Res. 5/14/1946
Constructing two pieces of road
Res. 5/16/1949
Rejecting provisions of HB 1216 providing for certain provisions referencing tax claim sales
Res. 2/14/1950
Authorizing creation of the Lower Macungie School Authority
Res. 4/7/1950
Nominating Kermit F. Miller, Robert F. Kuhns and Henry F. Weidner as special fire police
Res. 5/6/1950
Appointing special fire police
Res. 10/4/1952
Participating in the Social Security System effective January 1, 1951
Ord. 1985-8
Authorizing the Boards of Supervisors of the various Townships of the Second Class to determine the compensation of Supervisors subject to limitations
Agmt. 7/17/1986
Consolidated fire protection agreement with Wescosville Fire Department, Alburtis Fire Company No. 1 and Borough of Alburtis
Ord. 1986-13
Ratifying the retirement plan for employees of Lower Macungie Township as amended and restated January 1, 1985 and amending the retirement plan for the employees of Lower Macungie Township to accord with the retirement equity Act of 1984
Ord. 1986-14
Amending the Lower Macungie Township Employees' Insurance Plan, as promulgated by Res. 1982-10, as amended to provide equality in the amount of each Lower Macungie Township employee's medical reimbursement amount and to clarify reimbursable expenditures
Agmt. -/-/1987
Fire protection and emergency services mutual aid agreement with Township of South Whitehall, Borough of Emmaus, Township of Upper Milford, Township of Whitehall, Township of Salisbury, Township of North Whitehall, Borough of Catasaqua and Township of Upper Macungie
Agmt. 6/23/1987
Limited release agreement with Kenneth E. Banzhof and Mary Ann Banzhof
Agmt. 6/30/1988
License agreement with Ashfag A. Tashfeen Access to 5011 Hamilton Boulevard (ViaRec. Hall)
Ord. 1988-1
Revising the retirement plan for employees of Lower Macungie Township as amended and restated January 1, 1985, to lower the required age for entry into the plan from age 25 to age 21, and to reduce the waiting period for entry from 24 months to 12 months
Ord. 1988-10
Adopting and ratifying a lease agreement between the County of Lehigh, a Pennsylvania County of the Third Class, and Lower Macungie Township, a Township of the Second Class, for the purpose of leasing the property now or formerly known as the East Texas playground for a term of 99 years
Ord. 1989-3
Authorizing execution of a cost sharing intergovernmental agreement for the Route 222 environmental impact study
Ord. 1989-4
Amending and restating the retirement plan for employees of Lower Macungie Township in its entirety, including provisions establishing a minimum of two years of service and the attainment of age 21 for eligibility to participate in the plan, an annual employer contribution of 20% of each participant's basic compensation, five-year cliff vesting, and a normal retirement age of 65; providing that the said retirement plan be funded through a trust whose trustee is Merchants Bank, N.A.; and renaming the said plan the "Lower Macungie Township Non-uniformed Employees' Money Purchase Pension Plan"
Ord. 1989-6
Amending and restating the Lower Macungie Township Employees' Insurance Plan in its entirety
Agmt. 4/18/1989
Route 222 corridor location/environmental impact study and preliminary alignment design agreement with County of Lehigh and Township of Upper Macungie
Ord. 1989-16
Providing for the assessment of costs of maintenance, use or replacement of any and all equipment, labor or materials used to control, maintain, extinguish, defuse, respond to, clean up or alleviate hazardous conditions to the individual responsible therefor; providing procedures for assessment, collection and enforcement
Agmt. 9/7/1989
Improvements to park and permission to enter therein with Val-You Builders
Ord. 1991-6
Granting to community action Committee of the Lehigh Valley, Inc., the sum of $5,000 from general municipal funds; establishing certain conditions to the use of such fund
Ord. 1991-13
Adjusting wages for Township Supervisors pursuant to the 1990 Census
Ord. 1992-1
Granting participants in the Lower Macungie Township Nonuniformed Employees' Money Purchase Pension Plan the right to direct the investment of their individual plan accounts among a range of investment options designated, from time to time, by the Township
Ord. 1993-4
