[Ord. 2002-07, 5/9/2002, § I]
The purpose of this Part is to promote and protect the general health and welfare of the residents of Franklin Township by conserving the supply of underground waters and preventing the pollution thereof and to insure and protect the quantity, quality and suitability of water supplies and to secure and maintain the minimum required isolation distances between water supplies and sewage disposal systems or other sources of contamination.
[Ord. 2002-07, 5/9/2002, § II]
This Part shall apply to all wells to be drilled, or which are not in operation or in operable condition at the time of passage of this Part. This Part shall further apply to the reconstruction, major repair and other changes to existing wells. This Part shall not require permits for wells to serve single-family dwellings already drilled at the time of passage of this Part which are not yet in operation, and operable wells on properties that are vacated while being sold unless such wells are reconstructed or changed in a manner that would otherwise require a permit. This Part is intended to compliment existing regulations in effect through the Pennsylvania Department of Environmental Protection and the Chester County Health Department.
[Ord. 2002-07, 5/9/2002, § III]
A water impact study shall be required for all subdivisions consisting of more than three lots and for each land development which will draw in excess of 1,000 gallons of water per day.
[Ord. 2002-07, 5/9/2002, § IV]
The water impact study shall be prepared under the responsible direction of a Pennsylvania licensed geologist qualified to conduct groundwater investigations in the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania. The purpose of the study will be to determine whether there is an adequate supply of water for the proposed use and to estimate the impact of the additional water withdrawals on existing nearby wells underlying aquifers and streams. Any proposed water system or on-lot water supply for a subdivision creating more than three lots, or land development drawing in excess of 1,000 gallons of water per day which cannot demonstrate through a water impact study conducted in accordance with the provisions hereof that an adequate water supply will be available for the subdivision or land development proposed or which, when provided, will adversely impact nearby wells or streams, shall not be approved by the Township and shall be cause for denial of the subdivision or land development application.
[Ord. 2002-07, 5/9/2002, § V]
General Requirements. The water impact study ("study") shall be signed and sealed by the person(s) preparing the study and shall include the following information:
That the study is conducted based upon providing a water supply determined upon the following assumptions:
An average of 3.5 persons per dwelling unit.
Each person is assumed to use 100 gallons of water per day.
The study shall contain calculations of the projected water needs using the criteria set forth in the following references:
Public Water Supply Manual, Bureau of Water Quality Management Publication No. 15 by the DEP, Harrisburg, Pennsylvania, as amended.
Guide for Determination of Required Fire Flow, by the Insurance Services Office (ISO), as amended.
American Water Works Association, Standards and Manuals for the American Water Works Association, Denver, Colorado, as amended.
The study shall include a geologic map of the area within a one-mile radius of the site. The map shall be at a minimum scale one inch equals 400 feet.
The study shall also supply the following information in a format approved by the Township:
The location of all faults, lineaments and fracture traces within 1/2 mile of the well site, regardless of whether the area is within the municipal boundary of Franklin Township.
The locations of all existing and proposed wells within 1/2 mile of the well site, and all large withdrawal wells (over 10,000 gpd) within one mile of the well site.
The location of all existing and proposed on-lot septic systems and sewer lines within 1/2 mile of the well site.
The location of all streams, perennial and intermittent, within 1/2 mile of the well site.
Consideration of water impact studies prepared by other developers in the Township of adjoining townships determined to be relevant by the Township.
The text of the study shall contain pertinent data, analysis and methods used to arrive at the study's conclusions. Appendixes shall contain raw and summary data.
All figures and maps contained within the study shall have complete legends, titles, and scales.
All numerical parameters within the study shall be presented with appropriate units, and all data shall be referenced by source, date, location and time, where appropriate. Further, all computer codes shall include detailed, plain language, discussion and basis of the code including an expanded example of the code itself.
Relevant maps shall be supplied with the study identifying the information set forth above.
The study shall include a discussion of the aquifers underlying the site and their long-term drought recharge capability based on accepted published data or detailed site-specific investigations.
Based on the drought recharge capability of the underlying aquifer and the calculated daily groundwater withdrawals of the project, a hydrologic budget shall be calculated for the site property itself, and for the area within 1/2 mile of the well site.
