[Amended 12-20-2017 by Ord. No. 421[1]]
It shall be the duty of the Board to meet stately at least once a month. The Board may adjourn to a stated time for general business or for special business. If no quorum is present at a regular or adjourned meeting, a majority of those who do meet may agree upon another date for a meeting and may continue to so agree until the meeting is held.
Special meetings may be called by the Chairperson - or upon the request of a simple majority of the members of the Board - and must be communicated in a manner which can be audited (e.g., written or electronic communication). Members shall be given at least twenty-four (24) hours notice of such special meetings. The notice shall state whether it is for general or special purposes, and - if for special purposes - the notice shall contain a statement of the nature of the business to be considered.
Presence at a meeting constitutes waiver of notice.
Editor’s Note: This ordinance was approved by referendum on May 15, 2018.
[Amended 12-20-2017 by Ord. No. 421[1]]
The Board shall make and preserve minutes and records of its proceedings. Copies of minutes and records of proceedings shall be open for public inspection at the Township building during regular hours, and minutes shall also be made accessible to the public electronically.
At least five (5) days prior to any regular meeting, the administration shall release an agenda of the regular meeting. In addition, within one week after a regular or special meeting, the administration shall release a summary of action taken at the meeting.
For the purposes of this section, releases may appear in any newspaper or other print or electronic publication - including the Township website - which is generally available to the residents of the Township and is published or updated at least once a month.
The meeting agenda may be adjusted at any time - including during the meeting itself - to include new items, but those new items must be recorded in the minutes, and no formal action can be taken without prior public notice in accordance with all applicable laws.
Any emergency matters may be considered at special meetings upon twenty-four (24) hours' notice.
Editor’s Note: This ordinance was approved by referendum on May 15, 2018.
All official meetings of the Board shall be open for public attendance. All official votes of the Board shall be taken openly.
The Board shall by resolution adopt rules of procedure for its meetings and for assignment of members to committees. Such rules shall be designed to assure full and equal participation in the deliberations of the Board by all of its members.
A majority of the members of the Board shall constitute a quorum. The Board shall conduct no business except in the presence of a quorum.
The action of a majority of the Supervisors present and entitled to vote, unless otherwise stated in this Charter, shall be binding upon and constitute the action of the Board.
Official actions of the Board may be taken by adoption of an ordinance, of a resolution, or by motion. All ordinances and resolutions must be in written form. All actions of a legislative character shall be taken by ordinance. All other actions of the Board shall be by resolution or motion, unless otherwise required in this Charter, or in the resolution establishing the rules of procedure. However, no such administrative action shall be void or otherwise adversely affected if it shall have been taken by ordinance. All final action in adopting ordinances or resolutions shall be by roll call vote, and the vote of each member of the Board shall be entered in the minutes of the meeting.
[Amended 12-20-2017 by Ord. No. 421[1]]
The Board shall provide reasonable opportunity for interested residents and taxpayers of the Township to address the Board on matters of general or special concern. This opportunity may be afforded the public either at the regular monthly Board meeting or at a special meeting set for this purpose.
Residents and taxpayers of the Township have the right to be a registered speaker at a regular business meeting and can do so by contacting the Township Manager a minimum of one week prior to the meeting and requesting to be placed on the agenda.
Editor’s Note: This ordinance was approved by referendum on May 15, 2018.