Amending Ord. 1991-6 pertaining to funding for community action Committee of the Lehigh Valley, Inc., by: (1) authorizing further grants to the same organization without separate funding ordinances; and (2) requiring any such further grant to be subject to the conditions for funding contained in Ord. 1991-6
Ord. 1995-12
Amending and restating the Lower Macungie Township Non-uniformed Employees' Money Purchase Pension Plan and trust to conform to changes in the Federal law concerning qualified retirement plans (including changing the definition of compensation to include all W-2 income, including overtime, bonuses, and commissions
Ord. 1995-14
Authorizing the Board of Supervisors of the various Townships of the Second Class to determine the Supervisors shall receive compensation in the annual amount of $4,125
Ord. 1997-4
Authorizing execution of an intergovernmental agreement with the East Penn School district calling for tax exonerations between Lower Macungie Township and the East Penn School District when either entity acquires property subject to the taxing jurisdiction of the other
Ord. 1997-6
Authorizing utilization of Upper Macungie Township employees in building inspection and code enforcement capacities and to authorize the use by Upper Macungie of Lower Macungie Township employees in code enforcement and building inspection capacities pursuant to a term of a written agreement executed as of the 1st day of January, 1997
Agmt. 10/2/1997
Tax exoneration agreement with East Penn School District
Agmt. 11/20/1997
Authorizes use of Lower Macungie Township employees for code enforcement in Upper Macungie Township
Ord. 1997-9
Authorizing the adoption of the Lower Macungie Township Deferred Compensation Plan (the "Plan"); establishing the Plan as an Eligible Deferred Compensation Plan under Section 457 of the Internal Revenue Code of 1986, as amended
Ord. 1998-7
Amending the Lower Macungie Township Nonuniform Employees' Money Purchase Plan, as amended and restated by Ord. 1995-12, by amending Section 1101(e) of said Plan to allow a participant whose employment is terminated prior to attainment of normal retirement age and who is not entitled to disability benefits under said plan to receive distribution of such participant's vested portion of his or her account balance as soon as administratively feasible
Ord. 1999-9
Amending Ord. 1997-9, which established the 457 Deferred Compensation Pension Plan for Lower Macungie Township employees, to further define the program
Res. 2000-16
Comprehensive Plan of Lower Macungie Township, Community Facilities Plan-Parks, Recreation and Open Space (pp. 91-100)," adopted April 13, 1988, and the Parks, Recreation and Open Space Plan for Lower Macungie Township, adopted by the Board of Supervisors on January 20, 2000
Ord. 2002-6
Authorizing execution of a multi-municipal comprehensive plan grant agreement by and among the Boroughs of Alburtis and Macungie, and the Townships of Lower Macungie, Lower Milford, and Upper Milford, and the County of Lehigh
Ord. 2002-7
Amending Ord. 1999-9 which amended Ord. 1997-9, which established the 457 Deferred Compensation Pension Plan for Lower Macungie Township employees, to further define the program
Ord. 2002-8
Amending Ord. 1989-6, the Lower Macungie Township Employees' Insurance Plan
Ord. 2002-10
Amending the Lower Macungie Township Nonuniformed Employees' Money Purchase Plan and Trust by amending Section 402(a) "Qualified Recipients" of said plan to allow participants whose employment is terminated through retirement prior to attainment of normal retirement age to receive an annual allocation when otherwise entitled for benefit under said plan and participants who retire after normal retirement age to receive an allocation without regard to the date of retirement
Ord. 2003-5
Ratifying the addendum to the May 6, 2002, cooperative planning project to create a multi-municipal comprehensive plan
Ord. 2003-7
Authorizing execution of an intergovernmental cooperation agreement with the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania regarding cost sharing for the replacement and relocation of Township utilities associated with the Route 222 and Route 100 bypass project
Ord. 2004-7
Amending the Lower Macungie Township Non-uniformed Employees' Money Purchase Pension Plan and Trust (the "Plan") to (1) state unequivocally that the plan is not subject to the provisions of the Employee Retirement Income Security Act of 1994 ("ERISA"), as amended; (2) to delete the requirement in the plan that at least one member of the Lower Macungie Pension Committee be an elected member of the governing body; and (3) to clarify the participation provisions of the plan to remove the exclusion of employees covered by a collective bargaining agreement
