[Added 3-9-2004 by Ord. No. 1-2004]
This article shall be known as the "Hometown Sign Ordinance."
The purpose of this article is to promote the use of signs in the City which are safe, aesthetically pleasing, compatible with their surroundings and legible in the circumstances in which they are seen. This article also recognizes the need for a well-maintained and attractive physical appearance of the community and the need for adequate business identification for the conduct of competitive commerce. This article is also adopted for the purpose of reducing sign or advertising distractions which may increase traffic accidents by distracting drivers' attention from the roadway.
Terms used in this article, unless the context otherwise indicates, mean as follows:
Any sign which includes action or motion.
A flag, propeller, spinner, streamer, search light or similar device or ornamentation which is designed or used for the purpose of promoting, advertising, or attracting attention for commercial purposes.
A temporary sign composed of lightweight material, either enclosed or not enclosed in a rigid frame, secured or mounted to an existing structure.
A permanent roof-like shelter which may be freestanding or extending from part or all of a building face and which is constructed of durable material such as metal, cloth, glass or plastic. Lettering must not exceed 20% of the total canopy area and is limited to placement above windows and doors.
A sign in which more than 50% of the entire area is solid or tightly enclosed or covered.
A sign on which the copy changes automatically on a lamp bank or through mechanical means, such as electrical or electronic time-and-temperature units, or is changed manually in the field in or upon the surface area of the sign.
A sign which directs or guides persons to an establishment or to facilities intended to serve the public, including entrances, exits, rest rooms, public telephones, walkways, parking areas, full-service and self-service gasoline pumps, and similar facilities, but which does not identify the establishment itself or other goods or services available at the establishment and does not contain other advertising messages.
Any sign which contains an intermittent, strobe, running or flashing light source, or which produces the illusion of an intermittent, strobe, running or flashing light.
A sign, usually a pole sign, which is completely supported by one or more posts physically attached to the ground. A freestanding sign is a type of ground sign.
A sign supported by uprights or braces in or upon the ground surface.
The vertical distance measured from the natural grade at the base of the sign support to the highest point of the sign.
A three-dimensional picture that is made on a photographic film or plate without the use of a camera, that consists of a pattern of interference produced by a split coherent beam of light and which for viewing is illuminated with a coherent light from behind.
A sign which states the name of the business or establishment, including either the national company or local proprietor, and/or the address of a building.
Any sign which emanates light either by means of exposed tubing or lamps on its surface or by means of illumination transmitted through the sign faces.
Any sign which reflects light from a source intentionally directed upon it; for example, by means of a flood light.
A sign attached to or hung from a marquee, canopy or other covered structure projecting from and supported by the building and extending beyond the building wall.
A sign which displays only the name and/or street address of the occupant.
Any sign which was lawfully erected and maintained prior to the adoption and effective date of this article and any amendments hereto, which fails to conform to all applicable regulations and restrictions of this code, or a sign previously deemed to be nonconforming for which a special permit has been issued.
Any sign that identifies a business, person, activity, goods, products, services or facilities or that directs persons to a different location from where the sign is located.
Any sign that identifies a business, person, activity, goods, products, services or facilities that are located on the same premises as the sign itself.
A sign in which at least 50% of the enclosed area is uncovered or open to the transmission of wind.
A sign, usually of a temporary nature, not securely anchored to the ground or to a building or structure and which obtains some or all of its structural stability with respect to wind or other normally applied forces by means of its geometry or character.
A display sign which is attached directly to the building wall and which extends (usually perpendicular) from the face of the wall more than 12 inches.
A sign of a noncommercial nature and in the public interest, erected by, or on the order of, a public officer in the performance of a public duty, such as official signs and notices of any public or governmental agency, or erected by or on the order of a court or public officer, including official traffic signs authorized by the Illinois Compiled Statutes or the Illinois Vehicle Code.
Any dedicated street, alley or public property.[1]
A sign which is erected on the roof of a building.
The area of the corner lot closest to the intersection which is kept free of visual impairment to allow full view of both pedestrian and vehicular traffic. It is marked by a point at which the two curblines intersect, measuring back 15 feet on each street front, and drawing a line across the two back points to form a triangulated area. Only public signs, sign poles less than 12 inches in diameter and signs higher than 10 feet may be installed in this area.
