[Amended 9-4-2013 by Ord. No. 2013-13]
Upon notice from the Board of Public Works, it shall be the duty of the owner of any property subject to § C-73.1 of the Charter to properly construct and maintain a sidewalk in front of his/her property. However, no person shall proceed with the construction, reconstruction or repair of any sidewalk without obtaining a street permit from the Superintendent or his/her authorized agent and a sidewalk survey request from the office of the Engineer. The Engineer shall supply line and grade and the specifications for the work to be performed.
Sidewalks and driveways shall be constructed, removed, replaced or repaired in accordance with such grades and specifications as may be determined or promulgated by the Board, and the permittee shall so perform the work as to meet the grade and alignment of the adjoining sidewalk and driveway and/or such established line and grade as may be determined by the Board and in accordance with the latter's directions.
Agreement required. No person shall make or cause to be made an opening in a curb for the purpose of constructing a private driveway or shall construct such private driveway on City property without first filing an agreement indemnifying the City from any cost or damage by reason of such work and agreeing that such work shall be performed in conformity with the requirements of the Board of Public Works with reference thereto.
Form of street permit agreement. The agreement required in Subsection A shall be in the following form:
In consideration of the City of Townsville's granting the undersigned a street permit at a fee of $.......... for the temporary use or occupancy of City property for the purpose of ....................
at No. ..........
owned by ..........,
it is understood and agreed that this permit is granted upon the following terms:
The permit holder undersigned hereby covenants and agrees to save the City of Townsville harmless from all costs and damages by reason of the work done under this permit, to keep all obstructions and excavations upon City property fully and properly guarded, lighted and protected at all times and to replace all material removed in a professional manner as directed by the Board of Public Works or its authorized agent and to maintain all such work in a safe and proper condition for a period of three years.
Twelve hours prior to backfilling an excavation, the permit holder shall notify the Street Maintenance Supervisor in order to permit inspection.
At least one foot in depth of gravel shall be placed at the top of any trench within the confined of the roadway.
The work of final repair or replacement of a street surface, pavement or curb which may be damaged or removed under this permit shall be done by the City, but the cost of such repair or replacement shall be charged to and paid by the holder of the permit.
If the proposed work involves the construction of a driveway, the undersigned further agrees that the same shall be constructed in all respects in conformity with the requirements of the Board of Public Works relating thereto and shall be maintained at all times in a safe condition. In the event that construction shall not fully conform to such requirements, said driveway shall be reconstructed in conformity therewith at the expense of the undersigned and, upon his/her default, may be reconstructed by the City at the expense of the undersigned.
If the proposed work involves the construction or renewal of a sidewalk extending over all or a major portion of the frontage of the property involved, this work must be done to the alignment and to the grade established by the City Engineer.
No more than half the width of a street between curbs can be opened at one time under this permit. At least half the street must be clear at all times.
Witnessed and
Executed by
No. of permit issued
Material. Sidewalks and driveways are to be built of concrete, meeting the material specifications prescribed by the Board of Public Works.
Line, grade and course. No walk may be constructed except to a line and grade given by a sidewalk survey by the City Engineer. Application for a survey must be made at the City Engineer's office 24 hours before the builder desires to start work. There shall be no fee charged for a sidewalk survey. All sidewalks shall be of one-course construction and of a minimum width of five feet, except where variances from this width are either specifically permitted or required by the Engineer.
Conformity. All sidewalks must conform to the specifications prescribed by the Board of Public Works, and all street driveways must conform to the standards adopted by the City, unless special permission is otherwise given by the Board of Public Works.
Connections. It shall be the duty of the contractor or the owner of the premises upon which a sidewalk is being constructed to leave connections with adjoining walks in a safe and good-appearing condition. Should the walk constructed be to a higher or lower grade than the adjoining walks, the sidewalk builder shall be required to eliminate the step by raising or lowering the end block of the sidewalk on adjoining premises.
General. A standard driveway shall be constructed in compliance with a plan and profile of driveway and sidewalk on file in the office of the City Engineer.
Depressed curb for driveway entrance. Upon prior written approval of the Superintendent and subject to the provisions hereof, existing curbs may be cut or lowered, as provided herein, for the purpose of providing driveway entrances or exits. Stone curbs shall not be cut but shall be lowered in an acceptable manner. Concrete curbs may be cut if so authorized by the Superintendent, provided that such cutting can be done in a good professional and satisfactory manner.
Ramp. The cutting or lowering of existing curbs or the construction of new depressed curbs for the purpose of providing driveway entrances or exits will not be allowed unless the permittee shall provide and install, in each such case, an adequate driveway ramp or apron between said curb and the abutting property line and extending over the entire width of the existing or proposed driveway. Said driveway ramp or apron shall be surfaced with asphaltic or portland cement six inches in thickness and of satisfactory construction.
Editor's Note: See also Art. VIII, Concrete Sidewalk Specifications.
Pedestrian and vehicular traffic shall be protected by the permittee by means of suitable barricades and warning lights around the work, and the work is to be so arranged as to cause a minimum of inconvenience and hazard to such pedestrian and vehicular traffic.
Permits for pouring concrete during weather when it is reasonable to expect frost shall not be issued. Permits will not be issued during the period from October 1 to May 1, except at the discretion of the City Engineer.