Ord. 2004-12
Amending the Lower Macungie Township Deferred Compensation Plan to authorize the maximum employee contributions now or hereafter allowed by law
Ord. 2005-1
Amending Ord. 1989-6, the Lower Macungie Township Employees' Insurance Plan
Ord. 2005-4
Authorizing execution of a multi-municipal agreement by and among the Boroughs of Alburtis, Emmaus, and Macungie, and the Townships of Lower Macungie, Lower Milford, and Upper Milford, regarding intermunicipal planning participation in matters of mutual concern
Ord. 2007-3
Appointing Rick Prill as Township Manager
Ord. 2008-01
Establishing the annual compensation for Township Commissioners and Treasurer
Ord. 2008-02
Appropriating specific sums estimated to be required for the specific purposes of the Township government during the current fiscal year
Ord. 2008-03
Transferring funds, set aside during the budget approval process, in the legislative review account 489.999 to various accounts within each fund
Ord. 2008-05
Synchronizing terms used in the Township budget with terms used in the First Class Township Code to assist in the establishment of Township policies for the processing of Township expenditures and the reallocation of budgeted funds; and designating the manner in which such activities shall occur
Ord. 2008-06
Amending the Township budget to create a fund subcategory captioned "subdivision street lighting" with the current liquid fuels fund account and to fund said subcategory with $99,500 of liquid fuels funds received from the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania and on hand at the commencement of the 2008 fiscal year
Ord. 2008-07
Transferring the sum of $9,382 from budget expense category 08.429.600 (capital construction) to expense category 08.460.200 (sewer construction projects) pursuant to 53 P.S. § 56702
Ord. 2008-08
Transferring the sum of $2,600 from budget category 04.427.700 (capital purchases) to 04.405.220 (operating supplies); reducing revenue category 04.351.100 (program grants) by $53,500; and reducing expense category 04.427.700 (capital purchases) by $53,500 for program grants not received
Ord. 2008-10
Repealing Ord. 2007-3 which appointed a township manager no longer serving that role, and established his compensation
Ord. 2008-13
Amending the 2008 budget by recognizing unanticipated revenues from the Township swimming pool operation, transferring salaries from the summer program, and moving funds within the Township pool account to cover $15,520 of increased salaries within the Township swimming pool operations
Ord. 2008-14
Authorizing the Township of Lower Macungie to join with other political subdivisions as a member of the Pennsylvania Municipal Health Insurance Cooperative ("PMHIC") and to enter into an intergovernmental agreement for the purpose of joining the PMHIC and to participate as a member of the PMHIC
Ord. 2008-16
Transferring funds from budget category 01.402.120 financial administration salaries, 01.409.600 buildings/facilities capital construction, and 01.438.220 roads and highways operating supplies to 01.404.311 legal services union business, 01.404.314 legal services planning, 01.414.313 planning and zoning engineering services, 01.487.156 health/hospitalization insurance, and 01.408.313 engineering services
Ord. 2008-17
Transferring funds from sewer fund budget category 08.429.600 capital construction to various accounts within the sewer fund for allocation of overhead expenses
Ord. 2008-18
Transferring funds from general fund budget category 01.409.600 capital construction to various accounts within the solid waste fund for allocation of overhead expenses
Res. 2009-16
Creating an Impact Fee Advisory Committee for the Township and authorizing the preparation and public advertisement of the Township's notice of intention to adopt an impact fee ordinance pursuant to § 504-A of the Pennsylvania Municipalities Planning Code
Ord. 2009-5
Amending the final 2008 budget by transferring funds from budget categories 01.402.120 financial administration salaries, 01.402.310 accounting compliance and review, 01.409.230 heating fuel, and 01.430.362 fuel, oil and gas to budget categories 01.414.313 planning and zoning engineering services, 01.432.221 winter maintenance salt, 01.434.361 sub-division street lights, and 01.438.450 roads and highways contracted services