Any object, device, display or structure, or part thereof, which is used primarily to advertise, identify, display or direct or attract attention to an object, person, establishment, product, service, event or location by any means, including, without limitation, words, letters, figures, designs, symbols, fixtures, colors, motion, illumination or projected images, visible beyond the boundaries of the lot or parcel on which they are situated or visible from any public thoroughfare or right-of-way. This includes, but is not limited to, wall signs, freestanding signs, ground signs, window signs, awning or canopy signs, marquees, changeable-copy signs, message boards, illuminated signs, moving signs, temporary signs, portable signs, pennants, banners, streamers or any other attention-getting device, flag, or other display, whether affixed to a building or erected elsewhere on the premises. The term "sign" excludes those features of a building which are an integral part of the building's design and structure.
The entire area of all sign faces, cumulatively, including sign faces on which no copy is currently displayed.
That part of the sign which is or can be used to identify, to advertise, to communicate information, or for visual representation which attracts the attention of the public for any purpose. This shall include any background material, panel, trim, color, and direct or self-illumination that differentiates the sign from the building, structure, backdrop surface, or object upon or against which it is placed. This shall not include any portion of the support structure for the sign, provided that no message, symbol, or any part of the aforementioned sign face criteria is placed on or designed as part of the support structure.
A sign constructed of cloth, fabric or other lightweight temporary material, with or without a structural frame, intended for a limited period of display; including decoration displays for holidays or public demonstrations.
A sign which is painted on or directly attached to the surface of a building wall and which extends not more than 12 inches from the face of the wall, the face of the sign being substantially parallel to the face of the building wall.
A sign that is installed inside, painted upon or placed against a window for purposes of viewing from outside the premises, not including merchandise located in a window display.
Editor's Note: Amended at time of adoption of Code (see Ch. 30, General Provisions, Art. 2).
Physical standards such as sign height and area contained herein are to be construed as maximum standards.
No sign can be located or maintained in any required parking area or parking aisle.
It is unlawful for any person to erect, construct, enlarge, move or convert any sign in the City, or cause the same to be done, without first obtaining any required sign permit from the Building Commissioner. No new sign permit is required for signs which have previously been issued valid permits and which conform with the requirements of this article on March 1, 2004, unless the sign is hereafter permanently altered, relocated, or reinstalled. Every sign permit issued shall become null and void if installation is not commenced and completed within 180 days from the date of such permit.
No person shall erect, construct or maintain any sign upon any property, structure or building without the prior written consent of the owner or person entitled to possession of the property, structure or building, or his/her authorized representative. The written consent must accompany the application for a sign permit.
Application for a sign permit shall be made in writing on a form furnished by the Building Commissioner, accompanied by the applicable fee and the following information:
A plat of survey showing the location of the sign.
Two sets of plans and specifications showing the method of construction and attachment of the sign. Plans must be signed and sealed by an Illinois licensed structural engineer or an Illinois licensed architect.
Written consent of the owner or lessee of the property and evidence of ownership or leasehold interest.
A current City contractor's license.
An electrical permit if the sign is illuminated or uses electricity.
Liability insurance with combined limits of not less than $500,000.
Permits shall be issued for the life of the sign, or any shorter period as stated on the approved permit application by the Building Commissioner. However, any permit may be revoked at any time by the Building Commissioner upon finding that the sign violates any provision of this article or that the permittee made false representations in securing the sign permit. No fee which the permittee paid for the permit shall be refunded when a permit is revoked.
The permit fee for a sign shall be equal to 1% of the total cost of construction of the sign plus any applicable electrical fees, but in no event shall the permit fee be less than $15.
Projecting signs. A projecting sign may be located over the public right-of-way, provided that the bottom edge of the sign is at least 10 feet above the ground level and that the sign does not extend beyond a vertical plane which is two feet inside of the curbline. A projecting sign extending over the public right-of-way must have a face which is perpendicular to the building to which it is attached.
Freestanding signs. A freestanding sign may be located over the public right-of-way, provided that the bottom edge of the sign is at least 10 feet above the ground level and that the sign does not extend beyond a vertical plane which is two feet inside of the curbline. A freestanding sign will not be allowed to extend over the public right-of-way where there is adequate room on the property such that the freestanding sign could be completely constructed on private property.
Canopy signs or awning signs. A canopy or awning sign may be located over the public right-of-way, provided that the bottom edge of the sign is at least eight feet above the ground level and that the sign does not extend beyond a vertical plane which is three feet from the face of the building on which it is constructed.
