[Amended 3-14-2022 by Ord. No. 348]
Intent. It is the intent of the Agricultural District to:
Promote the continuation and preservation of agricultural activities in the areas most suitable for such activities.
Protect and stabilize the Township's viable agricultural economy by permitting compatible uses.
Further the objectives of the Municipalities Planning Code, which are "to preserve prime agriculture and farmland considering topography, soil type and classification, and present use."
Permit low-density residential uses through the application of conservation design regulations in order to conserve sufficient land area for agricultural operations.
District regulations. Only the uses listed in Criteria and Standards for the Agricultural District[1] shall be permitted in the Agricultural District. All uses must conform to the lot, yard setback, and maximum height regulations stipulated therein, as well as other appropriate requirements of this chapter.
Editor's Note: Said table is included as an attachment to this chapter.
[Amended 3-14-2022 by Ord. No. 348]
Intent. It is the intent of the Natural Areas District to:
Promote the proper use, enjoyment, management, and conservation of open space and natural habitats.
Prohibit the location of structures on soils and slopes which are generally not suitable for development.
Encourage the preservation of woodlands in rural areas.
Prevent erosion, sedimentation, and flooding.
Protect and retain natural resources.
Maintain micro-climates and air quality.
Protect and regenerate watersheds.
District regulations. Only the uses listed in Criteria and Standards for the Natural Areas (NA) District[1] shall be permitted in Natural Areas District. All uses must conform to the lot, yard setback; and maximum height regulations stipulated therein, as well as other appropriate requirements of this chapter.
Editor's Note: Said table is included as an attachment to this chapter.
[Amended 3-14-2022 by Ord. No. 348]
Intent. It is the intent of the Agricultural Residential district to:
Promote a continuation of the rural character of the area.
Allow for a mixture of agricultural uses, open space areas, and low-density single-family residential development.
Buffer densely developed portions of the Township from agricultural activities.
District regulations. Only the uses listed in Criteria and Standards for the Agricultural Residential District[1] shall be permitted in the Agricultural Residential District. All uses must conform to the lot, yard setback, and maximum height regulations stipulated therein, as well as other appropriate requirements of this chapter.
Editor's Note: Said table is included as an attachment to this chapter.
[Added 3-14-2022 by Ord. No. 348]
Intent. It is the intent of the Rural Centers District to:
Promote the continuation of existing rural villages in Harris Township.
Provide for uses that are consistent with existing development in the District.
District regulations. Only the uses listed in Criteria and Standards for the Rural Centers District[1] shall be permitted in the Rural Centers District. All uses must conform to the lot, yard setback, and maximum height regulations stipulated therein, as well as other appropriate requirements of this chapter.
Editor's Note: Said table is included as an attachment to this chapter.