Ord. 2009-6
Amending the final 2008 budget by transferring funds from sewer fund budget category 08.429.600 capital construction to sewer fund budget categories 08.407.450 data processing contracted services and 08.413.454 alternate sewer inspector
Ord. 2009-7
Amending the final 2008 budget by transferring funds from general fund budget category 01.405.120 salary administrative staff to various accounts within the solid waste fund for allocation of overhead expenses and leaf collection contract
Ord. 2009-10
Repealing Ord. 2008-05 of Lower Macungie Township concerning budgetary procedures
Res. 2009-32
Approving the land use assumptions report submitted to the Lower Macungie Township Traffic Impact Fee Advisory Committee
Res. 2009-36
Approving the Roadway Sufficiency Analysis Report submitted to the Lower Macungie Township Traffic Impact Fee Advisory Committee
Ord. 2011-10
Amending the 2011 budget to increase the general fund prior year reserves, transfer prior year reserves of the general fund revenue to the capital projects fund and amending the 2011 budget by transferring funds from general fund budget categories 01.408.313 (engineering and architecture), 01.409.361 (electricity), and 01.413.474 (alternate commercial plan review), 01.438.450 (contracted services) to 01.414.313 (planning engineering and architecture), 01.430.231 (vehicle fuel), 01.451.372 (repairs and maintenance), and 01.484.354 (workers compensation); by transferring funds from sewer category 08.493.610 (capital construction) to 08.404.401 (solicitor) and 08.429.379 (emergency repairs); and by transferring funds from the general fund 01.492.300 (transfer to capital projects fund) to the capital projects fund 30.392.010 (transfers from general fund)
Ord. 2011-11
Authorizing the Board of Commissioners to enter into an intergovernmental mutual cooperation agreement with the Borough of Emmaus whereby the Borough of Emmaus and Lower Macungie Township agree to share certain recycling equipment pursuant to the terms and conditions contained in the intergovernmental agreement
Ord. 2011-14
Amending the 2011 budget to increase the general fund prior year reserves, transfer prior year reserves of the general fund to the capital projects fund and by transferring funds from the general fund 01.492.300 (transfer to capital projects fund) to the capital projects fund 30.392.010 (transfer from general fund)
Res. 2010-12
Adopting the memorandum of understanding (Township Western Greenway) between Lower Macungie Township and Jaindl Realty, L.P., Jaindl Land Company, and David M. Jaindl, individually
Res. 2010-13
Adopting the memorandum of understanding-investigation and evaluation phase
Res. 2010-17
Adopting the first amendment to the memorandum of understanding (Township Western Greenway) between Lower Macungie Township and Jaindl Realty, L.P., David M. Jaindl, individually and Jaindl Land Company
Res. 2010-20
Establishing a policy for the procurement of professional services for Township pension plans
Res. 2010-25
Approving the memorandum of understanding for allocation of development flow credits for conveyance
Res. 2010-26
Establishing a Board of Appeals pursuant to Ord. 2004-05 and setting forth procedures for the conduct of the hearings before this Board of Appeals
Res. 2011-17
Adopting the proposed amendment to Section 404(c) of the pension plan in the form as reviewed by the Board of Commissioners
Res. 2011-20
Authorizing the Board of Commissioners to enter into an agreement with the County of Lehigh and the Borough of Emmaus whereby the Borough of Emmaus and Lower Macungie Township will accept the assignment of certain recycling equipment
Res. 2011-25
Rescinding Township Res. 2/14/1950 and dissolving the Lower Macungie School Authority
Res. 2012-01
Authorizing, empowering and directing the President of the Board of Commissioners to execute an agreement with Berkheimer whereunder Berkheimer is retained as the exclusive Tax Officer for the collection, administration, receipt and enforcement of the provisions of the respective tax enactment of the governing board levying and assessing the local services tax for the term herein defined, together with such extensions as may be agreed upon, said tax enactment having been adopted under and pursuant to the Authority of the Pennsylvania Local Tax Enabling Act
