[Ord. 195, 11/12/2012, § I]
This Part shall be known and may be cited as the "East Coventry Township Driveway Ordinance."
[Ord. 195, 11/12/2012, § I]
The East Coventry Township Board of Supervisors may, but shall not be obligated to, appoint a Driveway Inspector who is a registered professional engineer with experience in the design of stormwater management systems and roadway design.
It is the specific intent of this Part to:
Promote the proper installation of driveways by regulating driveways that adjoin Township roads.
Promote the construction or substantial improvement of driveways in a manner that should limit adverse stormwater runoff impacts.
Protect the public health, safety and general welfare.
[Ord. 195, 11/12/2012, § I]
The following words and phrases when used in this Part shall have the meanings ascribed to them in this section, except where the contest clearly indicates a different meaning:
The owner of the property and the contractor applying for a driveway permit.
The Board of Supervisors being the governing body of East Coventry Township, Chester County, Pennsylvania.
That portion of a street or alley paved or otherwise intended for vehicular traffic. Where vertical curbs are provided, the area between the sides of the curbs facing the cartway shall be included in the cartway.
The individual or firm appointed by the Board of Supervisors having the responsibility for administering and enforcing the terms and provisions of this Part.
That portion of a lot that is intended for vehicular use and which is privately owned, whether paved or unpaved.
The narrowest width of a driveway measured perpendicular to the center line of the driveway.
The uninterrupted linear or curvilinear extent of a lot measured along the street right-of-way from the intersection of one side lot line to the intersection of the other side lot line.
The horizontal distance between the side lot lines of a lot (or in the case or a corner lot, between the side lot line and the opposite front lot line of the lot) measured at and along the building setback line. The measurement of lot width at and along the building setback line shall be as provided in and by the definition "building setback line" in the East Coventry Township Subdivision and Land Development Ordinance [Chapter 22].
The normal and customary repair or upkeep required to insure the continued proper use of a driveway, excluding such repair and upkeep that would affect stormwater runoff characteristics.
A hard-wearing road surface such as black top/macadam or reinforced concrete, or any combination thereof, but not including a dirt or gravel street surface.
The edge of the main traveled portion of any street or highway, exclusive of shoulders.
A permit issued by the Driveway Inspector for the penetration and occupancy of the right-of-way area of a Township street by the substantial improvement or installation and construction of a driveway therein. All permits issued shall be conditional subject to final inspection. Such final inspection may involve multiple inspections in accordance with the Fee Schedule.
Any individual, firm, trust, condominium, partnership, joint venture, unincorporated association, business association, or corporation, whether public or private, or other legal entity cognizable at law.
The normal and customary maintenance or restoration to a sound condition of all or part of a driveway. A substantial improvement, as defined in this Part, and a change in the original design and specifications for the driveway shall not be considered a "repair."
The total width of any land reserved or dedicated as a street, alley, crosswalk, utility, sidewalk or for any other public or private purpose.
The portion of a street, contiguous to the main traveled portion, for accommodation of stopped vehicles, for emergency use and for lateral support of base and surface courses and pavements.
Stopping sight distance shall be provided as specified in Pennsylvania Code, Title 67, Transportation, Chapter 441.1, as most recently amended.
A strip of land, including the entire ultimate right-of-way thereof, publicly owned, dedicated and accepted for public use, or privately owned, abutting and furnishing access to more than one lot, primarily serving, or intended to serve, as a means of vehicular and pedestrian travel and which may also be used to provide space for sewer, other utilities and sidewalks. The word "street" includes thoroughfare, avenue, boulevard, court, drive, expressway, roadway, highway, lane, alley, service street, marginal access street, road or similar terms. The following categories of street are defined as follows:
ARTERIALA major street or highway with high vehicular speeds or high traffic volumes of considerable continuity and used primarily as a traffic artery between rural and urban areas.
Arterial streets may be either principal arterials or minor arterials. Principal arterials serve major centers of activity and carry the highest proportions of area travel and most of the trips entering and leaving the Township, thus serving intra-area travel. Minor arterials interconnect with and augment the principal arterial system distributing travel to smaller centers of activity and allowing for more access to adjoining properties than principal arterials.
COLLECTORA major street or highway which carries traffic from local streets to arterial streets.
