The following ordinances and resolutions have all been superseded by more recent zoning ordinances, but they are listed here for convenience of reference.
Ord. 9-19-73
Complete Zoning Ordinance
Res. 11-5-73
Amendment. Appointment of Zoning Officer
Res. 12-30-74
Amendment. Describing Zoning Officer Duties
Ord. 1975-1
Reclassification. Changing from I, Industrial to C-2, General Commercial, a tract of land along Route 422
Ord. 11-17-75
Reclassification. Amending the zoning map to include those changes in accordance with public hearings
Ord. 1976-1
Reclassification. Relating to Case #2-76 — George Lambert changing said property from C-2, General Commercial to R-2, Residential
Res. 6/21/76(a)
Amendment. Establishing Fees for Zoning activities
Ord. 5-14-79(2)
Reclassification. Changing the zoning of a portion of North Lebanon Township from I, Industrial to C-2, Commercial District
Ord. 6-18-79
Reclassification. Changing the zoning from I, Industrial to A, Agricultural along Narrows Drive (T-542)
Ord. 10-8-79(b)
Reclassification. Changing the zoning from I, Industrial to Retail Business District along the intersection of Long Lane and the road from Lebanon to Jonestown
Ord. 6-23-80(2)
Reclassification. Changing the zoning from Industrial to Agricultural at the southwest corner of Weavertown Road and Narrows Drive
Ord. 8-4-81A
Amendment. Addition of Floodplain districts in place of existing open space and conservation districts
Ord. 10-26-81(b)
Reclassifying the following:
The entire commercial area known as "Sunset" along North 7th Street shall be changed from Commercial 1 to Commercial
The 9.22 acres along the north side of Weavertown Road and the west side of Mt. Zion Road shall be changed from Residential to Industrial
The area located at the northwest corner of Kochenderfer Road shall be changed from Residential to Agricultural
Ord. 1-1986
Amending the zoning map to include the Snyder property as part of the existing R-1 district
Ord. 1-1987
Amending the zoning map to reclassify the following:
Lands of E. Jonathan Leffler and others — a portion of lands of E. Jonathan Leffler and others shall be rezoned as industrial in accordance with the zoning map
Land of S & A Associates — the land of S & A Associates shall be rezoned to commercial as accordance with the zoning map
Ord. 3-1987
Amending the zoning map to reclassify approximately 50 acres of land consisting of approximately 30 acres to be purchased by the United Brotherhood of Carpenters and Joiners Local #287 and lands of others located east of the Heilmandale Road and west of Mountville Drive in North Lebanon Township, Lebanon County, Pennsylvania shall be rezoned from Agricultural to Rural Residential in accordance with the Plan attached hereto marked Exhibit "A"
Ord. 1-1988
Amending the zoning map to reclassify the following:
A change from General Commercial and Low Density Resident to High Density Residential in the Ebenezer area, including the cemetery, from Long Lane to Jay Street and Old Ebenezer Road
A change from Neighborhood Commercial to Rural Residential in the area north of Richard Drive on the west side of the Mt. Zion Road to Kimmerlings Road
A change from Agricultural to Industrial for lands from Brightbill Body Works and Halfway Drive to within approximately 350 feet of PA Route #422
A change from Agricultural and Industrial to General Commercial along lands from Halfway Drive along the north side of PA Route #422 to Martin's Farm Market
A change from General Commercial to High Density Residential for the church property located on Hill Street just east of the intersection of Route #72
Ord. 2-1988
Amending the zoning map to reclassify the following:
A change from Industrial to High Density for lands of Harland Bross located along the east side of Narrows Drive; south of the Weavertown Road and north of Route 422
Other adjacent lands are hereby rezoned from Rural Residential to High Density Residential
Ord. 1-1989
The area south of Kimmerlings Road, north of Richard Drive, and west of Mt. Zion Road is hereby rezoned from Rural Residential to Neighborhood Commercial
Ord. 3-1990
Amending the township zoning ordinance and zoning map to reclassify the following:
Land consisting of approximately 45 acres currently owned by Commonwealth Holding Company situate at Knockenderfer and Sandhill Roads from Agricultural (A) to Low Density Residential (R-1)
Land currently owned by Earl K. Hess/Hess Home Builders, Inc., consisting of approximately 92 acres from Agricultural (A) to Low Density Residential (R-1)
Four tracts of land consisting of approximately 79 acres, 39 acres, 23 acres, nine acres and nine acres from Industrial (I) to Agricultural (A)
Ord. 10-1990
Amending the township zoning ordinance and zoning map to reclassify the property of Mark Savage, Russel D. Darkes, Jr, Irene I. Smith and Alfred R. Brandt, being situate on the west side of Route 72 from High Density Residential (R-2) to General Commercial (C-2)
Ord. 12-1990
Amending the Township zoning ordinance and zoning map to reclassify a tract of land consisting of approximately 44.3 acres and located at 15th Avenue and East Lehman Street from Industrial (I) and High Density Residential (R-2) to General Commercial (C-2)
Ord. 3-1991
Rezoning a tract of land of a land consisting of approximately 9 acres from Industrial to General Commercial (C-2)
Ord. 1-1992
Rezoning a tract of land consisting of approximately 12.5 acres from Agricultural to Single-Family Residential (R-1)
Ord. 3-1993
Rezoning a tract of land consisting of approximately 9 acres from General Commercial (C-2) to Industrial