Wall signs. A wall sign may not extend over the public right-of-way.
All signs shall be constructed and maintained in accordance with the following limitations and requirements:
International Building Code. All signs shall be constructed in accordance with the minimum requirements of the International Building Code in effect at the time of the permit application.
Electrical Code. All signs which are illuminated or contain any electrical parts shall be constructed in accordance with the electrical code of the City.[1]
Editor's Note: See Ch. 21, Art. 13, Electrical Code.
Access to building and roof. No sign shall be erected so as to prevent free ingress to or egress from any door or window, or any other point of access into a building, nor shall any sign be erected so as to impair access to the roof of a building.
Glass. All glass that is part of a sign shall be safety glass.
Maintenance. Each sign shall painted and maintained as necessary to prevent rusting, rotting, illegibility, or other deterioration. All broken or missing parts shall be promptly replaced. All seams between panels or the components of the sign shall be maintained in a closed condition.
External lighting. Any external lighting of signs shall be directed away from the public right-of-way and from adjoining property.
Identification. Every sign, other than a temporary sign, shall have identification, by name and telephone number, of the company constructing and maintaining such sign marked thereon.
All sign designs and lettering shall be approved by the Building Commissioner to meet the following standards:
Every sign shall have appropriate scale and proportion in its design and in its visual relationship to buildings and surroundings.
Every sign shall be designed as an integral architectural element of the building, structure, or site to which it principally relates.
The colors, materials, and lighting of every sign shall be harmonious with the building, structure or site to which it principally relates. Opaque backgrounds with illuminated lettering shall be preferred for internally illuminated signs.
The number of graphic elements on a sign shall be held to the minimum needed to convey the sign's major message and shall be composed in proportion to the area of the sign face.
Each sign shall be compatible with signs on adjoining and neighboring premises and shall not unreasonably obstruct the view of existing signs.
Identification signs of a prototype design and corporation logos shall conform to the appearance criteria required for all other signs.
Once a sign design and lettering have been approved by the Building Commissioner, that sign shall be deemed to meet the provisions of this section unless its design and lettering are changed.
The minimum setback requirements for all freestanding signs shall be as follows:
The minimum setback for the pole or support of the sign from the right-of-way property line shall be one foot.
Signs shall not be permitted in parkways, public easements, or in the public right-of-way.
No signs may be permitted within a sight triangle, except for safety-related signs.
Except as specifically provided otherwise in this article, the following signs and displays shall be strictly prohibited throughout the City:
Portable signs, except for one period not to exceed 30 calendar days in each calendar year.
Signs which are painted directly onto any exterior wall of any building or other structure.
Signs in public rights-of-way which are not public signs or located on permitted bus shelters or advertising benches, except banners where permitted by the Mayor on special occasions for placement on City light poles.
Streamers, posters, ribbons, light strings, light bulbs, light bands, spinners, attention-getting devices that move, blinking, electronic or flashing signs, except time, temperature and date signs, signs which exhibit changing natural or artificial light or color effects, and festoon lighting, signs (other than neon signs) which contain bare, unshielded light or tubes which are visible from a public street or a private residence. Christmas lights and ornaments shall be permitted during the period of November 15 to the following January 15.
Signs attached to trees, fences, public utility poles, standpipes, gutter drains or fire escapes, other than warning signs issued by government officials or public utilities.
Abandoned or defunct signs, including the posts or other supports thereof, that advertise or identify an activity, business, product or service that is no longer conducted or available on the premises where such sign is located. The property owner shall remove said sign within 30 days of notification by the Building Commissioner.
Signs which move, rotate, change position, have moving parts, or create the illusion of movement, whether the movement is caused by the wind or mechanically, except for the rotation of barber poles and permissible changeable-copy signs.
Signs erected, relocated or maintained so as to prevent free ingress to or access from any door, window, fire escape, driveway or utility lines.
"A" frame, sandwich board, sidewalk or curb signs on the public right-of-way.
Marquee signs.
Roof signs.
Hologram signs.
Signs which emit an audible sound, odor or visible matter.
Signs which by reason of their size, location, movement, content, coloring or manner of illumination may be confused with or construed to be a traffic-control sign, signal or device, or the light of an emergency or road equipment vehicle, except where such sign is accessory to a parking area and gives directions or instructions to drivers or pedestrians.
