The Mayor shall be elected as hereinafter provided and shall hold office for a term of two years or until his successor is elected and qualified. The newly elected Mayor shall take office on the first Monday in June following his election. The Mayor holding office at the time this Charter becomes effective shall continue to hold office for the term for which he was elected and until his successor takes office under the provisions of this Charter.
The Mayor shall be at least twenty-one (21) years of age, must have resided in the Town for at least one year immediately preceding his election and must be a qualified voter of the Town. He shall maintain a permanent residence in the Town during his term of office.
The Mayor shall receive an annual salary as set from time to time by an ordinance passed by the Commission in the regular course of business. No change shall be made in the salary for any Mayor during the term for which he was elected. The ordinance making any change in the salary paid to the Mayor, either by way of increase or decrease, shall be finally ordained prior to the municipal election to elect the next succeeding Mayor and shall take effect only as to the next succeeding Mayor.
General. The Mayor shall see that the ordinances of the Town are faithfully executed and shall be the chief executive officer and the head of the administrative branch of the Town government.
Appointments. The Mayor, with the approval of the Commission shall appoint the heads of all offices, departments, and agencies of the Town government as established by this Charter or by ordinance. All office, department, and agency heads shall serve at the pleasure of the Mayor. All subordinate officers and employees of the offices, departments, and agencies of the Town government shall be appointed and removed by the Mayor, in accordance with rules and regulations which may be adopted by the Commission.
Reports. The Mayor each year shall report to the Commission the condition of municipal affairs and make such recommendations as he deems proper for the public good and the welfare of the Town.
Commission Meetings. The Mayor shall serve as a voting, presiding officer at all Commission meetings.
Finances. The Mayor shall supervise the financial administration of the Town government. He shall appoint one of the Commissioners to serve as a finance officer who will prepare annually a budget which will be submitted to the full Commission for approval. He shall supervise the administration of the budget as adopted by the Commission. He shall supervise the disbursement of all monies and have control over all expenditures to assure that budget appropriations are not exceeded.
Other. The Mayor shall have such other powers and perform such other duties as may be prescribed by this Charter or as may be required of him by the Commission, but not inconsistent with this Charter.
If the office of Mayor becomes vacant for any reason, the Commission shall nominate some person, qualified in accordance with Section 402, to fill such vacancy for the remainder of the unexpired term. The person nominated must be approved by a majority vote of the total Commission membership.