Res. 2012-02
Appointing Berkheimer as its Tax Hearing Officer under and pursuant to the Local Taxpayers Bill of Rights for the express purpose of adjudicating appeals thereunder
Res. 2012-04
Authorizing and empowering its local Tax Collector, Berkheimer, to impose and retain costs of collection on delinquent taxes
Res. 2012-05
Establishing rules and regulations for the conduct of public meetings pursuant to the Sunshine Act
Res. 2012-06
Authorizing the Township to enter into a collective services agreement with Accounts Recovery Bureau, Inc., a Kadent Corporation, with offices at 645 Penn Street, 4t H Floor, Reading, PA 19601
Res. 2012-09
Setting an assessment value for public street lighting; establishing a petition form for requests for public street lighting; and establishing an interest rate for delinquent assessments
Res. 2013-08
Authorizing the destruction/disposition of Township records
Res. 2013-12
Adopting the revision to the existing Act 537 Plan
Res. 2013-16
Authorization to deed ROW to PennDOT along Wild Cherry Lane
Res. 2013-17
Approving the Lehigh Valley 2013 Hazard Mitigation Plan
Res. 2013-18
Approving an amendment to the LMT Emergency Operation Plan
Res. 2013-19
Approving a revision to the Audit Advisory Committee bylaws
Res. 2013-21
Duties of crossing guards and agreement with East Penn School District regarding crossing guards
Res. 2013-22
Accepting online bid through Municibid.com for 2002 Ford Explorer and 1995 vacuum leaf loader
Res. 2014-08
Approving the settlement agreement with the City of Allentown
Res. 2014-09
Approving the destruction/disposition of documents and records
Ord. 2014-05
Providing for Township participation in a tax increment financing district for Hamilton Crossings
Ord. 2014-06
Providing for the creation of a tax increment financing district for Hamilton Crossings and adoption of the revised tax increment financing plan
Res. 2014-21
Adoption of Comprehensive Recreation, Parks and Open Space Plan
Ord. 2014-08
Amending the Lower Macungie Township Non-Uniformed Employees' Money Purchase Pension Plan and Trust to revise the percentage credited to the employer contribution account of each qualified recipient for certain qualified recipients based upon their date of hire
Res. 2014-24
Authorizing right-of-way to be deeded to PennDOT on Spring Creek Road
Res. 2014-31
Authorizing execution of agreement for electronic access to the PennDOT Engineering and Construction Management System (ECMS)
Res. 2014-35
Homestead exemption rate for 2015
Res. 2014-37
Accepting deeds of dedication and approving agreements for the properties in Hamilton Crossings
Res. 2015-02
Hamilton Crossings Project: Authorizing ROW to be deeded to PennDOT
Ord. 2015-02
Authorizing the Township to enter into an intermunicipal agreement to consider updating the Southwestern Lehigh County Comprehensive Plan
Res. 2015-04
Authorizing execution of roadway/drainage maintenance agreement with PennDOT, an agreement for reimbursement of maintenance expenses, confirmation letter of payment obligations for RACP grant agreement, PennDOT ROW clearance certification, and any additional documents required by PennDOT relating to Hamilton Crossings
Res. 2015-05
Amendment to RACP (Redevelopment Assistance Capital Program) grant agreement for Hamilton Crossings
Res. 2015-13
Approving a construction contract agreement for the construction of SR 222 Section HCI for the Hamilton Crossings Project
Res. 2015-14
Approving the destruction/disposition of documents and records
Res. 2015-16
Approving agreement with Norfolk Southern for construction and maintenance of the Schoeneck Road Bridge
Res. 2015-17
Granting request for liquor license transfer
Res. 2015-20
Authorizing execution of a shared use path crossing agreement with PennDOT
Res. 2015-24
Granting request for liquor license transfer
Res. 2015-25
Adopting the Hamilton Boulevard Corridor Study
Res. 2015-26
Authorizing right-of-way to be deeded to PennDOT for the Spring Creek Properties Project
Res. 2015-34
Authorizing intermunicipal agreement with Macungie and Alburtis to apply for a grant for recycling toters
Res. 2015-37
Authorizing LMT to purchase property located at 7400 Spring Creek Road and execution of sale agreement and necessary documents
Res. 2015-39
Accepting ROW on the Ancient Oak West Plan of February 20, 1970, along Route 100
Res. 2015-40
Accepting ROW along Route 100 on the Winch Estates No. 2 Plan
Res. 2015-41