Based on the results of the hydrologic budget, a determination shall be made on whether or not the potential exists for adverse affects on the hydrologic environment caused by the project.
The study shall include a brief statement of the qualifications of the person(s) preparing the study.
For each well that is constructed:
An accurate geologic log should be constructed during the drilling of the well giving a detailed description of the type and thickness of rocks encountered. Additionally, the log should contain information on the depth and thickness of all water bearing zones encountered and the yield from each zone. Yield from the well must be measured using a quantitative method.
A pumping test of not less than 72 hours duration shall be conducted at a rate of not less than 150% of the intended long-term withdrawal from the well. This rate must be determined by a step test and approved by the Township before the start of the pumping test. The seventy-two-hour test shall be conducted at a constant pumping rate that should not deviate greater than +/-5% during the test. Notice of all pumping tests shall be given to the Township at least 72 hours before commencing the pumping test.
In order to determine the impact of the project well on existing wells, a representative sample of existing wells, evenly spaced around the pumping well, shall be monitored for changes in water level. The number and location of monitoring wells shall be subject to approval by the Township before conducting a step test. Sufficient well monitoring shall be performed to allow for the construction of hydrographs showing a continuous record of well levels before, during and after the pumping test.
A means of accurately measuring the well discharge shall be provided subject to approval by the Township.
Well discharge shall be directed away from the site by a method suitable to the Township and to a point suitable to the Township.
Records shall be compiled in typewritten form to include the following information:
Name of driller and personnel conducting test.
Description of test well to include horizontal and vertical dimensions, casing installed and grouting details.
List of formation samples.
Static water level for an extended period for the 24 hours immediately prior to yield testing.
Hydrograph of depth to water surface during test pumping and recovery period at the test well showing corresponding pump and discharge rate in gallons per minute and time readings were taken.
Log of depth to water surface at existing and monitoring wells during test pumping period showing time readings were taken.
The study accompanying the test well data shall analyze and interpret all data regarding impacts on the groundwater supply and existing wells. The credentials of the individual(s) preparing the report shall be included.
The submission to the Township shall include any and all applications, reports or supplemental information submitted to the DEP and/or the DRBC, Chester County Department of Health.
Water Quality Analysis.
The study shall contain groundwater quality analyses, which shall include all of the parameters required by Subsection 2F of this section. The groundwater quality analyses shall be conducted on a pumped water sample collected just prior to the completion of a pumping test (see Subsection 3, Water Quantity Analysis, herein). Groundwater samples shall be required from each hydrogeologic unit from which a withdrawal is proposed and for every required pumping test.
The study shall contain the data from the above analyses, along with interpolated (for the site) values, range of values, and drinking water standard values as set forth in the Federal Safe Drinking Water Act. All laboratory analyses shall be performed by a Pennsylvania Department of Environmental Protection certified laboratory and shall be included in the appendix to the study.
The study shall contain existing water quality data obtained from nearby, adjacent groundwater sources including data presented in subsequent monitoring data collected by Franklin Township or from other studies performed for other developments within the Township or within one mile of the perimeter of the site.
The study shall indicate the location and design of all on-site sewage disposal systems.
The study shall describe anticipated water quality impacts to areas located downgradient and areas located along geologic strike, assuming conservatively large wastewater loadings of NO3-N at 45 (nitrate nitrogen) mg/l and low natural groundwater recharge rates equal to a one-year-in-10 frequency, or provide an alternative recharge rate based on documented, updated information.
In addition, the quality of the water produced by the well shall be tested to determine compliance with the following maximum contaminant limits by a water quality laboratory certified by the Department of Environmental Protection of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania to conduct drinking water analysis:
Physical Characteristics:
5 units
5 units
Threshold odor number
5 units
6.5 to 8.5
Chemical Characteristics:
250 mg/l
Nitrate/Nitrite Nitrogen
10.0 mg/l
0.30 mg/l (ppm)
20.00 mg/l (ppm)
0.05 mg/l (ppm)
1.00 mg/l (ppm)
250.00 mg/l (ppm)
Detergent (MGAS)
0.50 mg/l (ppm)
Total dissolved solids
500 mg/l (ppm)
TCE (Trichloroethylene)
4.5 micrograms/l (ppb)
5.00 mg/l (ppm)
0.005 mg/l
1.00 mg/l
10 mg/l
Total radioactivity
4 pico c/l
Bacteriological Characteristics:
Total plate count
Less than 500 counts per ml
CCHD Standard - TOTAL COLIFORM < 1 colony per ml
Identify 10 additional G.C. peaks as tentatively identified compounds.
