The City Treasurer shall be elected for a four-year term at the same time the Mayor is elected. If a vacancy occurs in the office of the City Treasurer, it shall be filled by the Mayor with the advice and consent of the City Council, the person so appointed to hold office for the unexpired term of the officer elected.
The compensation of the Treasurer shall be fixed by ordinance at least 180 days before the beginning of the terms of the elected official whose compensation is to be fixed. In no case may the compensation be raised or lowered during a term of office.
[Amended 9-14-2004 by Ord. No. 14-2004; 7-22-2014 by Ord. No. 8-2014]
The annual salary of the City Treasurer shall be $12,000, effective upon the beginning of the term following the 2017 Consolidated Election.
The City Treasurer shall give a bond in such sum as may be provided by law, and required by the Council, but the bond shall not be less than the amount required by statute. The bond shall be conditioned upon the faithful performance by the Treasurer of the duties of his office, and to indemnify the City for any loss due to any neglect of duty or wrongful act on the part of the Treasurer.
The City Treasurer shall receive all money paid into the City, either directly from the person paying it or from the hands of such other officer as may receive it.
He shall keep records showing all money received by him, the source from which it was received, and the purpose for which it was paid out.
He shall keep a separate account of each fund or appropriation, and the debits and credits belonging thereto.
He shall pay out money only on accounts payable and payroll approved by the City Council.
He shall make recommendations and furnish to the City Council such reports and data as may be needed by it in preparing its annual budget appropriation and levy ordinances. He shall, within six months of the close of the fiscal year, recommend to the City Council any transfers in the appropriation that may be needed, whether there is an overexpenditure in any itemized numbered account.
He shall deposit funds as provided in § 1.107.
He shall invest all surplus monies of all funds not presently needed, in investments authorized by law.
He shall otherwise abide by the relevant provisions of the Illinois Compiled Statutes.
At the end of every month and more often if required by the corporate authorities, the City Treasurer shall render an account under oath to the City Council, showing the state of the treasury at the date of the account, including investments, and the balance of money in the treasury. He shall accompany the account with a statement of all money received into the treasury and on what account, together with all warrants redeemed and paid by him.
At the end of each fiscal year as soon as practicable, the City Treasurer shall make out and file with the City Clerk a full and detailed account of all municipal receipts and expenditures during the preceding fiscal year, and the state of the treasury at the close of the fiscal year.
The Clerk shall publish this account at least once in one or more newspapers published in the municipality or circulated therein.
The Treasurer shall deposit the City funds in such depositaries as may be selected from time to time by the City Council. He shall keep separate special funds as are required by law. All deposits in any one bank, regardless of the number of funds, may not exceed the limitation provided by law. He shall keep the City money separate and distinct from his own and shall not intermingle his own money with it or make private or personal use of the City funds.
All disbursements made on the accounts payable or payroll or any fund shall be by check and require two of the following signatories: the City Treasurer; and countersigned by the Mayor or the City Clerk.
All other withdrawals and transfers of accounts, monies, investments, reinvestments, securities, or deposits of money shall require any two of the same signatories.
The City Council shall pass suitable resolutions to that effect.