Collector streets may be either major collectors or minor collectors. Major collectors may provide access to centers of activity, connect with principal arterials and allow for more access to adjoining properties than minor collectors. Minor collectors serve more to collect traffic from local streets and provide access to the smallest of activity centers.
LOCALEvery public or private street used for access to abutting properties. Local streets may be primary distributor roadways, secondary distributor roadways or local access streets. A primary distributor roadway is the highest order local street which moves traffic from lower order local streets to collector and arterial streets. A secondary distributor roadway is the middle order local street which carries traffic from local access streets to primary distributor roadways. A local access street is the lowest order local street which serves no through function and provides the greatest degree of access.
Any landowner (whether legal or equitable), agent or such landowner or tenant with the written permission of such landowner, who makes or causes to be made a subdivision or a land development.
An improvement or improvements to a driveway shall be deemed to be substantial if:
A previously unpaved driveway is to be paved and drainage facilities are to be modified or installed in order to meet the requirements of the East Coventry Township Stormwater Management Ordinance, Chapter 9.
Where no stormwater drainage improvements are included, the paving of existing stone driveways shall be considered normal and customary maintenance and repair.
A drainage pipe is to be installed or replaced under and across the driveway at within a Township street right-of-way.
The original grade or design of a driveway is to be changed.
Any work done, or to be done, on a driveway that is likely to create, increase or otherwise affect stormwater flow or discharge within the cartway or right-of-way area of any Township street.
For the purposes of this Part, swale shall mean a depressed portion of a driveway constructed of asphalt or concrete and designed to carry or channel stormwater runoff.
The Township of East Coventry, Chester County, Pennsylvania.
A professional engineer, licensed as such by the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, duly appointed as the engineer for the Township.
[Ord. 195, 11/12/2012, § I]
No driveway, in the Township, shall be laid out, opened, installed, constructed or substantially improved unless it shall be in accordance with the following:
Any driveway that requires the penetration or occupancy of a state highway right-of-way area shall be laid out, opened, installed, constructed or substantially improved only in accordance with a permit issued by the Pennsylvania Department of Transportation pursuant to the provisions of Chapter 441 of Title 67 of the Pennsylvania Code. The provisions of this Part shall not apply to any driveway entering, penetrating or occupancy of state highway right-of-way.
Any driveway that requires the penetration or occupancy of a Township local, collector or arterial street right-of-way area shall be laid out, opened, installed, constructed or substantially improved only after issuance of a permit under this Part for such layout, opening, installation, construction or substantial improvement and only in accordance with the driveway standards established in this Part and otherwise in strict compliance with the terms and conditions of the permit.
Except as herein provided, any driveway which causes silt, stone, debris or water to be deposited in a right-of-way area of any Township local, collector or arterial street shall be improved to eliminate said discharge. A driveway permit is required, as provided in Subsection 1A or 1B. In those instances where a Township street has adequate drainage facilities and the Driveway Inspector determines that directing run-off to the road right-of-way, but not the cartway, is an appropriate method of stormwater control the Driveway Inspector has the discretion to grant an exemption from the foregoing improvement requirements.
[Ord. 195, 11/12/2012, § I]
Any person required to obtain a driveway permit under the terms of this Part shall make application for the permit on a form approved by the Board of Supervisors, which application shall be accompanied by an application fee in such amount as shall be established from time to time by resolution of the Board of Supervisors.
As of the effective date of this Part, owners of existing driveways shall not be required to obtain a permit, unless such driveway is to be substantially improved, as defined in this Part, and/or the original design and specifications for the driveway are being changed, i.e., no permit, as herein provided for, shall be required for normal and customary maintenance and repair of an existing driveway.
In additional to submitting to the Driveway Inspector the completed driveway permit application form and the driveway permit fee, the application shall be accompanied by the following information:
A statement giving the location, purpose and description of all work to be done.
A driveway sketch and driveway profile plan prepared in accordance with the East Coventry Township Standard Construction and Material Specification for Public Improvements showing the area to be affected, existing improvements presently erected or constructed thereon, proposed improvements for the entire driveway length, including turnarounds, and all property boundary lines within 100 feet of the proposed driveway.
