In addition to the general purposes listed in Article I, General Provisions, § 400-2, the regulations for this district provide for commercial areas and to promote economic development in the Borough.
A building may be erected or used, or a lot may be used and occupied, for any one of the following purposes and for no other:
Principal uses permitted by right:
Retail store.
Automobile sales and/or service.
Bank or financial institution.
Restaurant with inside service and seating only.
Medical clinic in accordance with § 400-94.
Place of worship in accordance with § 400-100.
Funeral parlor or undertaker's establishment.
Forestry/timber harvesting in accordance with § 400-90.
Single-family detached dwelling.
Indoor recreational use.
Wireless communications facility, as defined in Article II, when constructed and operated in accordance with the standards set forth in § 400-105.
Principal uses permitted by conditional use. The following uses are permitted when authorized by Borough Council pursuant to Article XX:
Shopping center.
Vehicle fueling station.
Grocery store.
Commercial mushroom manure operation in accordance with § 400-86.
Accessory uses. Accessory uses customarily incidental to any of the uses permitted in this district shall be permitted on the same lot as the principal use when in accordance with the applicable provisions of Article XVIII, Supplemental Uses, § 400-82.
For all uses not specified under § 400-49B and provided that a shopping center shall be treated as a single use.
Lot size: 80,000 square feet minimum plus an additional 10,000 square feet for each additional 1,000 square feet of building footprint or part thereof over the first 4,000 square feet.
Lot width: 300 feet minimum.
Lot coverage: 50% maximum.
Building setback line: 65 feet minimum.
Parking lot setback: 20 feet minimum from public streets.
Side yard: 30 feet minimum.
Rear yard: 40 feet minimum.
Building height: two stories maximum.
For each use authorized by § 400-49A(1), (3), (4) and (5).
Lot size: 10,000 square feet minimum plus an additional 1,000 square feet for each additional 100 square feet of building footprint over the first 1,000 square feet.
Lot width: 90 feet minimum.
Lot coverage: 50% maximum.
Building setback line: 30 feet minimum.
Parking lot setback: 20 feet minimum from public streets.
Side yard: 20 feet minimum.
Rear yard: 20 feet minimum.
Building height: two stories maximum.
The following design standards shall apply to all uses permitted in this district:
Natural resource protection standards in accordance with Article XV.
General regulations in accordance with Article XVI.
Off-street parking regulations in accordance with Article XVII.
Supplemental use regulations in accordance with Article XVIII.
Sign regulations in accordance with Article XIX.