No subdivision of any block, lot or sublot or any part thereof, or any piece or parcel of land within the Village, shall be entitled to record in Putnam County or have any validity until it has been approved by the Village Board. Each person, firm or corporation seeking the Board's approval of a map, plat or subdivision shall follow the procedure herein outlined.
Prior to the filing of a preliminary plat, the subdivider may submit to the plat officer material relating to the proposed subdivision in order to avail himself of the advice and assistance of the Planning Commission. This may include information relative to the site and conditions of the site, existing community facilities and utilities on and adjacent to this site, number and size of lots proposed, etc.
It is suggested that for the maximum benefit the material should include, as a minimum:
Location map. The location map should show the relationship of the proposed subdivision to the streets and other community facilities serving it.
Sketch plan. The sketch plan should show in simple sketch form the proposed layout of streets, lots and other features in relation to existing conditions.
The sketch plan discussion does not require a formal application, fee or filing of the plat. The plat officer shall submit the sketch plan material to the Planning Commission, which shall, within one month, make known to the subdivider and the plat officer its comments regarding the proposed subdivision.
The subdivider shall cause to be prepared a preliminary plat and shall file four copies and other required material with the plat officer in an application for preliminary approval. The application for preliminary approval shall include the following:
Location map: a sketch map showing the relationship of the proposed subdivision to the streets and other community facilities serving it. Such map shall include:
Subdivision name.
Outline of area to be subdivided.
Existing streets and Village utilities on adjoining property.
North point, scale and date.
Preliminary plat: a preliminary plat of the subdivision drawn to the scale of one inch to 100 feet and including:
Name of the proposed subdivision, boundary line bearings and distances and acreage.
Name and address of owner.
Names of persons who prepared the plat, owner's attorney, representative or agent.
North point, graphic scale and date.
Contours at five-foot intervals or less.
Location of existing lot lines, streets, public utilities, water mains, sewers, drain pipes, culverts, watercourses, bridges, railroads and buildings in the proposed subdivision.
Layout of proposed blocks (if used) and lots, including the dimensions of each, and the lot and block number in numerical order.
Location and widths, other dimensions and names of the proposed streets, alleys, roads, utility and other easements, parks and other open spaces or reserved areas.
Grades of proposed streets and alleys.
A cross section of the proposed streets showing roadway locations, type of curb and gutter, paving and sidewalks to be installed.
The layout of proposed water mains and sanitary sewers.
The drainage of the land, including proposed storm sewers, ditches, culverts, bridges and other structures.
Preliminary plat subdivision fee. A fee in the amount of $1 for each lot in the proposed subdivision, with a minimum total charge of $15, will be required for submittal of the preliminary plat.
Review by Village Engineer, plat officer.
Immediately upon the filing of four copies of the preliminary plat, the plat officer shall retain one copy for his file (on which copy is indicated the Planning Commission and/or Board action on the plat) and shall distribute the remaining copies of the plat as follows: one copy to the Village Engineer and two copies to the Planning Commission.
The Village Engineer and plat officer shall have opportunity to review the plat and application materials to assure the proposed subdivision complies with applicable regulations and requirements, and report upon such to the Planning Commission. The plat officer shall confer with the Zoning Inspector to determine that the proposed subdivision complies with the zoning ordinance. The plat officer shall also report upon conditions of the site or adjacent properties which, while not evident in the application materials, may affect development upon the site.[1]
Editor's Note: Amended at time of adoption of Code (see Ch. 1, General Provisions, Art. I).
Review by Planning Commission.
The Planning Commission shall review the preliminary plat and application materials to assure compliance with the Village Plan. Particular note shall be made that any planned major streets or other planned public facilities of the community falling in the area of the subdivision being reviewed are accommodated in the proposed plat; they also shall review the reports of the plat officer and Village Engineer with regard to the proposed subdivision. Within 45 days of the subdivider's filing for preliminary approval, the Planning Commission shall make known to the Village Board and Village Clerk that the preliminary plat has been:
Approved subject to modification; or
If disapproved, the Planning Commission shall submit to the subdivider, with a copy to the Village Clerk, a statement setting forth reasons for disapproval, indicating particularly the aspects in which the proposed plat fails to conform to ordinance requirements. Failure of the Planning Commission to act within 45 days of filing the plat with the plat officer shall be deemed approval of the plat unless, however, an extension of time is mutually agreed upon by the subdivider and Planning Commission. The Planning Commission shall maintain one copy of the preliminary plat in its files with the Planning Commission action noted upon it.
Approval or rejection by Board. If the preliminary plat is approved by the Planning Commission, the Village Board shall approve or reject the plat within 30 days following the action of the Planning Commission; provided, however, that any action not concurring with the Planning Commission's action shall require a two-thirds vote of the entire Board membership.
Action on preliminary plat to be filed with Village Clerk. A certified copy of the order or resolution approving the preliminary plat or disapproving the preliminary plat and stating the reasons therefor shall be attached to a copy of the preliminary plat by the Village Clerk and filed in the office of the Village Clerk.
