[Adopted as Ch. 2, Art. 15, of the 1976 Code]
[Amended 12-1-2009 by Ord. No. 16-09]
The City Council of the City of Seward hereby finds and declares that certain substandard and blighted areas, or portions thereof, located in the City of Seward, may require acquisition, clearance, and disposition, subject to use restrictions, as provided in the Community Development Law (Neb. RS 18-2101 et seq.), since the prevailing conditions of decay may make impracticable the reclamation of said areas by conservation or rehabilitation; that other areas or portions thereof may, through the means provided in the Community Development Law, be susceptible of conservation or rehabilitation in such a manner that the conditions and evils set forth in the Community Development Law may be eliminated, remedied, or prevented; and that salvageable substandard and blighted areas can be conserved and rehabilitated through appropriate public action and the cooperation and voluntary action of the owners and tenants of property in such areas. Therefore, the City of Seward hereby creates an authority as defined in the Community Development Law to henceforth be known as the "Community Redevelopment Authority of the City of Seward," with all the power and authority granted to such authorities by the State of Nebraska under the Community Development Law.
[Amended 2-16-2010 by Ord. No. 4-10]
The Mayor shall, with the approval of the City Council, appoint five persons who shall constitute the Community Redevelopment Authority. The terms of office of the initial members of the authority initially appointed shall be for one year, two years, three year, four years, and five years, as designated by the Mayor making the respective appointments. As the terms of the members of the authority expire, the Mayor, with the approval of the City Council, shall appoint or reappoint a member of the Authority for a term of five years to succeed the member whose term expired.