An occupant or tenant shall not sublet any dwelling or dwelling unit which does not comply with the provisions of this code. In particular, but not by way of limitation, an occupant shall not permit any portion of a dwelling or dwelling unit to be occupied in violation of the standards and requirements for light, ventilation and occupancy as provided in this code. The provisions of Article III hereinabove specifically apply to this section.
Every occupant of a dwelling or dwelling unit shall keep in a clean and sanitary condition that part of the dwelling or dwelling unit and the premises thereof which he occupies and controls. A clean and sanitary condition shall include but is not limited to the following standards:
Floors, floor coverings and other walking surfaces shall be kept clean and free of dirt, filth, garbage, human and animal wastes, litter, refuse and any other unsanitary matter.
Walls, ceilings, windows and doorways shall be kept clean and free of dirt, greasy film, soot and any other unsanitary matter.
Plumbing fixtures shall be kept in a clean and sanitary condition, and no material shall be deposited in any such fixture which may result in the obstruction of such fixture or of any lines connected thereto. Every occupant shall be responsible for the exercise of reasonable care in the proper use and operation thereof.
Every occupant of a dwelling containing a single dwelling unit shall be responsible for the extermination of any insects, rats or other pests therein or on the premises, and every occupant of a dwelling unit in a dwelling containing more than one dwelling unit shall be responsible for such extermination whenever his dwelling unit is the only one infested. No occupant or owner of a dwelling or dwelling unit shall accumulate or allow to accumulate rubbish, boxes, lumber, scrap metal or other materials in a manner that may provide a harborage for pests of any type in or about any dwelling or dwelling unit floor.
The tenant or occupant of any dwelling unit shall not destroy, deface, damage, impair or carry away, nor permit any other person on the premises with his permission to destroy, deface, damage, impair or carry away, any of the facilities, equipment, appurtenances or any part of the structure of a dwelling or dwelling unit. Any violation of this section may be proceeded against without the necessity of giving notice under § 91-8 of this code.
The occupant of any dwelling or dwelling unit shall not obstruct in any manner any means of egress from any portion of the premises.
The occupant of any dwelling or dwelling unit shall not have or store flammable liquids or gas or any combustible material in a quantity greater than that permitted by the Fire Department or any other applicable codes. Permits are required to be obtained through the Town of Westernport prior to the installation and usage of liquid petroleum and propane tanks greater than 100 gallons.
Every occupant of a dwelling or dwelling unit shall give the owner thereof, or his agent or employee, access to any part of such dwelling or dwelling unit or its premises, at all reasonable times, for the purpose of making such inspection and such repairs or alterations as are necessary to effect compliance with the provisions of this code, or with any lawful rule or regulation adopted, or any lawful order issued pursuant to the provisions of this code.
Every occupant of a dwelling or dwelling unit and owner or agent thereof shall give the Town of Westernport's Director or his duly authorized agent access to any part of such dwelling or dwelling unit or its premises for the purpose of conducting inspections as required by this code.
Every occupant of any dwelling or dwelling unit bordering any street, lane or alley shall not deposit garbage or rubbish into the gutters or alleys abutting the premises and shall be responsible for sidewalk snow removal in accordance with the Town of Westernport Charter and Code.[1]
Editor's Note: See Ch. 200, Streets and Sidewalks, Art. II, Snow Removal.
In any single-family dwelling or in any dwelling where the occupants of a particular dwelling unit have exclusive control over the rear yard, those occupants shall maintain in a clean and sanitary condition, free of garbage, rubbish, bulk trash, or other offensive material, both that portion of the sidewalk and the gutter that abuts the property and that portion of any alley that abuts the property and bounded by the property lines of the adjoining properties and mid-point of said alley.
Where the heating facilities of any dwelling or dwelling unit are under the control of the occupant thereof, it shall be the responsibility of the occupant to operate the heating facilities in order to maintain above-freezing temperatures at all times in all portions of the dwelling or dwelling unit and the premises thereof which he occupies and controls so as to prevent injury or damage to water pipes and plumbing.