[Amended 10-21-1980 by Ord. No. 28-80; 3-5-1985 by Ord. No. 5-85]
The Mayor shall be elected to serve a four-year term of office. The Mayor shall preside at all the meetings of the City Council and shall have the right to vote when his vote shall be decisive and the City Council is equally divided on any pending matter, legislation, or transaction and the Mayor shall, for the purpose of such vote, be deemed to be a member of the Council. He shall have the superintending control of all the officers and affairs of the municipality and shall take care that the state and municipal law are complied with. He may administer oaths, and shall sign the commissions and appointments of all the officers appointed in the municipality.
The Mayor shall have the power to approve or veto any ordinance passed by the City Council, and to approve or veto any order, bylaw, resolution, award of or vote to enter into any contract, or the allowance of any claim. If the Mayor approves the ordinance, order, bylaw, resolution, contract, or claim, he or she shall sign it, and it shall become effective. If the Mayor vetoes the ordinance, order, bylaw, resolution, contract, or any item or items of appropriations or claims, he or she shall return it to the City Council stating that the measure is vetoed. The Mayor may issue the veto at the meeting at which the measure passed or within seven calendar days after the meeting. If the Mayor issues the veto after the meeting, the Mayor shall notify the City Clerk of the veto in writing. The Clerk shall notify the City Council in writing of the Mayor's veto. Any ordinance, order, bylaw, resolution, award, or vote to enter into any contract, or the allowance of any claim vetoed by the Mayor may be passed over his veto by a vote of 2/3 of all the members elected to the City Council. If the Mayor neglects or refuses to sign any ordinance, order, bylaw, resolution, award, or vote to enter into any contract, or the allowance of any claim, but fails to veto the measure within the time required by this section, the measure shall become effective without his signature. The Mayor may veto any item or items of any appropriation bill or any claims bill, and approve the remainder thereof. The item or items so vetoed may be passed by the Council over his veto as in other cases. Provided, further, as to any measure or item which is subject to an imposed or required time limitation for approval or disapproval by the Council, the Mayor shall exercise his veto at the meeting at which such measure or item is passed and approved. As to any other measure or item passed and approved by the Council, if the Mayor does not exercise his veto at the meeting at which the measure or item is passed and approved, then such veto shall be exercised within 10 days immediately following its passage and approval by the City Council.[1]
Editor's Note: Amended at time of adoption of Code (see Ch. 1, General Provisions, Art. I).
After the Mayor has exercised his veto, the Council may pass such measure or item so vetoed over the Mayor's veto, if the veto is exercised during the Council meeting at which it was passed and approved by the Council, at the same meeting or at a regular or special meeting of the Council within 30 days after such veto was exercised.
The veto of the Mayor and the reasons stated therefor when exercised after the meeting during which the measure or item was passed and approved by the Council shall be filed with the City Clerk by the Mayor and the same shall be made a part of the minutes and records of the City Council at its next regular or special meeting. If the Council passes the measure or item over the Mayor's veto by vote of a two-thirds majority of all members elected to the Council, then such measure shall become law without his signature as aforesaid. If the measure or item is not passed over the Mayor's veto by vote of a two-thirds majority of all the members elected to the City Council, then such veto shall stand and such measure or item as vetoed shall be of no force and effect.
The Mayor shall communicate to the Council such information and recommend such measures as in his opinion may tend to improve the municipality, and may have such jurisdiction as may be vested in him by ordinance over all places within two miles of the corporate limits of the municipality for the enforcement of health or quarantine laws and the regulation thereof. The Mayor shall have the power after the conviction of any person to remit fines and forfeitures, and to grant reprieves and pardons for all offenses arising under the laws of the municipality. (Neb. RS 16-312 through 16-316)
Editor's Note: Amended at time of adoption of Code (see Ch. 1, General Provisions, Art. I).