Information pertaining to the discharge of stormwater drainage and the means of sediment and erosion control during and after the proposed work shall comply with the East Coventry Township Stormwater Management Ordinance, Chapter 9, except when existing facilities are determined by the Driveway Inspector to be adequate and are not intended to be disturbed, modified or improved by such work. If the existing stormwater/drainage facilities are concluded by the Driveway Inspector to be inadequate, disturbed, modified or improved, or if the proposed or existing driveway surface is two feet or more above the lowest point of any swale intersecting the driveway, the drainage facilities shall be designed in accordance with the East Coventry Township Stormwater Management Ordinance [Chapter 9]. The exception granted under [Chapter 9] § 9-121, Subsection 1B, for paving existing stone driveways shall not apply when the existing or proposed driveway surface is two feet or more above the lowest point of any swale intersecting the driveway or the pool of water created by such dam across the swale would intersect another property or such pool of water would intersect the edge of the public right-of-way.
The Driveway Inspector shall have the right to reject at his sole discretion, any application that, in his opinion, is incomplete.
The location, design and installation of all driveways and drainage facilities, affected by the proposed and/or modified driveway, are subject to the approval of the Driveway Inspector. The Driveway Inspector may require that the plans filed with the application be altered to reflect any changes or modifications that the Driveway Inspector shall deem necessary to meet the requirements of this Part.
All work shall be in strict compliance with the plans and specifications for which the Driveway Inspector issued a permit.
The Driveway Inspector shall not issue a permit for any driveway work to be performed under the terms and conditions of this Part until such time as the Driveway Inspector (A) shall have received from the applicant the completed application form, the application fee and required accompanying information, (B) shall have had an adequate opportunity to investigate and research the application, and (C) shall have received from the applicant the fee required by Subsection 7, below. The Driveway Inspector shall either approve or reject an application for a permit after review of the application and site inspection.
At the time a driveway permit application is submitted, the applicant shall remit the required driveway permit fee according to the Fee Schedule, as shall be established from time to time by resolution by the Board of Supervisors.
Any work on a driveway permitted under this Part shall commence within six months from the date of issuance of such permit and shall be completed within one year from the date of issuance. If such work has not been completed within one year from the date of permit issuance, the permit shall become null and void.
[Ord. 195, 11/12/2012, § I]
All driveways and related improvements shall be constructed and located in such a manner so as not to impair drainage or maintenance within any street right-of-way area, alter the stability of a roadway sub-grade, materially change the drainage of adjacent areas, interfere with the traveling public, present a hazard to the free movement of normal street traffic or create areas of undue traffic congestion on the highway. All surface water shall be detained on the applicants' property or development, and in no case shall the applicant direct or allow such surface water to exceed the requirements of the East Coventry Township Stormwater Management Ordinance, Chapter 9.
All work, for which a permit is required under the provisions of this Part, shall be done in accordance with standards of this section and any driveway regulations, provisions and specifications adopted by the Board of Supervisors, from time to time. With respect to all driveways, which access onto state highways, the applicable design criteria shall be those set forth in Chapter 441 of Title 67 of the Pennsylvania Code.
Stopping Sight Distance Requirements. Driveway entrances shall be located so as to provide reasonable and safe sight distances to the operator of a vehicle departing from a driveway onto a Township local, collector or arterial street. The location of all driveways is subject to approval by the Driveway Inspector. Stopping sight distance for the driveway shall be provided in accordance with Pennsylvania Code Title 67, Transportation, Chapter 441.8(h), as most recently amended.
Repairs. Any repairs to an existing driveway, under this Part, involving resurfacing shall provide a smooth and even paving transition into the Township street.
Pavement Requirements. Every driveway that requires the penetration or occupancy of a paved local, collector or arterials street shall be paved a minimum distance of 25 feet from the edge of the cartway, and meet the leveling area and grade requirements of Subsection 6, below. Driveway paving for new lots shall consists of at least two inches of compacted bituminous wearing course, ID-2, on at least four inches of compacted 2A modified stone, or four inches of concrete reinforced with six inches by six inches by 10 inches welded wire fabric on at least four inches of compacted 2B stone. When reinforced concrete aprons are used, such aprons shall consist of at least six inches of concrete reinforced with six inches by six inches by 10 inches welded wire fabric on at least four inches of compacted 2B stone, and the sidewalk adjacent thereto shall consist of at least six inches of concrete reinforced with six inches by six inches by 10 inches welded wire fabric on at least four inches of compacted 2B stone.
