[Amended 4-20-2017 by Ord. No. 17-069]
Commentary: This Part 5 is written in two parts: general zoning standards, or standards applicable to all uses; and special use standards, or standards applicable to specific uses. The performance standards outlined in this Part 5 are applicable to all uses of land and structures in the City of Augusta, whether affected by conventional zoning processes or by performance zoning processes.
General requirement — existing uses.
Consistent with the purpose of this chapter, the 2007 Comprehensive Plan, as amended, and the provisions regarding nonconforming uses and structures, any use legally existing as of the effective date of this chapter which does not meet one or more of the following performance standards shall, upon application for expansion, change of use or other modification, excluding minor modifications, be required to bring into compliance existing nonconforming aspects of the property under the following conditions:
The modification is something other than a minor modification (as defined below); and
The projected cost of the site modification equals or exceeds $20,000.
All performance standards applicable to the expanding portion of a preexisting use or structure shall be met.
An applicant shall be required to apply 4% of the projected cost of modification to the property to eliminate nonconformities. If less than 4% of the projected cost is needed to eliminate nonconformities, only that amount needed shall be required. No more than 4% of the projected cost shall be required to be applied with any one application. As to the following standards, where maximizing compliance with one may preclude or limit the extent of compliance with another, maximization of compliance shall be prioritized in the following descending order:
Parking requirements.
Driveway and access requirements.
Buffer requirements.
This section shall be construed to require, as applicable, the development of additional parking facilities, reconfiguration of driveway or access facilities, the relocation of parking facilities to meet setback and/or buffering requirements, and the conversion of parking or other areas to buffer area. It shall be the applicant's burden to demonstrate that based upon lot size or configuration, the location, size, orientation or nature of existing buildings or development, topography or other features of the site, full compliance with the performance standards is precluded. This section shall not be construed to require the relocation of legally existing principal or accessory buildings.
For purposes of this section, minor modifications include:
Expansions of legally existing principal or accessory buildings by not more than 20% of the floor area of each such building; or
New accessory buildings where the floor area of such new buildings do not exceed 20% of the floor area of the existing principal building; or
Other site modifications, excluding buildings which in the aggregate increase the impervious area by 5,000 square feet or less over the life of the development;
Internal renovations of existing buildings; and
Normal maintenance and repair;
Improvements required to meet ADA requirements.
Cumulative expansion or construction as outlined in Items 1 and 2 shall be included in the calculation when determining whether thresholds are met.
Nothing in this section shall supplant any requirements applicable to Shoreland Zones.