Signs which hide or interfere with traffic flow or any street sign, signal or device.
Signs or any advertising device attached to or located on a parked vehicle or trailer on a public right-of-way, public property or private property for the basic purpose of providing advertising of products or services or directing people to a business or activity located on the same or nearby property or any other premises.
Off-premises (off-site) signs, such as billboards, but excluding public directional signs.
Signs which do not meet the standards of, or which otherwise violate, the Illinois Highway Advertising Control Act of 1971 (225 ILCS 440/1 et seq.), as amended.
Signs which contain radio or microwave transmitters, or slots or boxes for the distribution of pamphlets or similar materials.
Plywood wall signs or any other wall sign not mounted in a metal frame.
The following signs shall be allowed in all zoning districts with a sign permit, subject to any requirements in this article:
Construction signs. One sign shall be permitted that lists the building contractors, professional firms and lending institutions on sites under construction. The sign shall be confined to the site of the construction, construction shed, or trailer and shall be removed no later than 14 days after the completion of the project. Construction signs for projects up to 10 acres shall not exceed 12 square feet per acre, or 40 square feet, whichever is less. For construction projects exceeding 10 acres, the sign shall not exceed 64 square feet. All construction signs shall be subject to annual review.
Real estate "for sale" or "for lease" signs over six square feet. One temporary real estate "for sale" or "for lease" sign, located on the commercial real estate to be sold or leased, shall be allowed for each lot or parcel. For a tract of commercial real estate containing one acre or more, signs shall not exceed 40 square feet. For a tract of commercial real estate containing less than one acre, a sign shall not exceed six square feet in area, except for tracts located on major or minor arterial roads or major collector roads where signs up to 40 square feet are permitted.
Not-for-profit and religious signs. Name and informational signs, and emblems of service clubs, places of worship and not-for-profit identification signs shall be permitted, but shall not exceed one square foot in area for each two feet of lot line and adjoining a street with a maximum of 40 square feet. Such sign or signs on a corner lot may face each street but the total area shall not exceed a maximum of 40 feet per sign. Message boards are permitted to occupy up to 50% of the sign face.
Informational signs for public, charitable or religious events. Temporary signs announcing any public, charitable, educational or religious event, up to a sign area of 40 square feet, shall be permitted. Such signs shall be allowed no more than 21 days prior to the event and must be removed within seven days after the event.
Integral signs. Names of buildings, dates of erection, monumental citations and commemorative tablets when carved into stone, concrete, or similar material or made of bronze, aluminum or other permanent type construction and made an integral part of the structure shall be permitted.
Banners, pennants and hot-air balloons. Banners, pennants and hot-air balloons are permitted for grand openings, sales, and other similar special events on a temporary basis, for no more than 14 days at a time, and no more than one time per year.
Directional signs. Directional signs shall be permitted, provided that no such sign shall have a sign surface area larger than eight square feet. The maximum height of such sign shall be 3 1/2 feet.
Signs designating parking areas. Signs designating parking areas and entrances and exits to parking areas, other than parking areas for single-family dwellings, are permitted, provided that:
No more than one such sign shall be permitted that identifies each parking lot.
No more than one sign shall be permitted for each exit or entrance.
No such sign shall exceed a sign surface area of four square feet.
The following signs shall be allowed in all zoning districts without a sign permit, subject to any requirements in this article:
Changing of the advertising copy or message on an existing approved painted or printed sign, changeable-copy sign or similar approved sign, whether electrical, illuminated or nonilluminated or painted message, which is specifically designed for the use of replaceable copy.
Painting, repainting, cleaning or other normal maintenance and repair of a sign (but not involving any structural component or electrical work) for which a permit has been previously issued, so long as the sign is not otherwise modified in any way. Replacement of the plastic face will be exempted from the permit requirement, provided that it is due to breakage or deterioration of the face.
Changes in the content of a window display, window signs and window promotional signs.
Changes in the content of permitted temporary signs.
Public signs.
Signs painted on or attached to a truck, bus, trailer, or other vehicle which is used in the normal course of a business which is not primarily the display of the sign on the vehicle, and which is not parked overnight visible to a public right-of-way.
Tablets, grave markers, headstones, memorial statuary and plaques, or other remembrances of persons or events which are noncommercial in nature.