Leveling Area and Grade Requirements. All driveways shall conform to the driveway grade requirements of the East Coventry Township Standard Construction and Materials Specifications for Public Improvements. At no location shall the maximum grade of a driveway exceed 15%.
Dimensional Requirements.
Where curbs are provided, all driveways shall have a minimum width of:
Twelve feet and four feet additional where they attach to the cartway.
Ten feet and four feet additional where they attach to the cartway in the case of townhouses (except for lots with attached dwelling units and attached garages).
[Amended by Ord. No. 2020-247, 11/9/2020]
Twenty-eight feet and 10 additional feet where they attach to the cartway in the case of commercial, office and multifamily uses.
Thirty feet and 12 1/2 additional feet where they attach to the cartway in the case of industrial uses.
Where no curbs are provided, all driveways shall have a minimum width of 12 feet and 12 feet additional where they attach to the cartway. The applicant shall have the option of providing either a taper or radius transition from the end of the driveway to the edge of the cartway.
The entire driveway entrance shall be located within the frontage of the property that is to be served by the driveway.
The minimum distance of a driveway edge from property lines shall be as provided in the table below.
[Amended by Ord. No. 2020-247, 11/9/2020]
Lot Frontage Measured at the ROW Line
Minimum Distance From Property Line
Greater than 80 Feet
10 Feet
More than 40 to 80 Feet
6 Feet
40 Feet and Less
1 Foot
Driveways on lots with attached dwelling units and attached garages shall be separated a minimum of two feet, shall have an elongated taper, and shall be in accordance with Standard Detail No. 7 of Exhibit 21-3-A of the Township Code of Ordinances.
Corner Lot Driveway Requirements.
All driveways on corner lots or lots that have frontage on more than one road shall be located on the road that is anticipated to have the least traffic or on the road designated by the Township.
All driveways on corner lots and on lots facing a "T" intersection shall maintain a minimum distance, measured from the center line of the intersecting road to the center line of the driveway, of 100 feet, and in the case of townhouses, 64 feet.
Modifications of these requirements may be approved by the Board of Supervisors upon recommendation of the traffic engineer.
Driveway Separation. All driveways for single-family residential lots shall be separated a distance equal to or greater than 40% of the minimum lot width for which the lot is zoned. Such separation distance shall be measured center line to center line of the driveways.
Common Access Driveways. Common access driveways may be permitted for accessory dwelling units provided in accordance with the Conservation Subdivision Overlay District and two-family detached dwelling units in any district, as defined and permitted by the Zoning Ordinance,[1] provided that the driveway is installed in accordance with the provisions of this Part and the Township ordinances.
[Amended by Ord. No. 2023-260, 6/12/2023]
Editor's Note: See Ch. 27, Zoning.
Secondary Driveways. No single lot or parcel of land shall have more than one driveway, provided that the Driveway Inspector may issue a permit for a second driveway, which otherwise complies with the terms of this Part, in either of the following two cases where the owners of the single lot or parcel of land demonstrates to the satisfaction of the Driveway Inspector that the second driveway is necessary.
In the case that a single lot or parcel of land has at least 300 feet of frontage; or,
In the case that the single lot or parcel of land has less than 300 feet of frontage but contains a principal building consisting of not more than one single-family detached dwelling that existed on January 30, 1999. For purposes of the foregoing sentence, the single-family detached dwelling shall be deemed to exist on January 30, 1999, if construction of the dwelling was completed on or prior to that date.
Drainage Requirements. The intersection of all existing driveways with the cartway edge, or paved shoulder, shall be constructed by use of either a drainage swale or pipe with the selection of construction details at the direction of the Driveway Inspector. For all subdivision and land development applications and other new driveways, the selection of construction details shall be at the option of the Township Engineer.
If a hard surface (asphalt or concrete) drainage swale is used, the gutter shall be at least six inches lower than the edge of the pavement, along the gutter's center line, and six feet from the edge of the pavement. This criterion may be modified by the Driveway Inspector if field conditions dictate.