Accepting ROW along Route 100 on the Winch Estates Plan
Res. 2015-42
Setting the homestead exemption rate for 2016
Res. 2016-02
Partnership with county for the purchase of agricultural conservation easements in 2016 - 2017
Res. 2016-03
Accept right-of-way, drainage easement, and a temporary construction easement from Ronald Muse in lieu of condemnation for the Spring Creek Properties Project
Res. 2016-04
Participation in the Municipal Risk Management Workers' Compensation Pooled Trust
Res. 2016-07
Authorizing right-of-way to be deeded to PennDOT for improvements to Spring Creek Road for the Spring Creek Properties Project
Ord. 2016-08
Authorizing the Township to enter into an intergovernmental wastewater transportation agreement with the Township of Upper Milford and the Lehigh County Authority
Res. 2016-12
Reconstituting the Transportation Impact Fee Advisory Committee and appointing SAFE Highway Engineering as professional consultant
Res. 2016-13
Destruction of documents and records
Res. 2016-14
Accepting rights-of-way, temporary construction easements and drainage easements for the Sauerkraut Lane extension and Schoeneck Road realignment
Res. 2016-21
Amendment to meeting rules and regulations
Res. 2016-27
Approval of the Land Use Assumption Report
Res. 2016-28
Approval of agreement with PPL Electric Utilities relating to the conversion of certain street lights to LED lighting
Res. 2017-02
Authorizing right-of-way to be deeded to PennDOT for the Trexler Senior Living Center Project
Res. 2017-05
Setting the homestead exemption rate for 2017
Res. 2017-07
Amending Audit Advisory Committee Charter
Res. 2017-09
Confirming that the Township shall continue to operate the Lower Macungie Library building as a library undisturbed for a period of 50 years and for taking all necessary, related and convenient actions in connection therewith
Res. 2017-13
Destruction of documents and records
Res. 2017-19
Granting request for liquor license transfer
Res. 2017-23
Liquor license transfer
Res. 2017-37
Adoption of a new comprehensive Plan for the Township of Lower Macungie in the form of the multi-municipal regional plan entitled "Southwestern Lehigh County Comprehensive Plan – Borough of Alburtis, borough of Emmaus and Borough of Macungie, Lower Milford Township, Lower Macungie Township and Upper Milford Township," dated October 2017 (including all maps and illustrations)
Res. 2017-38
Acknowledging the municipal partnership between the County of Lehigh and the Township of Lower Macungie for the purchase of agricultural conservation easements in 2018-2019
Res. 2017-39
Prohibiting Category 4 casinos in the Township
Res. 2017-40
Setting the homestead exemption rate for 2018
Res. 2018-01
Authorizing the execution of an intermunicipal agreement with the Boroughs of Emmaus, Macungie and Alburtis and the Townships of Lower Milford and Upper Milford regarding intermunicipal planning and participation in matters of mutual concern; and authorizing the creation of a regional planning committee
Res. 2018-09
Approving agreement for LMT to resume responsibility for certain improvements related to the terms of the final plan granted to Signature Personal and Memory Care Located at 6043 Lower Macungie Road
Res. 2018-11
Approving the Roadway Sufficiency Analysis Report
Res. 2018-12
Approving the Transportation Capital Improvements Plan
Res. 2018-14
Approving disposition of Township records
Ord. 2018-07
Establishing the annual salary and benefits of the Township Manager
Res. 2018-25
Approving the Township Manager as a liaison with Berkheimer for the purpose of sharing confidential tax information
Res. 2018-26
Intermunicipal liquor license transfer
Res. 2018-27
Adopting the Lehigh Valley 2018 Hazard Mitigation Plan
Ord. 2018-08
Authorizing the execution of amended intermunicipal agreement with the Boroughs of Emmaus, Macungie and Alburtis and the Townships of Lower Milford and Upper Milford regarding intermunicipal planning and participation in matters of mutual concern; and authorizing the creation of a regional planning committee
Res. 2018-32
Setting the homestead exemption rate for 2019
Res. 2019-09
Confirming and amending road names in Millbrook Farms Sections 1 and 2
Res. 2019-10
Authorizing execution of documents to convey agricultural conservation easements to Lehigh County of Lots 2 and 5 of the former Weiner Farm tracts
Res. 2019-11
