or planned streets, and for the preservation of adequate open spaces for traffic, light and air, and for the distribution of population and traffic to the extent that favorable conditions in regard to health, safety, and general welfare are protected or created;
To assure that development will follow proposals of the overall Comprehensive Plan for the Village and the environs embraced herein;
To assure that adjacent developments will properly relate to one another;
To assure that a coordinated effort will be made between utilities, services and developers so that streets and other improvements will be properly installed; and
To assure that a minimum level of improvement will be required of all subdividers.
This Part 2 is adopted under the authority of Article 11, Division 12, of the Illinois Municipal Code (65 ILCS 5/11-12-1 et seq.).
Certain terms or words used herein shall be interpreted as follows: All words used in the present tense include the future tense and all words in the singular include the plural and all words in the plural include the singular. As used in this Part 2, the following terms shall have the meanings indicated:
A grant or right to entrance and use of private land for designated public or semi-public uses.
A street dedicated to less than its full planned width.
A parcel of land considered as a unit.
The map established herein and on which may be indicated proposed public improvements for the purpose of coordinating construction of public improvements with future community development.
The Planning Commission of the Village of Granville, Illinois.
A map, drawing, or chart upon which the subdivider's plan is presented and which he submits for approval and intends in final form to record.
The person appointed to occupy the office created herein, in which office is vested the chief administrative and enforcement duties as outlined in the attached standards.
A narrow strip of land between a street adjacent to the property line and the adjacent property, the strip being retained in private ownership to prevent access of neighboring property to an improved and dedicated street.
A condition whereby both fronts and rears of properties face on streets.
Rights-of-way dedicated to and accepted for the public use and affording the principal means of access to abutting property.
MAJOR STREET or MAJOR HIGHWAYA traffic way connecting communities or connecting to limited access traffic ways which, in turn, connect to other communities.
COLLECTOR STREET or COLLECTOR ROADA traffic way which carries traffic between sections of the community or which serves as a connector between rural areas and the community.
LOCAL STREET or LOCAL ROADA traffic way which serves primarily for access to abutting property.
ALLEYA minor way used primarily for vehicular access to the back or side of property otherwise abutting on a street.
BICYCLE PATHA public way for bicycles which is intended to be used both as a means of circulation and recreation.
Division or resubdivision of a parcel of land or a group of contiguous parcels under one ownership on the effective date of this Part 2 into two or more lots or parcels for the purpose of transfer of ownership or building development; provided, however, that a division of land for agricultural purposes or farm residential use into lots of three acres or more shall not be deemed a subdivision.
Multiple-family areas, shopping centers, industrial parks or other similar development, regardless of acreage and planned for more than one tenant, shall be considered subdivisions for the purpose of this Part 2.
The Village of Granville, Illinois.
The Board of Trustees of the Village of Granville, Illinois.
The Village Engineer of Granville or the person designated to act in the capacity of Village Engineer in the review of engineering data as outlined herein where the services of a Village Engineer are specifically mentioned.