Any flag, emblem, or insignia of a government or noncommercial enterprise, provided that it is not larger than 96 square feet and does not amount to an attention-getting device for commercial purposes.
"No trespassing" signs, warning signs (such as "Beware of Dog"), notification signs for emergency personnel, and other such signs, provided that the sign does not exceed two square feet in sign surface area and there are no more than two such signs on the lot.
Temporary window, real estate, personal celebration, special event and garage sale signs, subject to the following:
No such sign shall exceed six square feet in sign surface area.
No more than two temporary signs shall be placed on the property at any one time, and no more than one temporary sign of a particular type shall be placed on the property at any one time.
No such sign shall be illuminated.
The sign shall be erected and maintained in the interior of the building on the property.
The sign shall be erected no earlier than 30 days before and shall be removed no later than seven days after the sale, rental or other event to which it pertains.
A temporary sign erected in connection with a personal or family celebration shall in no case be erected for a period longer than one week.
Signs for candidates seeking public political office and for referendum appearing on the ballot at any election shall be permitted up to a total area of 16 square feet for each zoning lot and shall be located only on private property.
[Amended 2-22-2011 by Ord. No. 1-2011]
Signs for a public event at a location in the City conducted by a unit of government not exceeding eight square feet located on private property (not on the public right-of-way and not on utility poles) for a period not earlier than 10 days before the event nor later than two days after the event.
In addition to those signs allowed in §§ 18.92 and 18.93, the following signs shall be allowed in the A Single-Family Dwelling District and B Two-Family Duplex Dwelling District, subject to any requirements in this article:
Single-family residential nameplates. Two single-family residential name signs not exceeding two square feet in area each shall be permitted per single-family dwelling. Such signs shall be allowed on mailboxes, but shall otherwise be located at least six feet from the nearest property line.
Street address signs. Two street number signs not exceeding two square feet in area shall be permitted in any residential district. Such signs shall be allowed on mailboxes, and near doorways, but shall otherwise be located at least six feet from the nearest property line.
Multifamily building nameplate and identification signs. In any multiple-family dwelling in which a rental office is permitted, one nameplate sign and one identification sign shall be allowed at each vehicular entrance from a public right-of-way and at each major public entrance to the dwelling for all offices in the dwelling. The identification sign shall not exceed 20 square feet. One residential nameplate sign not exceeding two square feet in area shall be permitted per dwelling unit. Identification signs shall be located at least six feet from any property line, and the top of the sign shall not be over five feet above the ground, whether freestanding or on a building or structure. The identification sign shall indicate only the name, address, telephone number and rental information.
Identification signs for institutional and other nonresidential uses. No more than two such signs per lot, parcel or tract shall be permitted, no more than one of which shall be a changeable-copy sign. The combined surface area of all such signs on the property shall not exceed 60 square feet in sign surface area, with no single sign exceeding 30 square feet in sign surface area. The sign shall be located no closer than 15 feet to any other lot, parcel or tract.
In addition to those signs allowed in §§ 18.92 and 18.93, the following signs shall be allowed in the D Commercial District, subject to any requirements in this article (including the regulations provided in § 18.96, which shall apply to auto dealers and gas stations):
Freestanding identification signs. The maximum sign face area shall be one square foot per 1.5 lineal feet of frontage, up to 40 square feet (for each of two sides) for developments under 400,000 square feet, and up to 100 square feet for developments of 400,000 square feet and greater. One freestanding identification sign shall be allowed per lot, except for lots with over 300 feet of frontage on a public right-of-way, which may have up to two freestanding signs, and except for corner lots with over 300 feet of frontage on each public right-of-way or major privately owned circulation road, which may have up to one freestanding sign per frontage, and for developments over 400,000 square feet, which may have one freestanding identification sign at each major entrance. The maximum height of such sign shall be 10 feet for developments up to 400,000 square feet and 14 feet for developments over 400,000 square feet. The maximum thickness of such sign shall be two feet. Listing of tenants' names shall be permitted for office buildings, but shall occupy no more than 60% of the freestanding sign face. Message boards shall be permitted for commercial buildings, which may occupy no more than 25% of the freestanding identification sign face, provided that no tenants' names are listed on the sign. No message boards shall be permitted for office buildings. A freestanding sign is not permitted for any premises with a projecting sign.
