As authorized by and in accordance with Sections 335.020 and 335.030 of this Title, when signs are erected giving notice thereof, drivers of vehicles shall stop at every intersection or other location, designated herein, before proceeding.
Street/Direction of Traffic
Adam Avenue, northbound and southbound, at Mill Road
Adam Avenue, southbound, at Millbrooke
Alf, northbound, at Amanda
Amanda, eastbound, at Linden
Amanda, westbound, at Crystol
Ash, northbound, at Hickory
Autumn Drive, southbound, at Hwy. 14
Barber Court, southbound, at Magnolia
Blackberry, northbound, at Main Street
Brook, northbound, at Mill Road
Brook, southbound, at Millbrooke
Bull Creek Avenue, northbound, at Main Street
Cedar Street, westbound, at Sunset
Cherry Street, eastbound and westbound, at Oak Avenue
Cherry Street, westbound, at North Avenue
Crocodile Avenue, southbound, at Elm
Crystol, northbound, at Hwy. 14
Dean, northbound, at Amanda
Division Street, eastbound, at Hwy. 14
Division Street, westbound, at Hwy. 125
Division Street, westbound and eastbound, at Oak Avenue
Dogwood, eastbound, at PP Hwy.
Dolphin Court, southbound, at Elm
E. Terrace Court, southbound, at Hwy. 14
Elm, westbound, at Bull Creek Avenue
Farmer, eastbound, at Hwy. 125
Gator Lane, southbound, at Elm
Hickory, eastbound, at Linden
Hilltop, northbound, at Mill Road
Hilltop, southbound, at Millbrooke
Hugh Street, at both intersections with Main Street
Hwy. 125, northbound and southbound, at Hwy. 14
Industrial Park Drive, southbound, at Hwy. 14
Johnson, northbound, at Water
Magnolia, eastbound, at South Avenue
Magnolia, westbound, at Linden
Main Street, westbound, at Hwy. 14
Maple, northbound at Scott Street
Maple, southbound, at Main Street
Mill Road, eastbound, at Hwy. 125
Mill Road, eastbound, at Waterwheel Avenue
Millbrooke, eastbound, at Hwy. 125
North Avenue, northbound and southbound, at Main Street
North Avenue, northbound and southbound, at Scott Street
North Avenue, northbound, at Division Street
Oak Avenue, northbound and southbound, at Division Street
Oak Avenue, northbound and southbound, at Main Street
Park Circle, northbound, at Division Street
Peach Tree, eastbound, at North Avenue
Peach Tree, westbound, at Linden
Persimmon, southbound, at Main Street
Pine, eastbound, at Bull Creek Avenue
Plum, northbound, at Main Street
Prairie, eastbound, at South Avenue
Red Bud, eastbound, at PP Hwy.
Renee, northbound, at Amanda
Scott Street, eastbound and westbound, at Hwy. 125
Scott Street, eastbound and westbound, at North Avenue
Scott Street, eastbound, at Oak Avenue
Shady Grove Road, eastbound, at Linden
Shark Circle, southbound, at Elm
South Avenue, northbound, at Water
South Avenue, southbound, at Red Bud
Sunset, westbound, at Bull Creek Avenue
Village Drive, southbound, at Hwy. 14
W. Terrace Court, southbound, at Hwy. 14
Walnut Street, eastbound, at Linden
Water, eastbound, at Bull Creek Avenue
Waterwheel Avenue, northbound and southbound, at Mill Road
Waterwheel Avenue, northbound, at Cobblestone Lane
Waterwheel Avenue, southbound, at Millbrooke
Wildwood, westbound, at Linden
Willow, northbound, at Hickory
Wilson Court, southbound, at Hwy. 14