Res. 23-1994
Granting the withdrawal of a parcel of real estate from the AG Security District
Ord. 2-1994
Amending the Zoning Map as follows:
The tract of land west of Winchester Circle (Buck Run) rezoned from Agricultural (A) to Low Density Residential (R-1) (HESS)
Ord. 2-1994
Amending the Zoning Map as follows:
Rezoning a tract of land of approximately 16.03 acres located on the southwestern side of Grace Avenue from Rural Residential (R-R) to General Commercial (C-2)
Rezoning a tract of land of approximately nine acres from Industrial (I) to General Commercial (C-2) between Joel Drive and Route 422 (Weis Markets)
Ord. 1-1995
Rezoning a tract of land from Agricultural (A) to Low-Density Residential (R-1)
Ord. 2-1995
Amending the Zoning Map as follows:
Lands of Lee B. Marks, Grace I. Marks, Gary L. Marks and Patricia Marks are hereby rezoned from Rural Residential (RR) to General Commercial (C-2)
Lands of North Lebanon Township are hereby rezoned as follows:
The Lions Lake property from Low-Density Residential (R-1) to Municipal Recreation (MR-1); and
The Ebenezer Elementary School from High-Density Residential (R-2) to Municipal Recreation (MR-1); and
The Township Municipal Building and surrounding real estate from General Commercial (C-2) to Low-Density Residential (R-1)
Ord. 4-1996
Rezoning properties located at or near the intersection of Narrow Road and US 422 from Industrial (I-1) to General Commercial (C-2)
Ord. 1-1997
Amending the zoning map as follows:
Rezoning real estate of John Cikovic and Frances Cikovic from Agricultural (A) to Low Density Residential (R-1)
Rezoning real estate of Buelah Z. Fox from Low Density Residential (R-1) to Agricultural (A)
Rezoning real estate of Eugene and Rachel Bates, Linda Wolford, Annamarie Kelly and Jack and Marjorie Lash from Industrial (I) to Agricultural (A)
Ord. 2-1997
Rezoning a portion of property owned by Paul N. Horst and Patricia A. Horst consisting of approximately 10.059 acres from Agricultural (A) to Neighborhood Commercial (C-1)
Ord. 3-1997
Rezoning real estate of the County of Lebanon and the Historical Society of Lebanon County from Low Density Residential (R-1), High Density Residential (R-2), and Industrial (I-1) to Municipal Recreation (MR-1)
Ord. 5-1997
Amending the Zoning Map as follows:
Rezoning real estate situate at the intersection of East Maple Street and Mt. Zion Road, consisting of seven properties, from Low Density Residential (R-1) to Agricultural (A)
Rezoning real estate owned by Robert and Donna Heisey and Robert and Hope Simpson situate at Sandhill Road and Weaver Lane from Agricultural (A) to Low Density Residential (R-1)
Ord. 2-2001
Rezoning the following real estate:
The properties of Martin Hoover, 1021 East Maple Street; the Kneasel Farm, 905 Mt. Zion Road and the Roy Kneasel Farm, 1031 East Maple Street from R 2 High Density Residential to A Agricultural
The property of Robert Yancey and others is hereby rezoned from R-2 High Density to C-2A, General Commercial District A
Ord. 1-2002
Rezoning lands owned by Evelina M. Krall and Harlan D. Bross consisting of 30 acres situate along Narrows Drive, from Industrial (I) to Low Density Residential (R-1)
Ord. 1-2003
Amending the zoning map to provide for a new zoning district known as the Intensive Agricultural District (1A)
Ord. 3-2005
Rezoning lands owned by Eight E. Limited Partnership from High Density Residential (R-2) to General Commercial C-2A
Ord. 2-2006
Rezoning lands owned by A. Bruce Sattazahn and Kathryn A. Sattazahn, his wife, composed of tracts of land at 2125, 2131, 2134, 2134 1/2, 2136 Maple Street and 2145 West Maple Street situate in North Lebanon Township, Lebanon County, Pennsylvania from High Density Residential (R-2) to General Commercial (C-2A)
Ord. 1-2008
Rezoning a tract of land owned by Landmark Builders, Inc., t/a Landmark Homes consisting of 1.924 acres which is located South of Kimmerlings Road, West of Mt. Zion Road and North of Richard Drive from (R-1) Residential Low Density to (R-2) Residential High Density
Ord. 2-2009
Rezoning the plans as shown on Exhibits "A" and "B" from Industrial (I) and Agricultural (A) to Municipal Recreation (MR-1)
Res. 12-2010
Adopting Official Zoning Map for North Lebanon Township
Res. 17-2011
Adopting Official Zoning Map for North Lebanon Township
Ord. 1-2012
Approving the rezoning of the area consisting of approximately 12.9 acres of land as shown on the map attached hereto marked as Exhibit "B" shall be changed to General Commercial (C2A)
Ord. 2-2012
Amending the Official Zoning Map of North Lebanon Township to reflect the change in terminology regarding the floodplain districts. The current F1 Approximated Floodplain shall be renamed to SFHA-Zone A. The current F2-Floodway and F3-Flood Fringe shall be renamed to SFHA-Zone AE
Ord. No. 1-2018
Rezoning 1715 East Cumberland Street from High Density Residential (R-2) to General Commercial (C-2A)
Ord. No. 6-2018
Amending the Zoning Map to add an additional floodplain district, Dam Breach Inundation Area (DBIA)
Ord. No. 8-2018
Rezoning 12 acres of land requested by GQM New Ventures from Agricultural (A) to Industrial (I)
Ord. No. 2-2019
Rezoning certain lands (Manna Foods) from General Commercial (C-2A) to Industrial (I)
Ord. No. 5-2019
Rezoning 48 acres of land (New Ventures II, LLC) from Agricultural (A) to Industrial (I)
Ord. No. 2-2023
Rezoning a portion of the properties known as 1675 Grace Avenue and 1677 Grace Avenue from Rural Residential (R-R) to Low Density Residential (R-1)