[Adopted 11-9-2015 by L.L. No. 3-2015]
No procession, parade, street fair or use of municipal property for an event shall be allowed in the Village of Liberty at any time along any highway or street or on municipal property, unless a permit for such procession, parade, street fair or use of municipal property at that time has been obtained from the Village Clerk. No person shall take part in, aid, form or start any procession, parade, street fair or use of municipal property for an event unless a permit for said procession, parade, street fair or use of municipal property for an event has been issued by the Village Clerk, and no person shall take part in any procession parade, street fair or use of municipal property for an event which is proceeding in a manner not in accordance with the terms of such permit.
The Village reserves the right to reasonably regulate the time, place and manner of the public use; such restrictions will not be based upon the applicant's speech or message to be promulgated by such use.
Any person or entity desiring issuance of a permit shall submit a written application in such form as the Village Clerk shall require which shall include the following information:
Name, address and phone number of the applicant and the sponsoring organization, along with the person or persons who shall be the organizer or organizers of such procession, parade, street fair or use of municipal property.
An explanation of the nature of the procession, parade, street fair or use of the municipal property, to include an exact description of the municipal property to be used, and the hours such property will be used.
A description of the event.
An explanation of the security and sanitation protocols to be utilized at the event.
Such other information as the Mayor, Chief of Police, or Superintendent of Highway may deem reasonably necessary.
Insurance. All such written applications for permits shall be accompanied by a valid certificate of liability insurance to the applicant naming the Village of Liberty as an additional insured on said policy, with coverage in the amount of $1,000,000 for bodily injury and in the amount of $500,000 per accident from either a New York State insurance company or an insurance company authorized to do business in the State of New York, so that in the event of failure of the insurance company there will be funds through the New York State Insurance Liquidation Bureau to pay any potential claims.
Security. All such written applications for permits shall be accompanied by security in the form of a certified check, bank check and/or valid bond from a financially reliable surety, each payable to the Village of Liberty in a reasonable sum to be determined after consultation between the Mayor, Police Chief or Superintendent of Highway so as to provide for cleanup. At the termination of the applicant's use, the designated area of street or municipal property shall be surrendered in the same condition of cleanliness and repair as it was upon commencement of the use, broom clean with all trash and other material resulting from the applicant's use removed and taken to the landfill. If the area is not surrendered as set forth above within a reasonable period of time to be determined by the Mayor, Police Chief, Superintendent of Highways as set forth in the permit, the Village shall complete the cleanup and deduct the cost from the security posted. If the security shall not be sufficient, the applicant can be charged the deficiency, and if any sum is left after the cleanup in the security posted, it shall be returned to the applicant.
Application fee. The Village of Liberty Board shall, by referendum, set the amount of the application fee for the use of municipal property. The current fee amounts will be posted in the Village Clerk's office. The application fee may be waived for municipal or not-for-profit applicants for good cause shown.
Issuance of permit. Such application shall be filed with the Village Clerk not less than 30 days, not counting holidays or Sundays, prior to the proposed date of the procession, parade, street fair or use of municipal property, and upon payment of the required fee, a permit for the procession, parade, street fair or use of municipal property shall be issued by the Village Clerk within 15 days, not counting holidays or Sundays, after the application is made, unless:
The procession, parade, street fair or use of municipal property for which a permit is sought would conflict with another procession, parade, street fair or use of municipal property for which a permit is to be or has been issued and for which application was made previous to the subject application.
The procession, parade, street fair or use of municipal property would conflict with a procession or parade to which this chapter does not apply.
The Mayor or Chief of Police shall advise the Village Clerk that the procession, parade, street fair or use of municipal property for which a permit is sought would endanger the public health or safety or would be detrimental to the public welfare.
The Village Clerk shall promptly provide written notice to the Mayor, the Chief of Police, and Superintendent of Highways of any and all applications for permits under this chapter. If the consensus of such officials is that the procession, parade, street fair or use of municipal property for which permit is sought would endanger public health or safety to be detrimental to the public welfare, the Village Clerk shall deny the application and not issue the permit.
Any applicant receiving such a denial may appeal directly to the Village Board within five days thereafter by filing with the Village Clerk a written notice of appeal, and the Village Board shall hear such appeal at its next regular meeting or at a special meeting where the Village Board may reverse, affirm or modify the determination of the Village Clerk.
The Village Board reserves the right to make modifications and changes to Chapter 59 by resolution.