See definitions in Article II. See also the provision in Article XIV concerning special exceptions to comply with federal law.
Both group homes and treatment centers shall each meet the following requirements:
Supervision. There shall be adequate supervision as needed by an adequate number of persons trained in the field for which the use is intended.
Certification. The use shall receive all applicable governmental licenses and certifications as a condition of Town approval. A copy of such licenses and certifications shall be filed with the Zoning Administrator. The Zoning Administrator shall be notified in writing within seven days if such licenses or certifications expire, are suspended and/or are withdrawn or if the type of clients served by the use should change.
Registration. The use shall register its location, general type of treatment/care, maximum number of residents and sponsoring agency/company with the Zoning Administrator.
Counseling. Any on-site medical or counseling services shall be limited to residents and a maximum of three nonresidents per day.
Parking. One off-street parking space shall be provided for each employee on duty during peak shifts, plus one space for every two residents with a valid driver's license.
A group home shall meet the following requirements in addition to § 250-52:
A group home shall not meet the definition of a treatment center.
A group home shall not house persons who can reasonably be considered to be a physical threat to others.
If a group home is within a residential district:
It shall be maintained and/or constructed to be closely similar in exterior appearance and condition to other dwellings in the area; and
No exterior signs shall identify the nature of the use.
To provide a "reasonable accommodation" under federal law, the maximum number of residents in a group home shall not include and shall not limit the number of bona fide employees who are needed to supervise and care for residents.
A group home shall be permitted within any lawful dwelling unit, provided that the number of residents meets the restrictions on the number of unrelated persons that apply to any other dwelling unit through the definition of "family" and the applicable district regulations, except as provided by Subsection D(3) below.
To further provide a "reasonable accommodation" under federal law, the number of unrelated residents in a lawful group home may be increased as follows:
Single-family detached dwelling with a minimum lot area of 10,000 square feet in a district other than SR: eight unrelated persons.
Group home within a lawful dwelling unit in a TC or NC District: 10 unrelated persons.
A treatment center shall meet the following requirements in addition to § 250-52:
The applicant shall provide a written description of the type of residents the use is intended to include over the life of the approval. Any future additions or modifications to the list shall require separate Board of Appeals approval.
The applicant shall prove to the satisfaction of the Board of Appeals that the use will involve adequate supervision and security measures to protect the public.
The Board of Appeals shall place conditions on the use as necessary to protect public safety, including conditions on the type of residents and security measures.
A treatment center shall only be permitted in the NC District.