No unauthorized person shall uncover, make any connection with or opening into, use, alter or disturb any public sewer or appurtenance thereof without first obtaining a written permit from the Superintendent. Connection, alteration or disturbance of a public sewer or any work related thereto in a public right-of-way shall only be conducted by the Superintendent, his authorized representative or a duly licensed plumber.
Each and every plumber will be required to have a license issued by the Clerk of the Town before he will be permitted to do any work in the Town insofar as this Part 1 is concerned. There shall be a license fee charged to each and every plumber who will perform work under this Part 1. The license fee shall be in the amount established and/or modified from time to time by resolution of the Town Board.
If, in the opinion of the Town Board, the work performed by the plumber within the Town violates the provisions of this Part 1 or any other ordinance or local law of the Town or if the plumber's work is, in the opinion of the Town Board, substandard then, in that event, the Town Board may revoke the license for the plumber to do work in the Town which requires a permit as provided by this Part 1. Actions related to the revocation of a license shall be subject to a hearing as stipulated in § 196-133 of this Part 1.
Any person may make application to the Town Board for the purposes set forth in §§ 196-49 and 196-50. Except in case of work done wholly within the owners property, such application shall be accompanied by a bond in an amount as established and/or modified from time to time by the Town Board, with one or more sureties authorized to transact business in New York State, conditioned that he, she or it will comply with these regulations, rules and laws, will pay the district all fees, penalties or other charges required hereby in consequence of the work undertaken and that he, she or it will restore openings made in streets, roads, lanes and other public places and pavements thereon and therein, to the same standard of condition as before the work started and keep and maintain the same in such condition for a period of one year after the work has been completed and in case of failure to do so, will pay to the proper authority in the premises the cost of putting the same in such condition. The Town Board may, in its discretion, grant or deny such application. Such permission, so given, may be revoked by the Town Board at any time.
Before application for the purposes set forth in §§ 196-49 and 196-50 is approved and before commencing work, the applicant shall file insurance certificates with the Town Clerk. Insurance coverage shall be provided for the types and in the amounts as established and/or modified from time to time by resolution of the Town Board.
No person shall discharge or cause to be discharged any stormwater, cooling water or unpolluted industrial waters to any sanitary sewer. Swimming pool drains, roof drains, foundation drains, basement sump pumps, site and surface water drains shall not be connected to any sanitary sewer.
There shall be three classes of sewer lateral permits:
For residential, commercial and institutional service.
For wholesale service.
For service to establishments producing industrial wastes, which class may exist singly or in addition to those in Subsections A(1) and (2) above.
In either case, a permit application shall be submitted to the Superintendent. The permit application shall be supplemented by any plans, specifications or other information considered pertinent, in the judgment of the Superintendent. A fee, for residential, commercial, institutional and industrial users, as will be established and modified by resolution of the Town of Verona Town Board, shall accompany the application.
Connections to existing manholes shall be made as directed by the Superintendent.
A separate and independent building lateral shall be provided for every building requiring sanitary facilities. When, however, there is a building behind a front building, the second building may, at the sole discretion of the Superintendent, use the front building's building lateral, only if there is no other way to provide sanitary service to the back building. The Town shall not assume any obligation or responsibility for damage caused by or resulting from any such single connection aforementioned.
New street laterals and/or building laterals shall not go under buildings or basements. In like fashion, a building shall not be constructed over an existing lateral; the lateral shall be relocated after the Superintendent has approved plans showing the relocation.
When building laterals are to serve multiple dwelling structures, the building lateral shall be sized in accordance with the metered water use and with sound professional engineering judgment.
Where a lateral sewer is to serve a complex of industrial, commercial, institutional or dwelling structures, special design of the building lateral system shall be required. Such lateral sewer shall be connected to the public sewer through a manhole. The Superintendent shall determine if and where this connection to the public sewer is required. If required, a new manhole shall be installed in the public sewer pursuant to §§ 196-35 and 196-113 and the lateral connection made and tested as directed by the Superintendent. The Superintendent may also accept plans which provide for a complex to be served by a single sewer (six inches or larger), provided that each building in the complex is served by a separate lateral discharging to that sewer. Plans and specifications shall be prepared and submitted for approval pursuant to this Part 1.
Existing building laterals may be used in connection with new buildings only when they are found, on examination by the Superintendent, to meet all requirements of this Part 1.
Building and street lateral pipe materials and installations shall be as specified in Town of Verona Standard Specifications and Details for Sewer Facilities, as adopted by resolution of the Town Board.
Connection of street laterals to the public sewer shall be as specified in Town of Verona Standard Specifications and Details for Sewer Facilities, as adopted by resolution of the Town Board.
[Amended 5-4-1998 by L.L. No. 1-1998]
The street lateral, including the wye and eighth-bend fittings, shall be connected to the main sewer at the time of constructing the main sewer, for each proposed lot for either immediate or future development in accordance with Town of Verona Standard Specifications and Details for Sewer Facilities. The location of all lateral connections shall be indicated on a drawing with a minimum of three tie lines indicated. Four copies of this drawing, showing the as-built location of these connections, shall be furnished to the Superintendent. A refundable deposit shall be placed with Town of Verona to assure receipt of these as-builts. The deposit shall be placed when application is made; the amount of the deposit shall be as set by resolution of the Town Board from time to time. No sanitary sewer shall be accepted by the Town of Verona until four copies of this record drawing have been so filed with the Superintendent and the Superintendent has approved the submitted drawings.
