[Ord. No. 11.009 §1, 11-9-2016]
The International Mechanical Code®, 2012 Edition, as published by the International Code Council, Inc., including:
Appendix A: Chimney Connector Pass-Throughs.
is hereby enacted and made part of this Section by reference except as to portions hereinafter specifically deleted, clarified or amended.
If any conflict should exist between the International Mechanical Code and the Zoning Regulations Code of the City of Weston, Missouri, the provisions of the Zoning Regulations Code shall control. If any conflict should exist between the International Mechanical Code and any other ordinance of the City of Weston, Missouri, the International Mechanical Code provisions shall control and the portion of the ordinance in conflict with the International Mechanical Code provision shall be repealed. Such repeal will affect only that portion of any ordinance which is in conflict with the International Mechanical Code and shall not affect any other portions of the ordinance.
The following changes shall be made in the International Mechanical Code:
Amend Subsection 101.1, "Title" by adding: "City of Weston, Missouri."
Amend Subsection 106.3.1, "Construction Documents" by deleting the following: ". . . when required by state law."
Amend Subsection 106.5, "Fees" to read as follows: "All fees chargeable and paid under this code shall be in the amount and at such time as determined by the City of Weston."
Delete Subsection 106.5.2, "Fee schedule" in its entirety.
Delete Subsection 106.5.3, "Fee refunds" in its entirety.
Delete Subsection 108.4, "Violation penalties" in its entirety.
Delete Section 109, "Means of Appeal" in its entirety.