Water Quantity Analysis.
The study shall contain a water quantity analysis which shall include locations and design of proposed wells and wells serving adjacent land parcels within a one-half-mile distance from the site boundary.
The study shall contain a current water table contour map (feet above mean sea level) based on available groundwater and surface water monitoring points. All proposed surveyed developments are required to utilize for this purpose a minimum of three existing or new groundwater monitoring points, optimally positioned to allow the determination of groundwater flow direction. For sites greater than 100 acres, there shall be at least one monitoring well for each 33 acres, or a fraction thereof, of the site.
The study shall contain existing geologic and soil maps, updated with site-specific refinements.
The study shall contain the result of a pumping test 72 hours following equilibrium, but not more than 120 hours, with the following features:
The test shall be conducted during a period of no significant recharge event, unless the influence of recharge can be factored out.
The test shall include one pumping well (roughly centered on-site) and at least two observation wells, all completed in the same hydrogeologic unit with their positions established by survey and distributed at appropriate distances along and across geologic strike from the pumping well.
Analyses shall include all pumping and recovery calculations of hydraulic conductivity's (directional), specific yield, and specific capacity, and long-term sustainable well yield (tabulated).
The test shall be conducted as set forth in the above-referenced subsections with a pumping rate equal to or greater than the proposed peak rate of groundwater use.
One pumping test (done separately and at the same time if there are two or more separate subdivisions) shall be required for every 30 homes in the proposed subdivision.
The study shall contain a projected piezometric surface contour map of the proposed pumping scheme, after 60 days without precipitation recharge. The study shall describe methods, assumptions, and site-specific hydrogeologic conditions such as anisotropy, boundaries, sloping water table, and the influence of adjacent withdrawals, that were considered and used to prepare the piezometric surface contour map.
The study shall include a map illustrating the drawdown effects upon off-site wells and springs located within a one-half-mile distance from the site boundary, indicating drawdowns of one foot or more, occurring during a year with a natural recharge rate of a one-year-in-10 frequency.
The study shall describe the effects of any proposed on-site disposal system on groundwater recharge, assuming 20% operational and evaporative losses.
[Ord. 2002-07, 5/9/2002, § VI]
Permits for construction of private water supply wells must be obtained from Chester County Health Department. Upon application for the well, a site inspection and engineering approval may be required. This matter will be determined at the time the application is processed by the Chester County Health Department.
[Ord. 2002-07, 5/9/2002, § VII]
A water system which does not provide an adequate supply of water for the proposed use, considering both quality and quantity, adversely affects nearby wells and streams, or does not provide for adequate groundwater recharge considering withdrawals, shall not be approved by the Township.
The adequacy of the water supply shall be determined according to the standards of this Part.
The adequacy of public water supply shall be determined based upon the assumption that there are 3 1/2 persons per dwelling unit using 100 gallons of water per person per day.
Where separate wells are proposed for individual lots, the study shall demonstrate that each well is likely to provide sufficient (equal to or greater than four gallons per minute) yield.
[Ord. 2002-07, 5/9/2002, § VIII]
All requirements of the DEP, CCHD and DRBC shall be met and copies of these reports and applications shall be submitted to the Township at the same time they are submitted to the various agencies.
All requirements of the Pennsylvania public drinking water code shall be met: Pennsylvania's Safe Drinking Water Act (35 P.S. § 721.1 et seq.) and regulations at 25 Pa. Code, Chapter 109.
The following Township requirements shall be met: the applicant for a public water supply well, i.e., any well proposed to service 25 or more persons as stated in the Pennsylvania Safe Drinking Water Act, must retain a registered professional engineer qualified to practice in Pennsylvania and competent in the design and construction of wells, storage facilities and distribution systems. A test well and observation well(s) will be required for all public water supply wells.
