Base Districts. For the purposes of this chapter, West Grove Borough is hereby divided into zoning districts, which shall be designated as follows:
Article IV
R-1 Low-Density Residential District
Article V
R-2 Residential District
Article VI
R-3 Residential Cluster District
Article VII
R-4 Neighborhood Residential District
Article VIII
R-5 Townhouse Residential District
Article IX
R-5A Recreation District
Article X
C-1 Town Center Commercial District
Article XI
C-2 Neighborhood Commercial District
Article XII
C-3 Highway Commercial District
Article XIII
C-4 Commercial Service District
Article XIV
LI Limited Industrial District
Overlay district. For the purposes of this chapter, the sections in Article XV of this chapter shall be overlays to the underlying districts as shown on the West Grove Borough Zoning Map. The overlay districts shall be superimposed over all underlying base zoning districts and apply to all land uses, which shall be subject to both the standards in the underlying base zoning district and the overlay district. In the event that a conflict exists between the requirements of the overlay and the underlying district(s), the more restrictive provision shall apply. The location and provisions applicable to overlay districts are described in Article XV.
The location and boundaries of such districts shall be as shown upon the map ("Zoning Map"), which is attached hereto and made a part of this chapter. The Zoning Map and all the notations, references and other data shown thereon shall be as much a part of this chapter as if fully described herein.[1]
Editor's Note: A copy of the Zoning Map is included as an attachment to this chapter.
If and whenever the Borough makes amendments to the Zoning Map or other matters included on said Map, such changes shall be reflected on the Map promptly following enactment of such amendment, in accordance with the Municipalities Planning Code.[2]
Editor's Note: See 53 P.S. § 10101 et seq.
The boundaries between districts, unless otherwise specifically indicated, shall be the center lines of streets, watercourses, rights-of-way of power lines, railroads, and other public utilities; or platted lot lines or municipal boundaries; or such lines extended or lines parallel thereto.
Where the boundaries of a single district are indicated as including directly opposite sides of a street, watercourse, or right-of-way of a power line or other public utility or any portion of its length, the district so indicated shall be construed to apply to the entire bed of such street, watercourse or right-of-way of such power line, railroad or other public utility lying within such portion of its length. Where uncertainty exists as to the location of any boundaries as shown on the Zoning Map, the following rules shall apply:
Where a district boundary is indicated as approximately following the center line of a street, watercourse or right-of-way of a power line or other public utility, such center line shall be construed to be such boundary.
Where a district boundary is indicated as approximately following a lot or other property line, such lot or property line shall be construed to be such boundary.
Where a district boundary divides a lot or runs through undivided property, the location of such boundary, unless otherwise specified by figures on the Zoning Map, shall be determined by the use of the scale appearing on the said Map or as otherwise interpreted by the Zoning Officer.
Where figures are shown on the Zoning Map between a street and a district boundary, they shall indicate that the district boundary runs parallel to the street line at a distance therefrom equivalent to the number of feet so indicated, unless otherwise specified. Where scaled distances do not agree with such figures, the figures shall control.
In the event of dispute as to location of a district boundary line, the Zoning Officer shall investigate and render a decision, subject to the approval by the Borough Council. Appeals to this decision shall be taken to the Zoning Hearing Board in accordance with provisions of Article XXI.
Where a district boundary line divides a lot held in single and separate ownership on the effective date of this chapter, the use regulations applying to the less restrictive district may extend into the portion of the lot in the more restrictive district to the nearest lot line. Full use shall be made of the area of the lot in the less restrictive district before extension into the more restrictive district. Any extension of a use into the more restrictive district shall follow the area and bulk requirement of that district.
Whenever federal or state owned property is included in one or more zoning district, it shall be subject to provisions of this chapter only insofar as permitted by the Constitution and laws of the United States of America and the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania.