[Ord. 2008-O-10, 9/24/2008, § 1]
After the effective date of this Part, it shall be lawful for any person or other legal entity that owns or occupies any building or property fronting on Sycamore Street and located in the Town Commercial (TC) and Planned Commercial (PC) Zoning Districts to locate, place and use one moveable sign on that portion of the public sidewalk which directly abuts and is coextensive with the front of such building or property; provided, however, that such person or other legal entity first obtains a license from the Township of Newtown for that purpose. In lieu of placing the sign on a portion of the public sidewalk, the person or other legal entity identified in this section may place a sign within three feet of the public sidewalk in the area between the sidewalk and the front of his/her building. It shall be unlawful for any person or other legal entity to locate, place or use any such sign or signs as described herein without first obtaining such license.
[Ord. 2008-O-10, 9/24/2008, § 2]
The application for a license shall be made to the Zoning Officer of the Township on a form provided for that purpose. The Zoning Officer is herein authorized to require such information from such applicants as he or she deems reasonably necessary to process the application in accordance with the terms of this Part including, but not limited to, the size and proposed location, composition, content and colors of the proposed sign, as well as the exact dimensions of the sidewalks involved, and sketches, plans and photographs of the proposed sign, sidewalk and related premises.
[Ord. 2008-O-10, 9/24/2008, § 3]
All applications for a license hereunder shall be reviewed with respect to the criteria as set forth in this Part. Furthermore, all applications for licenses shall be forwarded to the Newtown Township Historical Architectural Review Board (HARB) for comment and any recommendations the HARB desires to make shall be provided to the Board of Supervisors in considering the Certificate of Appropriateness. In the event a standard sign or signs is developed, said standard signs shall be reviewed by the HARB, and any and all recommendations related to the standard signs shall be forwarded to the Board of Supervisors, and in the event the Board of Supervisors shall approve standard signs, then any further applications for a license that incorporates the standard signs shall not be forwarded to HARB. Any second or subsequent application for a license filed prior to the expiration of the then current valid license shall not require a further review by the Newtown Township Historical Architectural Review Board provided that no change or alteration was made to the sign as originally approved.
[Ord. 2008-O-10, 9/24/2008, § 4]
All applications for licenses shall be accompanied by a nonrefundable fee in an amount to be determined by the Board of Supervisors of Newtown Township by resolution from time to time.
[Ord. 2008-O-10, 9/24/2008, § 5]
All licenses granted hereunder shall automatically terminate and be null and void upon the expiration of the calendar year. It is the intention of this Part that the granting of a license hereunder is a privilege only and that no rights vest in any applicant other than those granted by and during the term of the license. No licenses shall be issued pursuant to this Part that terminate beyond December 31, 2009, unless the Board of Supervisors, at a public meeting, shall vote to extend the permit period beyond December 31, 2009. In the event the Board of Supervisors should vote to extend the permit period beyond December 31, 2009, then permits may continue to be issued pursuant to this Part until such time as this Part is rescinded or the Board of Supervisors shall determine not to issue any additional licenses.
[Ord. 2008-O-10, 9/24/2008, § 6]
All signs licensed hereunder shall be moveable signs only and shall be self-supporting and double-faced. The interior angle of such "A-frame" type sign shall not exceed 45°. No direct or indirect illumination of said sign shall be licensed and said sign shall be designed and positioned in such a manner that it does not interfere with pedestrian or vehicular traffic. The maximum area of any sign licensed hereunder shall be eight square feet per face and the height shall not exceed five feet nor be less than three feet measured from the sidewalk. Notwithstanding any provisions to the contrary set forth in this Part, no sign shall be licensed which shall interfere with or otherwise impede the visibility of vehicular traffic upon any street or driveway. All such signs may display the name and logo of the establishment and shall contain information as to the products or services offered and all of which shall be subject to the other requirements of this Part.
[Ord. 2008-O-10, 9/24/2008, § 7]
A minimum distance of three feet of unobstructed sidewalk must be maintained at all times. The applicant, by accepting the license issued by the Township of Newtown, agrees to indemnify and hold the Township of Newtown, its agents, servants, workmen, or employees, harmless from any and all claims arising out of the location, placement or use of the sign which is the subject of a license granted pursuant to this Part.
[Ord. 2008-O-10, 9/24/2008, § 8]
A policy of public liability insurance with an insurance company authorized to conduct business in the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania shall be provided noting the location, placement and use of such sign naming the Township of Newtown as an additional insured, which said policy shall be an amount not less than $250,000. It shall be a condition precedent to the actual usage of a license, pursuant to this Part, that proof of the insurance policy noted hereunder shall be provided to the Zoning Officer of Newtown Township.
[Ord. 2008-O-10, 9/24/2008, § 9]
All signs licensed pursuant to the terms and conditions of this Part shall only be licensed to be placed during business hours and an owner/employee of the business shall be present when the sign is displayed. All signs licensed pursuant to the terms and conditions of this Part shall be placed inside the building during times of the day when the sign is not permitted to be displayed.
[Ord. 2008-O-10, 9/24/2008, § 10]
Any person or other legal entity who shall violate any of the provisions of this Part shall be guilty of a summary offense and upon conviction shall be sentenced to pay a fine of $300 plus costs of prosecution and each day that any person or other legal entity violates the provision of this Part shall be considered a separate offense. In addition to the consequences as noted herein, any license issued by the Township of Newtown, pursuant to the terms of this Part, may be revoked by the Township Zoning Officer in the event of any violation of this Part.