[HISTORY: Adopted by the Mayor and Commissioners of the Town of Westernport 10-5-2015 as § 175-1 of the 2015 Code. Amendments noted where applicable.]
It shall be the duty of the owners and occupants of every house in the Town of Westernport to have placed thereon, in a place visible from the street, figures at least 2 1/2 inches high showing the number of the house.
[Amended 10-1-2018 by Ord. No. 9-4-2018B]
Any person, firm or corporation failing to so number any house, building or any other structure occupied by him, or after receiving notice to do so from the Town shall continue to fail to so number each house, building or structure, shall be guilty of a municipal infraction subject to Chapter 135 of the Code of the Town of Westernport.