[Adopted 10-5-2015 as Ch. 56 of the 2015 Code]
The Mayor shall appoint a purchasing agent. The individual shall perform all duties required by law and shall have the powers and duties prescribed by this article.
Editor's Note: Amended at time of adoption of Code (see Ch. 1, General Provisions, Art. I).
The purchasing agent is authorized to contract for all supplies and contractual services needed by any Town department which derives its support wholly or in part from the Town in accordance with purchasing procedures as prescribed by this article, and such other rules and regulations which are from time to time prescribed by the Mayor and Commissioners.[1]
Editor's Note: Amended at time of adoption of Code (see Ch. 1, General Provisions, Art. I).
In addition to any powers and duties prescribed by this article, the purchasing agent shall:
Act to procure for the Town the highest quality in supplies and contractual services at the lowest expense to the Town.
Endeavor to obtain as full and open a competition as possible on all purchases and sales.
Establish and amend, when necessary, all rules and regulations authorized by this article and any others necessary to its operation.
Keep informed of current developments in the field of purchasing, prices, market conditions, and new products and secure for the Town the benefits of research done in the field of purchasing by other governmental jurisdictions, national technical societies, trade associations having national recognition, and by private businesses and organizations.
Prescribe and maintain such forms as he shall find reasonably necessary to the operation of this article.
Exploit the possibilities of buying in bulk so as to take full advantage of discounts.
Act so as to procure for the Town all federal and state exemptions to which it is entitled.
Have the authority to declare vendors who default on their quotations irresponsible bidders and to disqualify them from receiving any business from the Town for a stated period of time.
Establish guidelines for each contract for purchase provisions for the procurement of items locally.
Any purchase of supplies or contractual services, when the estimated or known cost thereof exceed $10,000 in a given fiscal year, shall be authorized by the Mayor and Commissioners and such purchases shall be made after the taking of competitive bids, unless the taking of bids is not required as otherwise provided herein.
Public notice of all required bidding shall be given in one issue of a newspaper having general circulation within the Town and such other newspapers or trade publications as may be considered appropriate for notifying a sufficient number of vendors to assure effective competition. Such public notice shall be published not less than 20 days prior to the opening of bids. Copies of the notice may be mailed to a list of qualified vendors prepared by the purchasing agent, which list shall include all responsible prospective suppliers who have requested their names to be placed on the list of bidders. Special attention shall be given to notifying vendors having offices or residing within the Town or which have qualified with the federal government, state or county as a minority-owned business enterprise. The notice required herein shall include a general description of the articles to be purchased or sold and shall state where bid specifications may be secured and the time and place for opening bids.
The closing date and time for receiving bids shall be during normal business hours of the Town or at the time of a meeting of the Mayor and Commissioners. Bids shall be identified as bids on the envelope. Bids shall be publicly opened by the purchasing agent or the agent's designee in a room suitable for accommodating persons who may wish to be present immediately following the closing of the time for the receiving of bids and shall be publicly read.
The purchasing agent shall not accept the bid of a contractor who is in default in the payment of taxes, licenses or other moneys due to the Town.
The purchasing agent or the Mayor and Commissioners shall have the right to reject all bids, parts of all bids, or all bids for any one or more supplies or contractual services included in the proposed contract, when such actions would be in the best interests of the Town.
For purchases or contract for which the taking of competitive bids is required, the purchasing agent shall furnish the Mayor and Commissioners as soon as practical a tabulation of all bids, the purchasing agent's recommendation as to award of the bid and such other information as the Mayor and Commissioners may need or shall require. The Mayor and Commissioners shall award the purchase and authorize the purchasing agent to enter into a contract with that bidder offering the best bid.
In determining the best bid, the purchasing agent and the Mayor and Commissioners shall give consideration to the following:
The ability, capacity and skill of the bidder to perform the contract or provide the service required.
Whether the bidder can perform the contract or provide the service promptly, or within the time specified, without delay or interference.
The character, integrity, reputation, judgment, experience and efficiency of the bidder.
The quality of performance of previous contract or services.
The previous and existing compliance by the bidder with the laws and ordinances relating to the contract or service.
The sufficiency of the financial resources and ability of the bidder to perform the contract or provide the service.
The quality, availability and adaptability of the supplies or contractual services to the particular use required.
The ability of the bidder to provide future maintenance and service of the items to be purchased, if required, and the convenience to the Town of the location at which such maintenance or service will be performed.
The number or scope of conditions attached to the bid.
The estimated life cycle costs of the items to be purchased when it is possible to reasonably estimate such costs.
The cost of delivery of supplies or services to be purchased or, if the Town must obtain delivery of supplies or receive services at a place other than the premises of the Town, the convenience of the location at which delivery or receipt is to be made.
Whether or not the bidder is a person or business located within the corporate limits of the Town of Westernport or a minority-owned business enterprise that has submitted a bid which has been adjudged to be equal in all other respects to the bids received from bidders which are neither minority owned nor located within the corporate limits of the Town.
Such other information which, in the judgment of the Mayor and Commissioners, may have bearing upon the determination as to which bidder has offered the best bid.
When the purchasing agent recommends award to other than the lowest bidder, he shall have caused to be prepared for the Mayor and Commissioners a full and complete statement of the reasons for placing the order elsewhere.
Subject to the approval of the purchase by the Mayor and Commissioners, the requirement for the taking of competitive bids shall not be required:
If the Mayor and Commissioners, by resolution, waive the requirement for the taking of competitive bids and authorize a negotiated purchase or contract upon their determination that it is in the best interest of the Town or that an emergency exists.
If a competitive bid procedure is not feasible because the purchase is made from one the following regulated companies:
The Allegheny Power Company.
Columbia Gas.
If a competitive bid procedure is not feasible because the purchase is made from the central stores or services of Allegany County, the State of Maryland or another governmental agency.
If a competitive bid procedure is not feasible because the purchase is for the employment of a professional engineer, architect, attorney, or medical practitioner, insurance, emergency repairs to vehicles, or any other professional service.[1]
Editor's Note: Amended at time of adoption of Code (see Ch. 1, General Provisions, Art. I).
If the purchase is to be made from a supplier to another governmental agency at such prices as are offered to that governmental agency if the prices for such items have been obtained as the result of a competitive bid procedure, or if the purchase is to be made based upon competitive bids solicited and received by another governmental agency under a cooperative joint purchasing arrangement in which the Town is a participant. The Mayor and Commissioners are to be provided with information concerning the specifications of the items or services to be purchased and the bidding procedure that was followed. Upon the approval of the purchase by the Mayor and Commissioners, the procedures for the taking of bids followed by the other governmental agency shall be considered to meet all Town requirements for the taking of bids.
For the acquisition of critical services or equipment resulting from an emergency, including but not limited to fire, flood, earthquake, or storm.
All purchases of supplies and contractual services and all sales of personal property which has become obsolete and unusable, the estimated or known value of which is such that the approval of the Mayor and Commissioners is not required, may be made in the open market upon the authorization of the purchasing agent, without newspaper advertisement. All open market purchases shall, whenever possible, be made from the supplier offering the best quotation, and opportunity shall be given to all suppliers to furnish the Town with product or service and price information and to be considered in the making of purchases.
Purchase order forms and verification of funds for purchases over $500. All purchases estimated to be in excess of $500 shall be approved by the purchasing agent on a written purchase order form. Prior to making any such purchase, the purchasing agent shall obtain from the Finance Director a verification of the availability of appropriated funds for the purchase and that funds have been encumbered for the amount of the estimated purchase.