Authorizing execution of documents to convey agricultural conservation easements to Commonwealth of PA of Lots 1, 3 and 4 of the Former Weiner Farm tracts
Ord. 2019-06
Approving an additional and an amendment to the existing eligible Deferred Compensation Plan and Trust under Section 457 of the Internal Revenue Code of 1986
Res. 2019-13
Authorizing execution of agreements with Wildlands Conservancy for riparian buffer plantings
Res. 2019-17
Approving disposition of Township records
Res. 2019-23
Supporting initiatives by developers and businesses to incorporate "Lower Macungie Township" in signage and marking materials
Res. 2019-25
Adopting design guidelines for development
Res. 2019-28
Authorizing right-of-way to be deeded to PennDOT for a right-turn lane southbound on Brookside Road at Buckeye
Res. 2019-30
Approving referendum question on November 5, 2019, municipal election ballot regarding levying of a library tax
Res. 2019-32
Approving disposition of Township records
Res. 2019-35
Authorizing execution of documents to purchase agricultural conservation easement at Kratzer Farm, 6270 Sauerkraut Lane
Res. 2019-40
Setting the homestead exemption rate for 2020
Res. 2019-42
Approving and authorizing execution of a settlement agreement and release of claims associated with a civil action filed in the U.S. District Court by Adams Outdoor Advertising
Res. No. 2020-08
Approving long-term agreement and short-term agreement with Mark and Katherine Lichtenwalner for farming Weiner farmlands
Res. No. 2020-10
Adopting a personal property disposal policy for the sale of Township assets
Res. No. 2020-11
Authorizing the sale of 1997 John Deere 6300 tractor with Flail Mowers
Res. No. 2020-21
Supporting Ord. No. 2020-02 and authorizing petition submission to the PA Liquor Control Board to allow LMT to respond to noise complaints
Res. No. 2020-22
Approving the Lichtenwalner land preservation and sale agreement
Res. No. 2020-23
Approving the Interim Act 537 Plan update
Res. No. 2020-24
Supporting Ord. No. 2020-02 and authorizing petition submission to the PA Liquor Control Board to allow LMT to respond to noise complaints (readopted)
Res. No. 2020-27
Approving amended allocation/tapping fees
Res. No. 2020-28
Approving the sale of 2006 pickup truck
Res. No. 2020-38
Supporting the establishment of charitable funds with the Lehigh Valley Community Foundation
Res. No. 2020-39
Approving subgrant agreement with Lehigh County for funds from county and DCED for the COVID-19 Relief Block Grant Program
Res. No. 2020-40
Approving agreement with CivicPlus for CivicOptimize
Res. No. 2020-42
Lease renewal for State Representative Mackenzie
Res. No. 2020-43
Agreement with the Greater Lehigh Valley Chamber of Commerce to manage a small business grant program with COVID-19 CARES funds
Res. No. 2020-46
Approving agreement with CivicPlus for CivicEngage
Res. No. 2021-05
Authorizing agreement with Norfolk Southern to close crossings at Orchard Road and two private crossings and open new crossing at the extension of Sauerkraut Lane
Res. No. 2021-06
Accepting deed of dedication for open space parcel located at 1551 Weilers Road
Res. No. 2021-13
Approving agreement with Emmaus Aquatic Club to manage pool operations
Res. No. 2021-14
Approving an intermunicipal cooperation agreement with Alburtis Borough for the inspections of Spring Creek Properties, Lots 9 and 10
Res. No. 2021-15
Amending the record retention policy
Res. No. 2021-16
Approving disposition of Township records
Res. No. 2021-17
Authorizing condemnation and acquisition of Muse property for the Sauerkraut Lane extension
Res. No. 2021-30
Amendment to the remote attendance policy
Ord. No. 2021-04
Approving the placement of a referendum on the ballot for the November municipal election to be held on November 2, 2021, setting the question before the electorate of Lower Macungie Township regarding the adoption of earned income tax to be used specifically for the purchase, maintenance, improvement and retiring debt for Township open space
Res. No. 2021-32
Authorizing condemnation and acquisition of Muse property for the Sauerkraut Lane extension
Res. No. 2021-38
Supporting Ord. No. 2020-02 and authorizing petition submission to the PA Liquor Control Board to allow LMT to respond to noise complaints
Res. No. 2021-43
Authorizing agreement with US Geological Survey (USGS) for a well monitoring gauging station
Res. No. 2021-45
Approving agreement with Dallas Data Systems to provide sewer and trash billing services
