[Adopted 10-28-2009 by Ord. No. 2009-20]
The Borough Attorney shall be appointed annually by the Mayor with the advice and consent of the Council for a term not to exceed one year from the first day of January of the year of his or her appointment and until his or her successor has been appointed and qualified. He or she shall be an attorney at law of New Jersey but need not be a resident of the Borough. The Attorney shall receive a fixed salary as set forth in the Salary Ordinance[1] for his or her attendance at the organizational meeting of the governing body. The Borough Attorney shall also be paid pursuant to a professional services contract that shall be executed annually. The professional services contract shall set the hourly rate of compensation for the Borough Attorney, and shall provide for the payment of the ordinary and necessary costs associated with the Borough Attorney's representation of the Borough.
Editor's Note: Said ordinance is on file in the Borough offices. See also Ch. 52, Salaries and Compensation.
The Borough Attorney shall represent the Borough in all legal matters and shall advise and assist the Mayor, Council, the Borough Administrator and the departments as required in the administration of Borough government. He or she shall attend meetings of the Council, draft ordinances and resolutions and give opinions and rulings on questions of law which may arise at Council meetings. He or she shall prepare or approve all legal instruments relating to the business of the Borough. He or she shall represent the Borough in any litigation and conduct trials, appeals and other proceedings affecting the interest of the Borough as he or she may in his or her discretion determine to be necessary or desirable, subject to the approval of the Mayor and Council.
The Borough Attorney shall also:
Maintain records of all actions, suits, proceedings and matters which relate to the Borough's interest and report thereon from time to time as the Mayor or Council may require.
Have power to enter into any agreement, compromise or settlement or any litigation in which the Borough is involved, subject to the prior approval of the Mayor and Council.