Except as authorized by Sections 195.005 to 195.425, RSMo., it is unlawful for any person to possess or have under his/her control marijuana as defined in Section 195.010, RSMo.[1]
Note — Under certain circumstances this offense can be a felony under state law.
Except as authorized by Sections 195.005 to 195.425, RSMo., it is unlawful for any person to possess or have under his/her control a controlled substance as defined by Section 195.010, RSMo.[1]
Note — Under certain circumstances this offense can be a felony under state law.
The retail sale of methamphetamine precursor drugs shall be limited to:
Sales in packages containing not more than a total of three (3) grams of one (1) or more methamphetamine precursor drugs calculated in terms of ephedrine base, pseudoephedrine base and phenylpropanolamine base; and
For non-liquid products, sales in blister packs, each blister containing not more than two (2) dosage units, or where the use of blister packs is technically infeasible, sales in unit dose packets or pouches.
Any person holding a retail sales license pursuant to Chapter 144, RSMo., who knowingly violates Subsection (A) of this Section is guilty of a misdemeanor.
Any person who is considered the general owner or operator of the outlet where ephedrine, pseudoephedrine or phenylpropanolamine products are available for sale who violates Subsection (A) of this Section shall not be penalized pursuant to this Section if such person documents that an employee training program was in place to provide the employee with information on the State and Federal regulations regarding ephedrine, pseudoephedrine or phenylpropanolamine.
It is unlawful for any person to use, or to possess with intent to use, drug paraphernalia as defined by Section 195.010, RSMo., to plant, propagate, cultivate, grow, harvest, manufacture, compound, convert, produce, process, prepare, test, analyze, pack, repack, store, contain, conceal, inject, ingest, inhale or otherwise introduce into the human body a controlled substance as defined by Section 195.010, RSMo., or an imitation controlled substance as defined by Section 195.010, RSMo., in violation of Sections 195.005 to 195.425, RSMo.[1]
Note — Under certain circumstances this offense can be a felony under state law.
No person shall intentionally smell or inhale the fumes of any solvent, particularly toluol, or induce any other person to do so for the purpose of causing a condition of, or inducing symptoms of, intoxication, elation, euphoria, dizziness, excitement, irrational behavior, exhilaration, paralysis, stupefaction, or dulling of senses or nervous system, or for the purpose of, in any manner, changing, distorting or disturbing the audio, visual or mental processes; except that this Section shall not apply to the inhalation of any anesthesia for medical or dental purposes.
No person shall intentionally or willfully induce the symptoms of intoxication, elation, euphoria, dizziness, excitement, irrational behavior, exhilaration, paralysis, stupefaction, or dulling of the senses or nervous system, distortion of audio, visual or mental processes by the use of any solvent, particularly toluol.
No person shall intentionally possess any solvent, particularly toluol, for the purpose of using it in the manner prohibited by Section 210.550 and this Section.
No person shall intentionally possess or buy any solvent, particularly toluol, for the purpose of inducing or aiding any other person to violate the provisions of Sections 210.550 and 210.560 hereof.
Any person who violates any provision of Sections 210.550210.570 is guilty of an ordinance violation.
[Ord. No. 544 § 1, 4-30-2012]
Definitions. As used in this Section, the following words and/or phrases shall have the meanings as set forth herein:
All forms of ephedrine, pseudoephedrine, ephedrine hydrochloride, pseudoephedrine hydrochloride, phenylpropanolamine and all combinations of these chemicals.
Any product that contains ephedrine, its salts, isomers or salts of isomers as its sole active ingredient or in combination with less than therapeutically significant quantities of other active ingredients.
Any number of pills, tablets, capsules, caplets or individual units of a substance held within a container intended for sale.
Any individual, corporation, partnership, trust, limited liability company, firm, association or other entity selling an ephedrine product to customers.
To knowingly furnish, give away, exchange, transfer, deliver, surrender or supply whether for monetary gain or not.
Restrictions On Public Access To Ephedrine Products. It shall be unlawful for any person to sell, deliver, or distribute ephedrine or any ephedrine product without a valid prescription written by a licensed physician or other healthcare professional licensed to write prescriptions and filled by a Missouri-licensed pharmacist.
Exception. The prohibition contained in Subsection (B) shall not apply to the sale of animal feed containing ephedrine or dietary supplement products containing naturally occurring or herbal Ephedra and extract of Ephedra.
Reporting Theft Of Ephedrine Products.
Any person who sells ephedrine products and who discovers a theft, disappearance or other loss of an ephedrine product shall report the theft, disappearance or loss in writing to the Steele Police Department within twenty-four (24) hours of such a discovery.
Any person who sells ephedrine products shall report to the Steele Police Department any difference between the quantity of ephedrine products shipped and the quantity of ephedrine products received within three (3) calendar days of discovery.
Penalty And Injunctive Relief.
Each violation of this Section shall be considered a separate offense.
The Mayor may institute an action for injunctive relief to enforce the provisions of this Section.
Every act or omission constituting a violation of any of the provisions of this Section by any agent or employee of any person shall be deemed and held to be the act of such person, and said person shall be punishable in the same manner as if said act or omission had been done or omitted by him or it personally, provided such act or omission was within the scope of employment or the scope of authority of such agent or employee.
Each violation shall be punishable by a fine not to exceed five hundred dollars ($500.00) or a jail sentence not to exceed ninety (90) days or by both such fine and imprisonment.