Res. No. 2021-53
Authorizing an amendment to the PUC application regarding the maintenance of the new Sauerkraut Lane railroad crossing
Res. No. 2021-54
Authorizing the dedication of right-of-way from the Township to the Township for the extension of Sauerkraut Lane
Res. No. 2021-58
Adopting a design manual for the approval of small cell wireless facilities in conjunction with Ord. No. 2021-08, amending Chapter 21, for the regulation of small wireless facilities within the Township right-of-way
Res. No. 2021-60
Setting the homestead rate for 2022
Res. No. 2022-06
Authorizing the establishment of bank accounts at First Keystone Community Bank to hold and manage funds associated with the open land earned income tax and the general obligation note, series of 2022
Res. No. 2022-09
Authorizing the Township Manager to sign certain Pennsylvania Department Of Transportation forms and to submit PennDOT highway occupancy permit applications through the ePermitting system
Res. No. 2022-17
Authorizing sale of personal property
Res. No. 2022-23
Approving an agreement with Emmaus Aquatic Club to manage Township pool for 2022 season
Res. No. 2022-30
Approving disposition of Township records
Res. No. 2022-39
Authorizing the Township to enter into agreements with Norfolk Southern Railway Company and Liberty Property Limited Partnership regarding the construction and maintenance of a stormwater pipe through Norfolk Southern Railway Company land
Res. No. 2022-44
Approving an agreement and amendment thereto with Verizon Connect NWF, Inc., in connection with Township vehicles
Res. No. 2022-47
Authorizing the Board Of School Directors of East Penn School District to assume the hiring and oversight of school crossing guards for Willow Lane Elementary School
Res. No. 2022-54
Approving service and maintenance agreement with Signal Service, Inc., to maintain and repair Township equipment, including providing emergency repair services
Res. No. 2022-68
Authorizing to enter into that certain "Agreement Authorizing Hough Associates to Collect Residential and Commercial Recycling Data and Prepare PA DEP 904 Recycling Grant Applications for Lower Macungie Township"
Res. No. 2022-69
Approving agreement with the East Penn School District to reimburse the School District for part of the costs and expenses of the school crossing guard program
Res. No. 2022-71
Granting authority to the Township to enter into a stormwater best management practices, operations, and maintenance declaration of covenants, easements and restrictions to construct, operate and maintain a post-construction stormwater management plan and best management practices at the Brandywine Village Swale Properties
Res. No. 2022-72
Establishing rules and regulations for the conduct of public meetings in conformance with the Sunshine Act
Res. No. 2022-80
Extending lease agreement with State Representative Ryan Mackenzie through November 30, 2024
Res. No. 2022-85
Adoption of the MissionSquare retirement health savings program through the Township's integral part trust and the Township's welfare benefits plan
Res. No. 2022-86
Setting homestead exemption rate for year 2023
Res. No. 2023-06
Authorizing the Township Manager to sign a traffic signal maintenance agreement with the Pennsylvania Department of Transportation
Res. No. 2023-09
Retroactively approving an emergency repair of the Township sanitary sewer system on Willow Lane between manholes ET-3 and ET-4 by Scheuermann Excavating, Inc.
Res. No. 2023-16
Authorizing sale of personal property
Res. No. 2023-24
Approving an agreement with Emmaus Aquatic Club to manage Township pool for 2023 season
Res. No. 2023-28
Approving disposition of Township records
Res. No. 2023-30
Authorizing the Township to join with other Pennsylvania local government entities and school districts as a settlor of the Pennsylvania School District Liquid Asset Fund for the purpose of investing funds on a pooled basis with funds of other Pennsylvania local government entities and school districts
Res. No. 2023-48
Authorizing the transfer of Coronavirus State and Local Fiscal Recovery Funds (CSLRFR) to Capital Projects Fund
Res. No. 2023-57
Setting homestead exemption rate for year 2024
Res. No. 2023-64
Authorizing the Board of Commissioners to enter into an intergovernmental agreement with Macungie Borough and the Lower Macungie Fire Department for fire protection services within Macungie Borough and Lower Macungie Township