Test Well and Observation Well Construction Procedure.
The applicant shall have his engineer locate sites suitable for the test well and observation well. The CCHD and the Township shall be notified to investigate the sites. If there are any objections to the proposed sites, the applicant will be so notified. The observation well shall be located at a distance of 150 feet to 200 feet from the test well site and in no case shall the observation well be located at a distance of over 500 feet from the test well site.
A sanitary survey shall be made by the applicant and shall include the following:
Potential for flooding of the wells site.
Type, number, and location of existing and potential sources of pollution including, but not limited to, on-site sewage disposal systems on the site or on adjacent sites.
Distance from the test well to other existing wells within a 1,000-foot radius of the test well.
A preliminary conference with the Township and Chester County Health Department shall be required for all projects which include new wells. At such a conference, the applicant shall set forth the water supply problems and the proposed solution in such a manner as to support his conclusions and recommendations.
Preliminary plans, location maps, layout sketches and other illustrative material are to be presented.
A preliminary report, presenting the proposed design data, should be included in the material presented in the preliminary conference.
If the Township and CCHD advise that the site is satisfactory, the applicant shall prepare specifications to suit the type of well to be constructed. The specifications shall be submitted to the CCHD and to the Township for review and comment before awarding the contract for drilling of the test well and observation well.
When the test well is drilled, it must undergo a pumping test and the DEP, DRBC, CCHD, Pennsylvania Fish and Boat Commission and the Township shall be notified at least five working days prior to commencement of the test. Test periods must end on Monday, Tuesday or Wednesday to preclude bacteriological analyses terminating over a weekend when laboratories are closed. The test results must be satisfactory to the CCHD and to the Township.
The specifications shall provide for a continuous pumping test with the well driller on the site. The rate of the pump test must be determined by a step test and approved by the Township or its consultant. The pump test shall be for 72 hours minimum after the pump rate and pumping water level have stabilized.
The specifications shall require the well driller to keep a detailed log of the well and should require the collection of samples at every strata and at least every five feet of the material encountered throughout the entire depth. Well drilling specimens shall be kept in proper containers, labeled and turned over to the applicant for use in the final well design.
The specifications shall provide for well disinfection and for the collection and analysis of samples of water from the well in accordance with the raw water quality test requirements outlined in these regulations. The disinfection procedure shall be in accordance with AWWA Standard Specification A100, A1-10 attached.[1]
Editor's Note: Said specifications are on file in the Township offices.
Every well shall be tested for well capacity. The test method to be followed shall be clearly outlined in the applicant's specifications as approved by the DEP, the county and by the Township. The test pump should have a maximum capacity at least equal to 150% of the anticipated quantity of water from the well. The test pump shall operate continuously until the water level has stabilized. Test data to be recorded shall include water level drawdown and pumping rate during the entire test. Concurrent with the pumping test, a continuous water level record shall be made with an automatic water level recorder installed in the observation well. Recovery and long-term static water levels shall be recorded continuously for at least six months, then monthly thereafter immediately after the conclusion of the pumping test.
The test shall also include obtaining representative samples of water for chemical and bacterial analysis upon completion of test pumping.
All public adversely affected by a public water supply well must have the problem mitigated at the cost of the owner of the public water supply well by either connecting the affected water supply to public water or restoring the private water supply to the satisfaction of the Township.
Final Well Design.
All reports, final plans and specifications shall be submitted in duplicate to the CCHD with one additional copy to the Township. Ninety days will be required for processing the application. Documents submitted by the applicant for approval shall include the following:
A hydrogeologic report as required by the DEP.
Test well results.
Detailed construction plans and specifications for the proposed production well. The report, specifications and front cover or flyleaf of each set of plans shall bear the signature and imprint of the applicant's engineer. In addition, each plan submitted shall bear an imprint or a legible facsimile of such seal.
The applicant's submittal shall comprise completed copies of appropriate modules furnished by the CCHD.
The final plans shall be legible and shall be drawn to a scale which will permit all necessary information to be correctly shown. The plans should include topographic maps, general layouts, plan reviews, elevations, sections and supplementary views which, together with the specification, provide the information or the contract and construction of the facility. The topographic map shall include the location of existing and potential sources of pollution.