If a pipe is used, the size shall comply with the East Coventry Township Stormwater Management Ordinance, Chapter 9. The minimum pipe size shall be 15 inches. The pipe shall be located at least six feet from the edge of the pavement, or located in the center of the existing swale adjacent to the cartway, unless field conditions, upon inspection of the Township Engineer, indicate modification of this criterion. The drainage pipe shall be of a length and location required by the Township Engineer.
Curb Requirements. Where driveways are placed in relation to curb areas, the curb depression shall be two feet wider than the driveway on each side. The curb shall be depressed to 1 1/2 inches from the gutter line.
Cross Sectional Slope Requirements. All driveways shall have a cross section slope of three-eighths (d) inch per foot incorporated as a crown or continuous slope from edge to edge of pavement to shed water from the driveway to the owner's property and not on the cartway, or such other cross slope as may be a approved by the Driveway Inspector upon satisfactory demonstration by the applicant of the appropriateness thereof.
The angle of the a driveway as it intersects a street shall be such that a vehicle entering the driveway may do so in an orderly and safe manner with a minimum of interference to other street traffic, and, in the case of driveways on lots of 1/2 acre or more, such that a vehicle leaving the driveway may enter safely into the lane of traffic moving in the desired direction. Driveways shall intersect streets as nearly as possible at right angles and in no case at an angle of less than 75° or more than 105°.
Turnaround Requirements. All driveways on lots abutting any road not classified as a local road or private road pursuant to the Roadway Classification Map, East Coventry Township, Chester County, PA, prepared by McMahon Associates, Inc., dated April 9, 2004, shall be provided with a turnaround area satisfactory to the Township Traffic Engineer to permit forward vehicular egress.
[Amended by Ord. No. 2020-247, 11/9/2020]
Driveways that provide access to more than one lot shall be prohibited.
Driveways that serve commercial, industrial and office uses and multifamily uses shall comply with all provisions of this Part and the specifications provided in the East Coventry Township Standard Construction and Material Specifications for Public Improvements.
[Ord. 195, 11/12/2012, § I]
All driveways shall be maintained by the property owner at all times and in such manner so as not to interfere with the design, maintenance and drainage of Township local, collector or arterial streets or the safe and convenient passage of traffic upon such streets.
[Ord. 195, 11/12/2012, § I]
No paving of a driveway, for which a driveway has been issued pursuant to the terms of this Part, shall be commenced until the Driveway Inspector shall have inspected the site and approved the work performed up to the date of the site inspection. The applicant shall give the Driveway Inspector a minimum of three week days, excluding holidays, advance notice before paving is commenced in order to afford the Driveway Inspector the opportunity to perform the site inspection.
Within three week days, excluding holidays, after completion of the work, for which the permit was issued, the party to whom the permit was issued shall notify the Driveway Inspector of the completion of the work, and within three week days, excluding holidays, of receipt of such notice, the Driveway Inspector shall inspect the work. If the Driveway Inspector, upon inspection, determines that the work was not performed in accordance with the plans and specifications approved by the Driveway Inspector, the holder of the permit shall be directed by the Driveway Inspector, in writing, to take immediate steps, at the permit holder's own expense, toward placing the work in such conditions as to conform to the approved plans and specifications.
If more than two inspections of the driveway work by the Driveway Inspector are necessary to determine compliance of the work with this Part, the applicant shall reimburse the Township for the reasonable and necessary costs incurred by the Township for all inspections exceeding two. Reimbursement of the costs shall be based upon and in accordance with the Township's most recently adopted Fee Schedule incorporated herein by reference.
[Ord. 195, 11/12/2012, § I]
The Board of Supervisors shall require a subdivider to submit with his subdivision or land development plans, evidence that the standards for driveway construction established in this Part can and will be met for each lot within the subdivision or land development. The Board of Supervisors shall further require subdivision or land development plans to show typical treatment of the construction of driveways and the handling of stormwater drainage and erosion and sediment control along driveways.
Subdivisions and land developments shall be designed to minimize the number of driveway intersections with existing streets. Wherever deemed feasible by the Township and required by the Township to minimize driveway intersections with existing Township roads, thus lessening interruptions to traffic flow and accident hazards and to minimize erosion, sedimentation and runoff problems onto existing streets, subdivisions and land developments shall be provided with internal streets on which proposed lots will front and to which the lots will have driveway access.