Wall signs. The maximum sign area for wall signs shall be 500 square feet. One wall sign shall be allowed per lot frontage on a public right-of-way or major privately owned circulation road but not on a minor street with residences across the street. However, where an establishment has a rear entrance which is not visible from another sign for the establishment, an additional sign which also directs persons to the rear entrance may be posted above or to the side of the rear entrance, provided that such sign does not exceed four square feet in sign surface area. Commercial buildings may have an entrance identification sign on a wall other than specified above, provided that the entrance identification sign does not exceed 10 square feet and is located on the wall within 10 feet of the primary public entrance which leads directly into a lobby or waiting area. Wall signs may not cover any part of a window or extend above the roof line. Movie theaters may have, as additional signs, attraction board wall signs.
Window signs. There shall be no limit to the number of window signs, provided that the total area of all window signs shall not exceed 50% of the window glass area for that side of the building. Neon lettering shall be permitted on window signs.
Banners. Banners affixed to parking lot light poles shall be allowed only on light poles bordering or parallel to the street, with a maximum of one banner per 30 lineal feet. Banners shall be permitted on interior parking lot light poles.
Projecting signs. A projecting sign shall not extend beyond a vertical plane which is two feet inside of the curbline. The maximum height of a projecting sign is eight feet. The bottom edge of a projecting sign must be located at least 10 feet above ground level. A projecting sign is not permitted for any premises with a freestanding sign.
Editor's Note: Amended at time of adoption of Code (see Ch. 30, General Provisions, Art. 2).
In addition to those signs identified in §§ 18.92 and 18.93, only the following signs shall be allowed for automobile dealers and automobile service stations, subject to any requirements in this article:
Window signs. There shall be no limit to the number of window signs.
Service island canopy signs (automobile service stations only). Only one canopy sign shall be permitted facing each frontage. The gross surface area of such sign shall not exceed 20% of the gross surface area of the face of the canopy to which such sign is to be affixed. Such sign shall not project higher than the top or below the bottom of the canopy to which such sign is to be affixed.
Service island identification signs (automobile service stations only). Service island identification signs may be permitted to indicate the type of service offered, the price of gasoline, and other relevant information or direction to persons using the automobile service station. However, no advertising material shall be allowed on such signs. There shall not be more than one service island identification sign for each service or pump island located on the premises. The gross surface area of such sign shall not exceed six square feet for each exposed face nor exceed an aggregate gross surface area of 12 square feet. Such signs may be located adjacent to or within the service or pump island to which it relates.
Any sign legally in existence on March 1, 2006, which violates or does not conform to the provisions of this article shall be removed, altered, or replaced so as to conform with the provisions of this article by March 1, 2020. An unlawful sign is not a nonconforming sign.
The Building Commissioner shall have the right to grant a variation to or a waiver of any provision of this article, provided that the public convenience will be served and where literal enforcement of this article will cause undue hardship. The City Council reserves to itself the right to grant a variation to or waiver of any provision of this article by formal action at a public meeting.
Editor's Note: Amended at time of adoption of Code (see Ch. 30, General Provisions, Art. 2).
In addition to any sign authorized in all zoning districts without a permit, the owner of a zoning lot which is in the process of being sold or rented may erect one freestanding ground sign, subject to the following:
One sign only (whether a lawn sign or a window sign) per zoning lot is permitted, such sign to have no more than two faces of information.
The sign must be located on the zoning lot which is for sale or rent.
Each face of the sign shall not exceed six square feet in area. The maximum size of ground support shall be a four-inch-by-four-inch pole.
The maximum height of the top of the sign is five feet above ground level.
The sign shall be located no closer than 15 feet to any side lot line or front lot line (if space permits), or the sign shall be erected inside of a window of the building. No sign may be attached to any building, fence, tree, or other structure unless the lack of a front yard restricts the placement of a ground sign, in which event the sign may be attached to the building.
The sign shall be unilluminated and shall not contain any moving parts, flags, banners, lights, streamers or balloons.
The content of the sign shall be limited to an indication that the property on which the sign is located is for sale or for rent, the name of the owner or agent thereof (such as a real estate broker or real estate agent), and a telephone number for inquiries. Signs indicating "Sold," "Rented" or other similar phrases are not permitted.
A "For Rent" sign shall not be erected unless there is a vacancy in the property or a lease in the property is being terminated within 31 days thereof.
The sign must be removed within 48 hours after the property has been sold or the vacancy has been rented.