Approval of the preliminary plat by the Village Board does not constitute approval of the subdivision, but is merely an authorization to the subdivider to proceed with the preparation of the final plat.
Approval of the preliminary plat shall be effective for 12 months; except, however, the Planning Commission, upon written request of the subdivider and advice of the plat officer, may grant an extension of time. If the final plat is not filed with the plat officer within 12 months, or authorized extension thereof, of Village Board approval of the preliminary plat, all previous approvals of the preliminary plat shall be come null and void.
Following approval of the preliminary plat, the subdivider shall cause to be prepared a final plat and other material required in filing for final approval. Application for final approval shall consist of filing with the plat officer the reproducible final plat and four copies and such additional information outlined here:
Final plat: a final plat drawn to the scale of one inch equals 100 feet. The final plat may include all or only part of the preliminary plat and should include or indicate the following:
Accurate tract boundary lines with dimensions and angles which provide a survey of the tract, closing with an error of not more than one foot in 3,000 feet.
Property lines of residential lots and other sites with accurate dimensions of all straight lines and arcs, bearings of property lines or other means of accurately locating property lines.
Accurate bearings and distances to known monuments.
Accurate locations of existing and recorded streets intersecting the boundaries of the tract.
Accurate legal description of the property.
Street names.
Curve notes, complete and accurate for all street curves included in the plan.
Street right-of-way lines.
Lot and block numbers.
Property to be dedicated or reserved for public, semi-public, or community use, with accurate dimensions.
Markers or monuments indicating location, type, material and size.
Subdivision name.
Name and address of the owner and subdivider.
North point, scale, and date.
Certification by a registered Illinois land surveyor certifying to accuracy of survey and plat.
Certification of dedication of streets and other public property with notary's seal.
Final approval by the Board and Planning Commission, with signature and date spaces for Village President, Village Clerk and Planning Commission Chairman respectively.
Other required documents:
Certification of title showing that applicant is the landowner.
Restrictive covenants, if any, in form for recording.
Subdivider's estimate of cost of minimum improvements required, and acknowledged statement of Village Engineer concurring with the subdivider's estimate.
Cross section and profiles of streets, showing grades approved by the Village Engineer.
A surety bond, approved in form and type by the Village Attorney, in an amount adequate to cover the estimate of required improvements to be installed by the owner or subdivider within two years of acceptance of the plat.
Final plat subdivision fee.
A fee in the amount of $25, plus an additional $1 for each lot over 12 lots, will be required at the time of submittal of the final plat.
In addition to the preliminary and final plat subdivision fees specified herein, the subdivider shall reimburse the Village for reproducing plats and for all engineering expenses of checking plats, water, sewer and other plans, and for inspection of construction of the facilities required by this Part 2.
Immediately upon filing of the reproducible final plat and four copies, the plat officer, maintaining one copy for his own files (on which is to be indicated Board action on the plat), shall distribute the balance of the final plats as follows: one copy each to the Village Engineer and Village Clerk; the reproducible plat and one copy to the Planning Commission.
Review by Planning Commission. The Planning Commission shall review the comments of the plat officer and Village Engineer and make its own study to assure compliance with these regulations and substantial conformity to the approved preliminary plat or conditionally approved plat subject to modifications requested. The Planning Commission shall approve or disapprove the final plat within 45 days after submission of final plat materials by the subdivider to the Village Clerk; failure of the Planning Commission to act within 45 days shall be deemed to be approval; provided, however, that the subdivider and the Village Board may mutually agree to an extension of time. The Planning Commission shall make known immediately to the Village Clerk and Village Board its action upon the final plat.
Approval or rejection by Board. The Board shall, after being notified of the Planning Commission's action on the plat, or after the time or any extension thereof for the Planning Commission to take action, approve or reject the final plat; provided, however, that any action not in accord with the Planning Commission's action shall only be by a two-thirds vote of the entire Village Board membership.
Action on final plat to be filed in the office of the Village Clerk. A certified copy of the order or resolution of the corporate authorities approving the final plat or disapproving the final plat and stating the reasons therefor shall be attached to a copy of the plat by the Village Clerk and filed in the office of the Village Clerk.
The final plat shall be filed with the County Recorder within 60 days of the date of approval by the Village Board, and if not filed with such time shall have no validity and shall not be recorded without recertification by the Village Clerk and reapproval by the Village Board.
Prior to the release or expiration of bond, the Village Board will request the plat officer to certify that he was notified by the subdivider to witness the installation of required improvements at key times so as to be able to certify that all required improvements were properly installed and that neither the subdivision as built nor improvements installed deviate from the final approved plat.
Should the required improvements not be completed within the duration of the bond, the subdivider may request from the Village Board an extension of time for the installation of the balance of improvements. Should such request be granted, the subdivider shall deposit with the Village a surety bond for the length of extension granted. The bond shall be approved as to form and type by the Village Attorney and as to adequacy of amount by the Village Engineer.