(See also § 27-241, Sign; § 27-2000 et seq., Signs)
[Ord. 58, 8/14/1978]
This Part pertains specifically to the display of political candidate signs throughout the Township of East Rockhill. Its purpose is to control the placing of such signs so that property is not defaced and to insure their removal after a reasonable period. The word "sign," in addition to its inherent meaning, includes, as it pertains to this Part, placard, poster, label or sticker.
[Ord. 58, 8/14/1978]
No political candidate sign shall be posted in the Township without a permit for such posting being obtained from the Township Secretary. Application shall be on a form provided by the Township and shall be accompanied by an escrow deposit of $200 for every 100 signs or fraction thereof. Deposit will be returned to applicant after it has been determined by the Township Secretary, or other appropriate Township authority, that the provisions of this Part have been met or that corrective action has been taken with regard to violations.
[Ord. 58, 8/14/1978]
No political candidate sign shall be affixed to any public property including, but not confined to, speed signs, street signs, stop signs or directional signs. No political candidate sign shall be posted more than 30 days prior to an election. All signs so posted shall be removed not more than 30 days following an election.
[Ord. 58, 8/14/1978; as amended by Ord. 192, 4/18/2000]
Any person, firm or corporation who shall violate any provision of this Part, upon conviction thereof in an action brought before a district justice in the manner provided for the enforcement of summary offenses under the Pennsylvania Rules of Criminal Procedure, shall be sentenced to pay a fine of not more than $1,000 plus costs and, in default of payment of said fine and costs, to a term of imprisonment not to exceed 90 days. Each day that a violation of this Part continues or each Section of this Part which shall be found to have been violated shall constitute a separate offense.
[Res. 98-11, 6/16/1998]
The provisions of this Part shall apply to all overhead signs and banners in East Rockhill Township and duly issued permits shall constitute the inclusion of the permitted sign under the provisions of this Part.
[Res. 98-11, 6/16/1998]
Permits for overhead signs and banners shall be issued by the Township Zoning Officer only in accord with this Part and all applicable zoning requirements.
[Res. 98-11, 6/16/1998]
Overhead signs and banners shall conform to the following, and permits for such signs shall include the information necessary to document compliance with the same:
Location. SR number and segment/offset.
Vertical Clearance Above the Roadway. Minimum of 17 feet and six inches.
Size of Banner. As specified on permit, not to exceed 80 square feet.
Description of Activity. Must constitute a national, state, regional, or local function or nonprofit activity sponsored by a political subdivision, or agency thereof or nonprofit organization recognized by the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania.
Message. No more than 20% of the message shall relate to naming or advertising a commercial product, enterprise, business or company regardless of whether such entity is sponsoring the activity or banner installation.
Duration of Display; Approximate Dates of Installation or Removal. Not to exceed 21 days.
The banner will be removed within five days or less from the ending date of the event for which the banner was displayed.
The banner shall be installed under the supervision and control of the Township on permanent cables at locations approved by, and in accord with, specifications provided by the Township.
Traffic Control. Shall be performed in accordance with the most current Department Publication 203.
[Res. 98-11, 6/16/1998]
The dates of installation, duration, removal, size, message, event and/or organization may vary, but in all cases the requirements of this Part will be satisfied.
[Res. 98-11, 6/16/1998]
Upon the issuance of any permit pursuant to this Part, the Township Zoning Officer shall promptly forward a copy of the permit to the District Office of the Pennsylvania Department of Transportation.
[Res. 98-11, 6/16/1998]
The permit applicant assumes full responsibility for erecting, maintaining and removing any such sign or banner and all liability for damages occurring to any person or property arising from any act or omission associated with the sign or banner, and a statement to that effect shall be included on the application for the permit.
[Res. 98-11, 6/16/1998]
Permit fees for signs or banners, pursuant to this Part, shall be in accordance with the current fee resolution for other sign permits.