[Adopted 7-1-1994 as part of the Zoning Ordinance[1]]
Editor's Note: See Ch. 405, Zoning.
Appointment of members; alternates.
Members of the Zoning Board of Review shall be appointed by majority vote of the Town Council.
In case any vacancy occurs in said Board for any case or cause, the Town Council shall appoint a member to said Board to fill said vacancy for the remainder of the term of the member who has vacated his office.
The Zoning Board of Review shall consist of five members, each to hold office for the term of five years; provided, however, that the original appointments shall be made for terms of one, two, three, four, and five years, respectively. The Zoning Board of Review shall also include two alternates to be designated as the first and second alternate members, their terms to be set by ordinance, but not to exceed five years.
Members of zoning boards of review serving on the effective date of adoption of a zoning ordinance under the Zoning Chapter shall be exempt from provisions of this section respecting terms of originally appointed members until the expiration of their current terms.
Alternates. Alternate members shall sit and may actively participate in hearings. The first and second alternates shall be designated by the Chairperson on a case-by-case basis. The first alternate shall vote if a member of the board is unable to serve at a hearing and the second shall vote if two members of the Board are unable to serve at a hearing. In the absence of the first alternate member, the second alternate member shall serve in the position of the first alternate.
Removal of a member. Members of the Zoning Board of Review may be removed from the Board for due cause by majority vote of the Town Council.
Organization of the Board. The Zoning Board of Review shall annually elect a Chairperson, a Vice Chairperson and a Secretary. The Chairperson, or in his or her absence, the Vice Chairperson, shall preside over all meetings of the Board.
Individual members of the Board may be reimbursed for expenses incurred in the performance of official duties with approval of the Chair.
The Zoning Board of Review may engage legal, technical, or clerical assistance to aid in the discharge of its duties.
The Town may provide for remuneration to members of the Zoning Board of Review.
The Zoning Board of Review shall adopt and maintain written rules of procedure, which shall be available to any applicant or the general public at the office of the Zoning Enforcement Officer. Said rules of procedure shall include, at a minimum, a mailing address to which appeals and correspondence to the Zoning Board of Review shall be sent and an office where records and decisions shall be filed.
In case of conflict between such rules of procedure and this article, the provisions of this article shall apply.
The Chairperson, or in his or her absence, the Vice Chairperson, may administer oaths and compel the attendance of witnesses by the issuance of subpoenas.
No member or alternate may vote on any matter before the Board unless he or she has attended all hearings concerning that matter.
Any petition for a variance or a special use permit to the Zoning Board of Review of the said Town shall be accompanied by a fee as prescribed by the Town of Portsmouth ordinance pertaining to fees.[1]
Editor's Note: See Ch. 170, Fees, Arts. III and V.