The datum on all plans shall be USGS and the North point shall be shown on all plans. The plans should also include boundaries of the water districts and specified areas to be served. Also included should be topography of the drainage area and site including wells, springs, streams, dams and reservoirs, the location, dimensions and elevations of structures and piping, the locations and logs of test borings and wells and the diameter and depth of the well casing and liners.
Complete detailed specifications shall be supplied for the project. They shall include a program for keeping existing water facilities in operation while the existing construction program is underway and provide a safe, potable water at all times.
All installations and operations shall meet or exceed the relevant requirements not only of the state, county, and the Township, but also AWWA Standard A100, latest edition, related to construction technique and disinfection.
Analyses shall be made of chemical and bacterial quality just before the pumping test is terminated. These analyses shall be performed by laboratories approved by the DEP and the CCHD and in accordance with "Standard Methods for the Examination of Water and Wastewater," latest edition.
The chemical analyses shall include all primary and secondary drinking water standards under the Safe Drinking Water Act, including all regulated volatile organic compounds, and:
Total alkalinity.
Calcium hardness.
Total solids.
The bacterial analyses shall include:
Total plate count and total coliform per 100 milliliters.
Five samples taken at not less than fifteen-minute intervals.
[Ord. 2002-07, 5/9/2002, § IX]
The applicant must comply with the DEP Wellhead Protection Program as amended and copies of the wellhead protection design shall be submitted to the Township.
[Ord. 2002-07, 5/9/2002, § X]
No well shall be drilled nor any existing wells used for the purpose of disposal of domestic or industrial wastes.
[Ord. 2002-07, 5/9/2002, § XI; as amended by A.O.]
The installation and operation of agricultural water wells shall meet all standards as outlined in the Chester County Health Departments Rules and Regulations, § 501.14.4, Agricultural Water Supplies.
[Ord. 2002-07, 5/9/2002, § XII; as amended by A.O.]
Geothermal well systems shall meet all standards as outlined in Chester County Health Departments Rules and Regulations, § 501.14.3.
[Ord. 2002-07, 5/9/2002, § XIII]
When the Township, DEP and/or DRBC declares a water shortage, the following water uses are declared nonessential and are prohibited within Franklin Township:
The watering of lawns.
The watering of outdoor gardens, landscaped areas, trees, shrubs and other outdoor plants, except between the hours of 5:00 p.m. and 9:00 a.m., by means of a bucket or pail at the minimum rate necessary.
The washing of automobiles and trucks except when required for safety and operational purposes.
The washing of streets, driveways, and sidewalks.
The serving of water in restaurants, clubs, or eating places unless specifically requested by the individual.
Ornamental water use including, but not limited to, fountains, artificial waterfalls, and reflecting pools.
The use of water for flushing sewers or hydrants by any public or private individual or entity except as deemed necessary and approved in the interest of public health or safety by health officials or the Board of Supervisors.
The use of fire hydrants by fire companies for testing fire apparatus and for fire drills except as deemed necessary in the interest of public safety and specifically approved by the Township.
The use of fire hydrants by Township road departments, contractors, and all others except as necessary for fire fighting or protection purposes.
The use of water to fill and top off swimming pools.
Editor's Note: Former § 26-114, Water Conservation Fixtures, adopted 5/9/2002 by Ord. No. 2002-07, was repealed by A.O.
[Ord. 2002-07, 5/9/2002, § XV]
Every applicant filing for final plan approval shall execute an agreement, to be approved by the Township Engineer and the Board of Supervisors, pending review by the Township Solicitor, before the final plan is released by the Board of Supervisors and filed on record. Said agreement shall specify the following:
The applicant agrees that he will provide a new well to any landowner within 1/2 mile of the boundary line of the proposed subdivision, if said landowners well should run dry/fail during the construction of the proposed subdivision or up to the time that the agreement expires.
The agreement will continue for 18 months after final road dedication for the entire development is accepted by the Township.
The applicant guarantees performance of the agreement by means of a type of financial security acceptable to the Township, in accordance with §§ 22-412 and 22-806 of Chapter 22, Subdivision and Land Development.
The Township Engineer shall establish the amount of funds required for the performance of this section.
