The Animal Control Officer or a police officer may impound in an animal control center unlicensed dogs four months of age or over; unlicensed cats four months of age or over; any dog or cat found running at large; any abandoned animal; or any animal maintained in violation of this chapter.
A record shall be made of all impounded animals by the Animal Control Officer and the Police Department, entering the breed, color, and sex, whether licensed or not, if known, and the name and address of the owner or keeper, if known. If practicable, the Animal Control Officer shall keep licensed animals separated from unlicensed ones. These records will be maintained for one year by the Police Department.
Immediately upon impoundment of dogs or cats wearing a current license tag, notice shall be given to the owner, by telephone and mail, as set forth in the license application. Such notice shall inform the owner of the procedure to regain custody of the animal.
An animal impounded under the provisions of this article may be redeemed by the owner within seven days after the impounding thereof, upon the payment of fees. (See Article 8, Penalties.)
Sundays and holidays shall not be counted as "days" for the purpose of this section. The payment of the fees provided for in this section shall be in addition to any fines levied by the Circuit Court of Cook County. Any redeemed cat or dog not inoculated against rabies shall be taken forthwith by the owner to a licensed veterinarian for rabies inoculation.
Any animal not redeemed, as provided herein, shall be destroyed in a humane fashion unless the animal can be placed for adoption or placed with a humane society licensed under the Animal Welfare Act of the State of Illinois (225 ILCS 605/1 et seq.).
All dead animals not impounded shall be disposed of by the owner. Deceased animals found on public property, streets, or parkways shall be disposed of by the Public Works Department.
No unauthorized person shall interfere with the impounding of or shall release any animal that has been impounded by the City.