Editor's Note: Former Subpart A, Park and Recreation Board, adopted by Ord. No. 1971-46, 10/7/1971, as amended by Ord. 1983-1, 1/6/1983; by Ord. 1999-14, 10/21/1999; by Ord. 2011-12, 10/6/2011; and by Ord. 2014-01, 1/16/2014, was repealed Ord. No. 2022-06, 10/20/2022.
[Ord. No. 2022-06, 10/20/2022]
For matters concerning Lower Macungie Township parks and recreation facilities and programs, a Parks and Recreation Advisory Committee is hereby created, to be comprised of seven members. The members shall be appointed as follows:
There shall be five residents of Lower Macungie Township, all appointed by the Lower Macungie Township Board of Commissioners. The members of the Parks and Recreation Advisory Committee shall serve without pay for terms of three years or until their successors are appointed. The terms of such members will be staggered so that no more than two members are appointed in any year. Each term shall commence on January 1 and terminate on December 31. Vacancies in the Committee occurring prior to the expiration of a term shall be for the unexpired term and shall be filled in the same manner as original appointments, in accordance with the Appointment Policy. Committee members shall serve at the pleasure of the Board of Commissioners and may be removed for cause by a majority vote of the Board of Commissioners.
The Director of Recreation, who shall serve as the Chairperson.
A Township staff member, designated by the Township Manager, who is responsible for the Public Works Department maintenance of parks and recreation facilities.
[Ord. No. 2022-06, 10/20/2022]
The Parks and Recreation Advisory Committee shall be advisory to the Board of Commissioners and shall meet no less often than quarterly at a public meeting which has been properly advertised, at which the public shall be given an opportunity to be heard. The Parks and Recreation Advisory Committee may also meet at such special meetings or work sessions, as necessary and properly advertised. The Committee will make every effort to hold meetings in the evening hours to encourage public input and involvement.
[Ord. No. 2022-06, 10/20/2022]
The Parks and Recreation Advisory Committee shall be generally responsible for the periodic review of parks and recreation facilities and programming for the purpose of recommending changes and for advising the Township Manager, the Board of Commissioners, the Department of Parks and Recreation and the Recreation Director on recreation needs, use of facilities, and programs related to Township recreation.
The Committee shall incorporate the following principles in its advisory role:
Welcome various perspectives and ideas;
Consider broad-based input from Township citizens and local organized groups into planning and decisionmaking on areas of parks and recreation;
Develop recommendations based on examination of issues;
Promote public participation by the residents of Lower Macungie Township;
Operate transparently, ethically and in the best interest of the public and the Township.
[Ord. No. 2022-06, 10/20/2022]
Serve as an advisory committee on matters concerning parks and recreation to the Board of Commissioners of Lower Macungie Township.
In cooperation with the Director of Recreation, assist in the development of a comprehensive Lower Macungie Parks and Recreation Comprehensive Plan and promote the implementation of the plan.
Conduct regular public meetings no less often than quarterly to review, discuss and advise on programs and operations of the Parks and Recreation Department.
Promote a harmonious relationship between the Parks and Recreation Department and the general public.
Promote a cooperative environment between the Parks and Recreation Department, residents and organized Lower Macungie recreation associations in meeting the Parks and recreation needs of the Township.
Assist the Director of Recreation as needed in the development of recreation policies for implementation by the Board of Commissioners.
Utilize the regular public meetings of the Committee, in addition to its regular business, to serve as a forum to discuss new programs and recreation services that benefit the Township.
Perform such other duties relating to parks and recreation as may be assigned from time to time by the Lower Macungie Township Board of Commissioners, Township Manager, and/or the Director of Recreation.
[Ord. No. 2022-06, 10/20/2022]
Citizen advisory committees are strictly advisory in nature and have no decisionmaking authority. Citizen advisory committees are prohibited from incurring expenses, making payments, entering contracts, leases or obligations or otherwise binding the Township without the express written consent of the Board of Commissioners.
The Committee shall follow the Township's Social Media Policy and shall refrain from making official statements on behalf of the Township.