When any street lateral is to serve a school, hospital or similar institution or public housing or is to serve a complex of industrial or commercial buildings or which, in the opinion of the Superintendent, will receive wastewater or industrial wastes of such volume or character that frequent maintenance of said building or street lateral is anticipated, then such street lateral shall be connected to the public sewer through a manhole. The Superintendent shall determine if and where this type of connection to the public sewer is required. Connections to existing manholes shall be made as directed by the Superintendent. If required, a new manhole shall be installed in the public sewer pursuant to §§ 196-35 and 196-113 and the lateral connection made thereto as directed by the Superintendent.
Laterals at and near buildings shall be in accordance with the Town of Verona Standard Specifications and Details for Sewer Facilities.
In all buildings in which any building drain is too low to permit gravity flow to the public sewer, wastewater carried by such drain shall be lifted by mechanical means and discharged to the building lateral, on approval of the Superintendent.
Lateral pipe installation shall be in accordance with the Town of Verona Standard Specifications and Details for Sewer Facilities.
Joints and connections shall be in accordance with Town of Verona Standard Specifications and Details for Sewer Facilities.
Cast-iron push joints shall be in accordance with the Town of Verona Standard Specifications and Details for Sewer Facilities.
Joints for PVC sewer pipe shall be in accordance with the Town of Verona Standard Specifications and Details for Sewer Facilities.
The connection of the building lateral to an existing street lateral shall be made at the property line. Except as provided under § 196-29, if a street lateral has not previously been provided, the street lateral will be constructed from the existing public sewer to the property line, by a licensed plumber, at the owner's expense.
The cost of constructing the street lateral from the existing public sewer to the property line shall be at the property owner's expense; all subsequent costs and expense incidental to the installation and connection of the building lateral shall also be borne by the owner.
The property owner shall indemnify the Town of Verona from any loss or damage that may directly or indirectly be occasioned by the installation of the building lateral.
It shall be the responsibility of the property owner to maintain, repair or replace the building lateral, as needed.
The method of connection of the building lateral to the street lateral will be dependent upon the type of sewer pipe material and, in all cases, shall be approved by the Superintendent. After installation of the street lateral has been approved by the Superintendent, the new street lateral shall become the property of the district. Any subsequent repairs to the new street laterals shall be made by the Town of Verona at the district's expense.
If, in the judgment of the Superintendent, it is determined that a building lateral, without a property line clean-out, needs repair or replacement, the district may install a clean-out at the property line, at the property owner's expense, such that the street lateral can be maintained independently of the building lateral.
All street laterals are owned by or shall upon acceptance by the district become the property of the district. Any existing street lateral which, upon examination by the Superintendent, is determined to be in need of replacement will be replaced with a new street lateral. The replacement street lateral shall be constructed by the district or by a licensed plumber. The cost of constructing the replacement street lateral shall be at the districts expense.
It shall be the responsibility of the owner of a served property to construct and maintain the building lateral from the building drain to the point of connection to the street lateral.
The street lateral and/or building lateral shall be tested for infiltration/exfiltration by:
Any full pipe method described in Town of Verona Standard Specifications and Details for Sewer Facilities; or
By a suitable joint method, with the prior written approval of the Superintendent.
The applicant for the building lateral permit shall notify the Superintendent when the building lateral is ready for inspection and connection is to be made to the street lateral. The connection shall be made under the supervision of the Superintendent.
The applicant for the street lateral permit shall notify the Superintendent when the street lateral is ready for inspection and connection is to be made to the main sewer. The connection shall be made under the supervision of the Superintendent.
When installation of street laterals requires construction beneath paved public roads and/or shoulders, a permit must be obtained by the person making the construction from the highway department or authority having jurisdiction and all construction methods must conform with such permit. Open trench excavations across roadway pavements shall only be allowed if approved by such permit.
When trenches are excavated for the laying of building lateral pipes or for laying of street lateral pipes, such trenches shall be inspected by the Superintendent. Before the trenches are backfilled, the person performing such work shall notify the Superintendent when the laying of the building lateral is completed and no backfilling of trenches shall begin until approval is obtained from the Superintendent.
All excavations for constructing building laterals shall be adequately protected with barricades and lights so as to protect the public from hazard. Streets, sidewalks, parkways and other public property disturbed, in the course of the work, shall be restored in a manner satisfactory to the Superintendent. When installation requires disturbance of paved public roads and shoulders, restoration shall include road and shoulder restoration to the standards of the authority having jurisdiction.
An interior cleanout fitting shall be provided for each building lateral in accordance with Town of Verona Standard Specifications and Details for Sewer Facilities.
All costs associated with the provisions of this Part 1 shall be borne by the property owner unless specifically stated or agreed to be a cost borne by the Town of Verona. The property owner shall indemnify the Town of Verona from any loss or damage that may be directly or indirectly occasioned by the installation of the building and street laterals and connections and appurtenances.