[Ord. 146, 2/18/1992, § 700]
No final testing shall be performed without the presence of an authorized Township representative. Any defects or problems discovered by developer/contractor during preliminary testing shall be immediately reported to the Township.
The developer/contractor shall provide all labor, materials, testing apparatus and accessories for same necessary for specified testing.
Satisfactory test results are not to be construed as an approval of system installation. The system is not deemed approved until official acceptance by the Township Board of Supervisors and satisfactory completion of the maintenance period.
The developer/contractor shall be held responsible for corrections of failures or defects that may be discovered during testing or the maintenance period at no cost to the Township.
[Ord. 146, 2/18/1992, § 701]
A calibration certificate not more than six months old must be provided to the Township for all test gauges utilized.
Prior to testing, manholes shall be thoroughly cleaned and pressure-washed if necessary. All defects and openings shall be sealed with hydraulic cement to the satisfaction of the Township. Flushed material is not permitted to enter the existing sewer system.
A successful test shall consist of holding a ten-inch Hg vacuum for a period of one minute with the vacuum pump turned off. The vacuum line to the testing apparatus must be disconnected from the pump during the test.
The vacuum may drop a maximum of one inch Hg during the test. A drop of greater than one inch Hg shall be considered a failure.
The entire manhole shall be tested, including trade rings and frame.
[Ord. 146, 2/18/1992, § 702]
All sewer mains shall be tested for deflection and misalignment using a hand pulled (go/no go) mandrel. The contractor must submit a notarized certificate to the Township from the mandrel manufacturer which states that the mandrel was constructed to allow for a maximum deflection of 5% in the PVC pipe.
Prior to deflection testing, all sewer lines shall be pressure-jetted to the satisfaction of the Township. The developer/contractor shall be responsible for the water source and proper disposal of flushed material. Flushing of lines by natural gravity flow of water from a truck or fire hydrant shall not be acceptable. Flushed material is not permitted to enter an existing active sewer system. After a section of pipe to be tested has been cleaned to the satisfaction of the Township, the contractor shall pull the mandrel through the pipe by hand.
Deflection testing shall not be conducted before 30 days after a section of pipe between adjacent manholes (including service connections) has been properly backfilled.
Any section of pipe which will not permit the mandrel to pass through shall be removed and relaid and/or repaired. The corrected section shall be retested before and after backfilling to demonstrate that the pipe meets the maximum allowable deflection specified herein.
[Ord. 146, 2/18/1992, § 704]
Each length of sewer between manholes shall be tested separately by plugging the open ends of the pipe in each manhole and ends of each service lateral. Pressure testing shall include all laterals common to the sewer main being tested. Covers for riser pipes of cleanouts (at the right-of-way line) shall be weighted down by sandbags heavy enough to prevent caps from blowing off during testing.
A calibration certificate not more than six months old must be provided to the Township for all test gauges utilized.
Air from a compressor and control equipment shall be slowly emitted to the section from one of the manhole plugs until a constant test pressure of 4.0 psig is maintained.
At this time, the pump shall be turned off and the air supply disconnected from the line. A one-minute stabilization period shall be maintained to permit the air temperature of the pipe wall to equalize. After the stabilization period, the test shall begin, provided that stabilization pressure does not drop below 3.5 psig (whichever is greater) in a four-minute test period.
[Ord. 146, 2/18/1992, § 704]
Closed-circuit color television (video) investigation shall be required on all new sewer lines to be dedicated to the Township.
Video inspection of a sewer main shall not be performed until lines have been satisfactorily pressure-jetted and tested in conformance to the preceding §§ 18-361 through 18-364. Final restoration of existing roadways and construction of new road base/paving shall not occur until video inspection has been accomplished and any defects corrected to the satisfaction of the Township.
No inspection shall be made without the presence of an authorized Township inspector. Inspection shall be by closed-circuit color television and shall be performed in one section at a time. Pipelines shall be clean and dry throughout prior to television investigation. Television inspection shall be recorded on standard high-quality VHS tape.
The television camera used for inspection shall be especially designed and constructed for pipeline inspection and shall have its own lighting system which will produce light levels from 50-1,000 footcandles. The camera must be capable of 360° viewing so lateral connections can be observed. Picture quality shall be such as to produce a continuous six-hundred-line resolution picture showing the entire periphery of the pipe. To ensure picture stability, equipment used shall be constructed in such a manner as to withstand shock and vibration.
An inspection record shall be kept which clearly shows exact locations of the following: points of infiltration, locations of pipe deflection, damaged locations, locations of lateral connections or any other condition as required. Stationing shall be measured relative to centers of adjacent manholes. Measurements shall be made at ground level by means of a meter device.
The developer/contractor shall keep records of all television investigations performed. These records shall be on a printed form identifying the project, contractor's name, date, manhole, and section location, line size, length of section, known groundwater conditions, weather conditions and any special remarks concerning condition of the line. Two signed copies of each with two copies of the videotaping shall be submitted to the Township upon completion of inspection.
[Ord. 146, 2/18/1992, § 705]
All lines not passing required testing and/or taken up for repair and replacement must be retested in conformance with the preceding §§ 18-361 through 18-365.