[Ord. 195, 11/12/2012, § I]
Any person, firm, corporation or other entity applying for a permit under this Part agrees, by making such application, to indemnify and save harmless the Township, its officials, agents, servants and employees, of, from and against any and all liability, demands, claims, suits, actions, fees, expenses and costs (including, with limitation, attorney's fees and legal s costs, engineering fees and costs and expert witness fees and costs) and/or judgments, whether founded or unfounded, of whatever nature or kind, which may be brought, asserted or rendered against, or which may be incurred by the Township, its officials, agents, servants and employees, or any of them, directly or indirectly cause by, arising from or related to the work and/or the performance of the work, for which the permit is granted, whether or not any such liability, demands, claims, suits, actions, fees, expenses and costs and/or judgments, is caused by or arises from, directly or indirectly, the negligence of the person, firm, corporation or other entity to whom or which the permit was issued.
The application for a permit shall contain appropriate language indicating that the applicant agrees to indemnify and save harmless the Township, its officials, agents, servants and employees as provided in this section.
The officials, agents, servants and employees of the Township, to be indemnified and saved harmless in accordance with this section, shall include, without limitation, the Driveway Inspector.
The applicant's contractor shall provide a certificate of insurance, specific to the subject property, naming East Coventry Township as additionally insured. The amount of the insurance shall be prescribed by the Township in accordance with its determination of the risks involved to persons or property but in no event shall be less than $100,000 per occurrence. Such insurance shall include general liability, property damage and worker's compensation coverage, shall be written by a company licenses to do business in Pennsylvania, and shall be satisfactory to the Township.
[Ord. 195, 11/12/2012, § I]
Any person, firm, corporation or other entity, who violates or fails to comply with the provisions of this Part or of any of the terms and conditions of any permit issued pursuant to this Part, shall be liable in a suite or summary proceeding, to pay a fine and penalty not exceeding $1,000 or in default of such payment, to undergo such imprisonment as may be provided by law.
The Driveway Inspector, or any duly authorized agent of the Driveway Inspector or of the Township, may revoke any permit used to any person, firm, corporation or other entity who or which is in violation of any of the provisions of this Part or of any of the terms and conditions of any permit issued pursuant to this Part.
The Township may institute and prosecute an appropriate action or proceeding, at law or in equity, to prevent and restrain the performance of work, or acts, which violate any provisions of this Part or any terms and conditions of any permit issued pursuant to this Part and/or to correct, remove or abate any such violation.
The Township, by the Driveway Inspector or such other official or agent as may be authorized and directed by the Board of Supervisors:
May enter upon the lands where the Driveway Inspector has reasonable cause to believe that any violation or potential violation of any provision of this Part, or any terms and conditions of any permit issued pursuant to this Part, may exist.
Remove, or cause the removal of such work.
Recover the costs and expenses of such removal from the owners and/or occupiers of the land and/or the contractor of the work, all of whom shall be jointly and severally liable to the Township for such costs and expenses.
The penalties and remedies provided in this section shall not be exclusive, as between or among either themselves or such other or further penalties and remedies as may be now or hereafter available to the Township at law or in equity, but shall be cumulative and in addition to such other or further penalties or remedies. The Township shall not be obligated to pursue any one or more of the penalties or remedies provided in this section, or such other or further penalties or remedies as may be now or hereafter provided at law or in equity, but may pursue any one or more of the same from time to time or at any time as the Board of Supervisors, in its sole discretion, may determine.
[Ord. 195, 11/12/2012, § I]
This Part is adopted pursuant to the police power of the Township and is hereby declared not related to the zoning and/or land planning authority of the Township. Any person aggrieved by a decision, determination or ruling concerning the application or enforcement of this Part may appeal such decision, determination or ruling to the Board of Supervisors within 30 days of the date of such decision, determination or ruling. The Board of Supervisors shall hold a hearing and render an adjudication upon the appeal in accordance with applicable provisions of the Local Agency Law, 2 Pa.C.S.A. § 551 et seq.
[Ord. 195, 11/12/2012, § I]
The provisions of Chapter 21 (Streets and Sidewalks), Part 1 (Driveways) shall be waivable, as deemed necessary or desirable, by the East Coventry Township Board of Supervisors upon consideration of a written request for waivers citing the specific section or sections requested to be waived and reasons for the request for relief.