[Added 10-23-2007 by Ord. No. 7-2007]
For the purposes of this article, the following terms are hereby defined:
Chapter 21 of the City of Hometown Municipal Code.
The Building Commissioner of the City of Hometown or any person authorized to act by the Building Commissioner.
Any part of a building used as a residence or sleeping place by one or more persons.
The legal title holder or holders of the realty, except:
If legal title is held by an Illinois land trust, "owner" shall mean the beneficial owner or owners of the land trust; and
If there is a purchaser or purchasers under a real estate installment sales contract, "owner" shall mean the purchaser or purchasers.
Any single- or multifamily building containing one or more dwelling units occupied by a tenant for which rental income is paid. Rental housing does not include a condominium unit unless a person owns or controls more than 50% of the units in a condominium building and more than 50% of the units are occupied by tenants. Rental housing shall exclude cooperative corporations and associations.
A person who is not the owner of property but receives compensation for managing any rental housing.
A person occupying a dwelling unit pursuant to an oral or written rental agreement.
The owner of any building used as rental housing shall file a registration statement for each such building with the City Clerk of the City of Hometown. The registration statement shall be on a form provided by the City Clerk and shall contain the following information:
The name, street address, and telephone number of each owner of the building. If the owner is a partnership, corporation, limited-liability company or similar entity, the statement shall include the name, street address, telephone number and position of the responsible partner or officer.
The street address and permanent index number of the building, and the number of dwelling units therein.
If rents are collected or the property is managed by a person who is not the owner, then the name, street address, and telephone number of such rental manager.
[Amended 11-27-2007]
The registration statement shall be filed no later than January 31 of each calendar year and within 20 days after a change in ownership of the building. Registration shall be effective for a period of February 1 through January 31, thereafter.
After rental housing is registered, the Building Commissioner shall cause each dwelling unit to be inspected. Rental housing shall be inspected every 12 months or upon a change of ownership.
The City of Hometown shall provide notice to the owner and tenants of the rental housing that it intends to inspect the same. The notice shall consist of a statement setting forth the City's intention to inspect the rental housing and/or dwelling unit for violations of the Building Code. The notice shall also consist of: 1) the common address of the rental housing and/or dwelling unit to be inspected; and 2) the date and time when the inspection is to take place. The notice shall advise the owner and occupant of their ability to reschedule the inspection. Any request for rescheduling must be made in writing 24 hours prior to the scheduled inspection. Owners and occupants will be given at least seven days' notice of an inspection.
If the rental housing is found to be in compliance with the Building Code of the City of Hometown, no further action will be taken by the City of Hometown. In the event that an inspection shows that the rental housing does not comply with the Building Code, the Building Commissioner shall issue a deficiency report and permit the listed deficiencies to be remedied. All deficiencies shall be remedied within 30 days from the issuance of the deficiency report. An extension of time may be granted to remedy deficiencies upon a showing of good cause. A reinspection of the rental housing shall be made to determine if the rental housing has been brought into compliance with the Building Code of the City of Hometown.
Consent or refusal for an inspection (reinspection) of rental housing or a dwelling unit shall be obtained from the tenant of the rental housing or dwelling unit. In the event the rental housing or dwelling unit is unoccupied, the owner shall have the right to consent to or refuse an inspection. An owner or tenant may refuse an inspection either before or at the time of the scheduled inspection. No adverse action will be taken against an owner or tenant withholding consent to inspect rental housing or a dwelling unit. In the event of such refusal, the City may petition the Circuit Court of Cook County for the issuance of an administrative search warrant.
In the event that code violations are found to exist, and have not been remedied as provided for in this article, the City may file a complaint with a court of competent jurisdiction to seek compliance with its Building Code.
The City of Hometown reserves the right to enforce the Building Code in any manner available to it under the law. This article shall not be considered the City's exclusive remedy, or a waiver of any other remedies provided by law.