[Ord. 1984, 3/22/1999, § I]
There is hereby imposed by the Township of Ross, effective upon
the enactment of this Part, a tap-in fee equivalent to $800 per equivalent
domestic unit for each connection hereafter made in the Township of
Ross to a sanitary sewer utilizing the Lowries Run Watershed.
[Ord. 1984, 3/22/1999, § 2]
The aforementioned $800 tap-in fee shall be in addition to any
and all other tap-in fees, use charges and/or other charges presently
imposed by the Township of Ross on properties which will be connected
into a sewer utilizing the Lowries Run Interceptor Sewer.
[Ord. 1984, 3/22/1999, § 3]
The $800 tap-in fees enacted hereunder shall be collected by
the Township of Ross at the time that building permits are issued
and shall periodically be paid over or deposited into an existing
account maintained by the Township of Ross and the McCandless Township
Sanitary Authority for the purpose of the rehabilitation, repair,
reconstruction and maintenance of the aforementioned Lowries Run Interceptor