[Amended 3-7-1977 by Ord. No. 31B]
The City Solicitor shall be appointed by and serve at the pleasure of Council. The Council may appoint such assistant solicitor or solicitors as it deems necessary. The areas of responsibility of the Solicitor shall be to:
Advise Council and the Manager or any City officer, when thereto requested, upon all legal questions arising in the conduct of City business.
Prepare or revise ordinances so requested by Council, the Manager or any officer thereof.
Give his written opinion on any legal matter or question submitted to him by Council or the Manager or any of its committees or by any City officer.
Attend such Council meetings as requested by Council or the City Manager for the purpose of giving Council and the Manager any legal advice requested.
Prepare for execution all contracts and instruments to which the City is a party and approve as to form all bonds required to be submitted to the City.
Represent the City in all legal actions brought by or against the City.
Have the power to adjust, settle, compromise or submit to arbitration any action or causes of action, accounts, etc., in which the City is concerned, as directed by Council.
Make an annual report to Council and the Manager of all pending litigation in which the City has an interest and the condition thereof.
Keep records and deliver all records and documents and property of every description in his possession, belonging in his office or to the City, to his successor in office, who shall give duplicate receipts therefor, one of which he shall file with the Manager.