[Ord. 2002-07, 5/9/2002, § XVI]
No responsibility or liability for the construction of any well shall be deemed to be placed upon the Township, or its officers, agents or employees by virtue of the terms of this Part or otherwise.
[Ord. 2002-07, 5/9/2002, § XVII]
The following words or phrases, when used in this Part or regulations adopted thereunder, shall have the meanings described to them except where the content clearly indicates a different meaning.
Any water supply used specifically for irrigation of crops, irrigation of recreational or institutional grasslands, the watering of farm animals or other livestock, where the use of such water supply shall not be intended for human consumption.
Board of Supervisors of Franklin Township.
Chester County Health Department.
Commercial, industrial, retail and professional activity, whether conducted for profit or not for profit.
Except in the case of free-flowing wells, the capacity is construed to mean the daily capacity of the pumps installed and not contemplated draft.
A person, partnership, association or corporation, and shall mean anyone to whom water is supplied.
Pennsylvania Department of Environmental Protection.
Delaware River Basin Commission.
All action necessary to construction or reconstruction of wells such as drilling, boring, coring, washing, digging, driving, or jetting. This shall not apply to drilling of blast holes in quarries or to core holes 3 1/2 inches or less in diameter drilled for exploration or investigation.
A habitation intended for occupancy by a single family.
A system including wells, pumps, and piping equipment, which supplies water to a private structure and does not meet the criteria of "semipublic water supply" or "public water supply."
Any new building or structure whether residential, commercial or industrial on a property. New construction also includes any change in the use of an existing structure.
Any individual, company, municipality, political subdivision, corporation, partnership, municipal authority, association, or any agency of county, state or federal government as well as a natural person and shall additionally mean anyone to whom water is supplied by the Township, whether as owner or tenant. This term shall include the officers, employees and agents of any of the above-listed entities.
A system which provides water to the public for human consumption which has at least 15 service connections or regularly serves an average of at least 25 individuals daily at least 60 days out of the year. The term includes collection, treatment, storage and distribution facilities under control of the operator of the system and used in connection with the system. The term includes collection or pretreatment storage facilities not under such control which are used in connection with the system. The term also includes a system which provides water for bottling or bulk hauling for human consumption. Water for human consumption includes water that is used for drinking, bathing, and showering, cooking, dish washing or maintaining oral hygiene.
A water system including wells, pumps, and piping equipment which supplies water to one or several facilities such as industrial or commercial establishments, parks, camps, hotels, motels, schools, institutions, eating and drinking establishments or a water supply which services two or more dwelling units and is not a public water system as defined by the Pennsylvania Safe Drinking Water Act, 35 P.S. § 721.1 et seq.
Water on the surface of the earth. The term includes water in a watercourse, lake, reservoir, pond, spring, swamp, or marsh and includes diffused surface water, whether natural or artificial.
Franklin Township.
Waters of underground streams, channels, artisans basins, or other bodies of water in or under the ground, whether percolating or otherwise.
Any excavation that is drilled, cored, bored, washed, driven, dug, jetted, or otherwise constructed when the intended use of such excavation is for the location, acquisition or artificial recharge of groundwater or for the installation of ground source heat pump equipment. This includes, but is not limited to, test wells, test borings, geothermal and monitoring wells, in addition to wells to be utilized as individual or semipublic or public water supplies.
Any water well contractor licensed by the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, his employees or representatives in responsible charge of drilling or otherwise constructing a well.
[Ord. 2002-07, 5/9/2002, § XVIII; as amended by Ord. 2009-05, 8/19/2009]
Any person, firm or corporation who shall violate any provision of this Part, upon conviction thereof in an action brought before a Magisterial District Judge in the manner provided for the enforcement of summary offenses under the Pennsylvania Rules of Criminal Procedure, shall be sentenced to pay a fine of not more than $1,000 plus costs and, in default of payment of said fine and costs, to a term of imprisonment not to exceed 90 days. Each day that a violation of this Part continues or each section of this Part which shall be found to have been violated shall constitute a separate offense.
[Ord. 2002-07, 5/9/2002, § XIX]
Waivers may be granted by the Board of Supervisors at their discretion upon written request showing good cause.