In order to assist Code users in the transition to the new Code's organization, the Derivation Table indicates where chapters and articles of the 1976 Code have been included in the 2017 Code, or the reason for exclusion.
Not Code material (legislation is not general or permanent in nature).
Repealed effective with adoption of Code; see Ch. 1, Art. I.
Not included in Code but saved from repeal.
New legislation is pending.
Chapter/Title From 1976 Code
Location in 2017 Code
Ch. 1, Administrative
Art. 1, General Provisions
Ch. 7
Art. 2, Elected Officials
Ch. 85, Part 1
Art. 3, Appointed Officials
Ch. 85, Part 2
Art. 4, Bonds and Oath
Ch. 85, Part 3
Art. 5, Corporate Seal
Ch. 1, Art. II
Art. 6, Meetings
Ch. 78
Art. 7, Ordinances
Ch. 72, Art. I
Art. 8, Elections
Ch. 32
Art. 9, Fiscal Management
Ch. 44
Art. 10, Compensation
§§ 1001 through 1003
Ch. 113
§ 1004
Ch. 100, Art. I
Art. 11, Police Pension Plan
Ch. 91
Art. 12, Initiative and Referendum
Ch. 72, Art. II
Art. 13, Penal Provision
Ch. 1, Art. III
Art. 14, Intergovernmental Risk Management
Ch. 59, Art. I
Art. 15, City Sales Tax
§ 1-1501, Economic Development Plan
Ch. 28
§ 1-1502
Ch. 350, Art. I
Ch. 2, Commissions and Boards
Art. 1, Standing Committees
Ch. 12, Art. I
Art. 2, Library
§§ 2-201 through 2-203
Ch. 12, Art. II
§§ 2-204 through 2-213
Ch. 278
Art. 3, Planning Commission
Ch. 12, Art. III
Art. 4, Board of Health
Repealed by Ord. No. 36-12
Art. 5, Parks and Recreation
§§ 2-501 and 2-502
Ch. 12, Art. IV
§ 2-503
Ch. 299, Art. I
Art. 6, Cemetery
§ 2-601
Ch. 12, Art. V
§§ 2-602 through 2-610
Ch. 19
Art. 7, Housing Authority
Ch. 12, Art. VI
Art. 8, Plumbing Examiners
Ch. 12, Art. VII
Art. 9, Airport Authority
Ch. 12, Art. VIII
Art. 10, Civic Center Commission
Ch. 12, Art. IX
Art. 11, Civil Service Commission
§§ 2-1101 and 2-1102
Ch. 12, Art. X
§§ 1103 through 1107
Ch. 95, Art. I
Art. 12, Board of Electrical Examiners
Repealed by Ord. No. 35-00
Art. 13, Policy Compliance
Ch. 95, Art. II
Art. 14, City Tree Board
§§ 2-1401 through 2-1403
Ch. 12, Art. XI
§§ 2-1404 through 2-1416
Ch. 364
Art. 15, Community Redevelopment
Ch. 12, Art. XII
Ch. 3, Departments
Art. 1, Water Department
Ch. 390
Art. 2, Sewer Department
Ch. 325
Art. 3, Electrical System
Ch. 237
Art. 4, Utilities Generally
Ch. 370
Ch. 4, Health and Sanitation
Art. 1, General Provisions
Ch. 51
Art. 2, Garbage Disposal
Ch. 335, Art. I
Art. 3, Garbage Collectors
Ch. 335, Art. II
Art. 4, Dumping Grounds
Ch. 335, Art. III
Art. 5, Nuisances
Ch. 284, Art. I
Art. 6, Abatement of Nuisances
Ch. 284, Art. II
Ch. 5, Traffic Regulations
Ch. 382
Ch. 6, Police Regulations
Art. 1, Dogs
Ch. 213, Art. I
Art. 2, Animals Generally
Ch. 213, Art. II
Art. 3, Miscellaneous Offenses
§ 6-301
Ch. 290, Art. IV
§§ 6-302 through 6-304, 6-364
Ch. 290, Art. VI
§§ 6-305 through 6-311, 6-363, 6-365
Ch. 290, Art. III
§§ 6-312 through 6-314
Ch. 205, Art. I
§§ 6-315 and 6-316
Ch. 355, Art. I
§§ 6-317 through 6-321
Ch. 290, Art. VII
§§ 6-322 through 6-324, 6-346
Ch. 290, Art. V
§§ 6-325 through 6-329, 6-341 through 6-345, 6-358, 6-361 and 6-362
Ch. 290, Art. I
§ 6-330
Repealed by Ord. No. 1136
§§ 6-330.01 through 6-332
Ch. 248, Art. I
§§ 6-333 through 6-336.3
Ch. 248, Art. II
§§ 6-337 through 6-340
Ch. 290, Art. II
§§ 6-347 through 6-355
Ch. 290, Art. VIII
§§ 6-356 and 6-356.01
Ch. 394
§ 6-357
Repealed by Ord. No. 12-82
§ 6-359
Ch. 377, Art. I
§ 6-360
Ch. 377, Art. II
Art. 4, Seized or Found Property
Ch. 308
Art. 5, Fish Regulations
Ch. 256
Art. 6, Police Department
Ch. 1, Art. IV
§§ 6-701 – 6-703, Sexual predators
Ch. 327
Ch. 7, Fire Regulations
Art. 1, Fire Department
Ch. 40
Art. 2, Fires
Ch. 290, Art. IX
Art. 3, Fire Prevention
Ch. 252, Art. I
Art. 4, Poisonous and Flammable Gases
Ch. 252, Art. II
Art. 5, Explosives
Ch. 252, Art. III
Ch. 8, Public Ways and Property
Ch. 340
Ch. 9, Building Regulations
Ch. 225
Ch. 10, Business Regulations
Art. 1, Alcoholic Beverages
Ch. 205, Art. II
Art. 2, Itinerant Sales
Ch. 303, Art. I
Art. 3, Bingo
Ch. 220
Art. 4, Motion Picture Shows
Ch. 209, Art. I
Art. 5, Trailer Courts
Ch. 360
Art. 6, Junk and Junk Dealers
Ch. 271
Art. 7, Railroads
Ch. 315
Art. 8, Tobacco Sales
Ch. 355, Art. II
Art. 9, Occupation Taxes
Ch. 350, Art. II
Art. 10, Amusement Devices
Ch. 209, Art. II
Art. 11, Natural Gas Franchise
Ch. 260, Art. I
Art. 12, Sexually Oriented Businesses
Ch. 329
Ch. 11, Unified Land Development Ordinance
Art. 1, Zoning and Subdivision Regulations
Ch. 410
Ch. 12, Fair Housing
Art. 1, Fair Housing Regulations
Ch. 244
Art. 9, Subdivision Annexation
Ch. 344, Art. I